use of org.jooq.Record6 in project jOOQ by jOOQ.
the class PostgresDatabase method getIndexes0.
protected List<IndexDefinition> getIndexes0() throws SQLException {
List<IndexDefinition> result = new ArrayList<>();
PgIndex i ="i");
PgClass trel ="trel");
PgConstraint c ="c");
indexLoop: for (Record6<String, String, String, Boolean, String[], Integer[]> record : create().select(trel.pgNamespace().NSPNAME, trel.RELNAME, i.indexClass().RELNAME, i.INDISUNIQUE, array(select(field("pg_get_indexdef({0}, k + 1, true)", String.class, i.INDEXRELID)).from("generate_subscripts({0}, 1) as k", i.INDKEY).orderBy(field("k"))).as("columns"), field("{0}::int[]", Integer[].class, i.INDOPTION).as("asc_or_desc")).from(i).join(trel).on(trel.OID.eq(i.INDRELID)).where(trel.pgNamespace() ? noCondition() : row(trel.pgNamespace().NSPNAME, i.indexClass().RELNAME).notIn(select(c.pgNamespace().NSPNAME, c.CONNAME).from(c))).orderBy(1, 2, 3)) {
final SchemaDefinition tableSchema = getSchema(record.get(trel.pgNamespace().NSPNAME));
if (tableSchema == null)
continue indexLoop;
final String indexName = record.get(i.indexClass().RELNAME);
final String tableName = record.get(trel.RELNAME);
final String[] columns = record.value5();
final Integer[] options = record.value6();
final TableDefinition table = getTable(tableSchema, tableName);
if (table == null)
continue indexLoop;
final boolean unique = record.get(i.INDISUNIQUE);
for (int k = 0; k < columns.length; k++) // the column expression, because it might be quoted
if (table.getColumn(columns[k]) == null && table.getColumn(columns[k] = tryParseColumnName(columns[k])) == null)
continue indexLoop;
else // columns without options
if (k >= options.length)
continue indexLoop;
result.add(new AbstractIndexDefinition(tableSchema, indexName, table, unique) {
List<IndexColumnDefinition> indexColumns = new ArrayList<>();
for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < columns.length; ordinal++) {
ColumnDefinition column = table.getColumn(columns[ordinal]);
// [#6307] Some background info on this bitwise operation here:
SortOrder order = (options[ordinal] & 1) == 1 ? SortOrder.DESC : SortOrder.ASC;
indexColumns.add(new DefaultIndexColumnDefinition(this, column, order, ordinal + 1));
protected List<IndexColumnDefinition> getIndexColumns0() {
return indexColumns;
return result;