use of org.jooq.conf.Settings in project OpenAttestation by OpenAttestation.
the class TagJdbi method jooq.
* CODE QUALITY: All usage of this method should be in the following form:
* <pre>
* try(JooqContainer jc = TagJdbi.jooq()) {
* DSLContext jooq = jc.getDslContext();
* // code
* }
* </pre>
* This ensures the jooq database connection is automatically released
* at the end of the block (either closed or returned to the pool)
* @return
* @throws SQLException
* @throws IOException
public static JooqContainer jooq() throws SQLException, IOException {
// omits the schema name from generated sql ; when we connect to the database we already specify a schema so this settings avoid
// redundancy in the sql and allows the administrator to change the database name without breaking the application
Settings settings = new Settings().withRenderSchema(false).withRenderNameStyle(RenderNameStyle.LOWER);
SQLDialect dbDialect = getSqlDialect();
// throws SQLException; Note that the DSLContext doesn't close the connection. We'll have to do that ourselves.
Connection connection = TagJdbi.getDataSource().getConnection();
DSLContext jooq = DSL.using(connection, dbDialect, settings);
return new JooqContainer(jooq, connection);
use of org.jooq.conf.Settings in project steve by RWTH-i5-IDSG.
the class BeanConfiguration method dslContext.
* Can we re-use DSLContext as a Spring bean (singleton)? Yes, the Spring tutorial of
* Jooq also does it that way, but only if we do not change anything about the
* config after the init (which we don't do anyways) and if the ConnectionProvider
* does not store any shared state (we use DataSourceConnectionProvider of Jooq, so no problem).
* Some sources and discussion:
* -
* -
* -!topic/jooq-user/VK7KQcjj3Co
* -
public DSLContext dslContext() {
Settings settings = new Settings().withAttachRecords(false).withExecuteLogging(CONFIG.getDb().isSqlLogging());
// Configuration for JOOQ
org.jooq.Configuration conf = new DefaultConfiguration().set(SQLDialect.MYSQL).set(new DataSourceConnectionProvider(dataSource)).set(settings);
return DSL.using(conf);
use of org.jooq.conf.Settings in project waltz by khartec.
the class DIBaseConfiguration method dsl.
public DSLContext dsl(DataSource dataSource) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
System.err.println("Cannot parse sql dialect: " + dialect);
throw iae;
// TODO: remove sql server setting, see #4553
Settings dslSettings = new Settings().withRenderOutputForSQLServerReturningClause(false);
if ("true".equals(System.getProperty(JOOQ_DEBUG_PROPERTY))) {
org.jooq.Configuration configuration = new DefaultConfiguration().set(dataSource).set(SQLDialect.valueOf(dialect)).set(dslSettings).set(new SlowQueryListener(databasePerformanceQuerySlowThreshold)).set(new SpringExceptionTranslationExecuteListener(new SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator()));
return DSL.using(configuration);
use of org.jooq.conf.Settings in project waltz by khartec.
the class SlowQueryListener method executeEnd.
public void executeEnd(ExecuteContext ctx) {
long split = stopWatch.split();
if (split > slowQueryThresholdInNanos) {
DSLContext context = DSL.using(ctx.dialect(), // ... and the flag for pretty-printing
new Settings().withRenderFormatted(true));"Slow SQL executed in %d seconds", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(split)), new SQLPerformanceWarning(context.renderInlined(ctx.query())));
use of org.jooq.conf.Settings in project jOOQ by jOOQ.
the class DDLDatabase method export.
protected void export() throws Exception {
Settings defaultSettings = new Settings();
String scripts = getProperties().getProperty("scripts");
String encoding = getProperties().getProperty("encoding", "UTF-8");
String sort = getProperties().getProperty("sort", "semantic").toLowerCase();
final String defaultNameCase = getProperties().getProperty("defaultNameCase", "as_is").toUpperCase();
boolean parseIgnoreComments = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperties().getProperty("parseIgnoreComments"));
String parseIgnoreCommentStart = getProperties().getProperty("parseIgnoreCommentStart", defaultSettings.getParseIgnoreCommentStart());
String parseIgnoreCommentStop = getProperties().getProperty("parseIgnoreCommentStop", defaultSettings.getParseIgnoreCommentStop());
logExecutedQueries = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperties().getProperty("logExecutedQueries"));
logExecutionResults = !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(getProperties().getProperty("logExecutionResults"));
if (isBlank(scripts)) {
scripts = "";
log.warn("No scripts defined", "It is recommended that you provide an explicit script directory to scan");
try {
final DSLContext ctx = DSL.using(connection(), new Settings().withParseIgnoreComments(parseIgnoreComments).withParseIgnoreCommentStart(parseIgnoreCommentStart).withParseIgnoreCommentStop(parseIgnoreCommentStop).withParseUnknownFunctions(ParseUnknownFunctions.IGNORE));
// [#7771] [#8011] Ignore all parsed storage clauses when executing the statements"org.jooq.ddl.ignore-storage-clauses", true);
// [#8910] Parse things a bit differently for use with the DDLDatabase"org.jooq.ddl.parse-for-ddldatabase", true);
if (!"AS_IS".equals(defaultNameCase)) {
ctx.configuration().set(new DefaultVisitListener() {
public void visitStart(VisitContext vc) {
if (vc.queryPart() instanceof Name) {
Name n = (Name) vc.queryPart();
Name[] parts =;
boolean changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
// flag for DSL.systemName() names
if (parts[i].quoted() == Quoted.UNQUOTED) {
parts[i] = DSL.quotedName("UPPER".equals(defaultNameCase) ? parts[i].first().toUpperCase(renderLocale(ctx.settings())) : parts[i].first().toLowerCase(renderLocale(ctx.settings())));
changed = true;
if (changed)
new FilePattern().encoding(encoding).basedir(new File(getBasedir())).pattern(scripts).sort(Sort.of(sort)).load(source -> DDLDatabase.this.load(ctx, source));
} catch (ParserException e) {
log.error("An exception occurred while parsing script source : " + scripts + ". Please report this error to", e);
throw e;