use of org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException in project keywhiz by square.
the class ClientsResource method createClient.
* Create Client
* @excludeParams user
* @param createClientRequest the JSON client request used to formulate the Client
* @description Creates a Client with the name from a valid client request.
* Used by Keywhiz CLI and the web ui.
* @responseMessage 200 Successfully created Client
* @responseMessage 409 Client with given name already exists
public Response createClient(@Auth User user, @Valid CreateClientRequest createClientRequest) {"User '{}' creating client '{}'.", user,;
long clientId;
try {
clientId = clientDAO.createClient(, user.getName(), "");
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
logger.warn("Cannot create client {}: {}",, e);
throw new ConflictException("Conflict creating client.");
URI uri = UriBuilder.fromResource(ClientsResource.class).path("{clientId}").build(clientId);
Response response = Response.created(uri).entity(clientDetailResponseFromId(clientId)).build();
if (response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) {
auditLog.recordEvent(new Event(, EventTag.CLIENT_CREATE, user.getName(),;
return response;
use of org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException in project keywhiz by square.
the class AutomationSecretResourceTest method triesToCreateDuplicateSecret.
@Test(expected = ConflictException.class)
public void triesToCreateDuplicateSecret() throws Exception {
DataAccessException exception = new DataAccessException("");
ImmutableMap<String, String> emptyMap = ImmutableMap.of();
CreateSecretRequest req = new CreateSecretRequest("name", "desc", "content", emptyMap, 0);
resource.createSecret(automation, req);
use of org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException in project keywhiz by square.
the class SecretsResourceTest method triesToCreateDuplicateSecret.
@Test(expected = ConflictException.class)
public void triesToCreateDuplicateSecret() throws Exception {
SecretController.SecretBuilder secretBuilder = mock(SecretController.SecretBuilder.class);
when(secretController.builder("name", "content", user.getName(), 0)).thenReturn(secretBuilder);
DataAccessException exception = new DataAccessException("");
CreateSecretRequest req = new CreateSecretRequest("name", "desc", "content", emptyMap, 0);
resource.createSecret(user, req);
use of org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException in project torodb by torodb.
the class PostgreSqlWriteInterface method insertDocPartData.
public void insertDocPartData(DSLContext dsl, String schemaName, DocPartData docPartData) throws UserException {
metrics.insertFields.mark(docPartData.rowCount() * (docPartData.fieldColumnsCount() + docPartData.scalarColumnsCount()));
if (docPartData.rowCount() == 0) {
try (Timer.Context ctx = metrics.insertDocPartDataTimer.time()) {
int maxCappedSize = 10;
int cappedSize = Math.min(docPartData.rowCount(), maxCappedSize);
if (cappedSize < maxCappedSize) {
//there are not enough elements on the insert => fallback
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOGGER.trace("The insert window is not big enough to use copy (the limit is {}, the real " + "size is {}).", maxCappedSize, cappedSize);
super.insertDocPartData(dsl, schemaName, docPartData);
} else {
Connection connection = dsl.configuration().connectionProvider().acquire();
try {
if (!connection.isWrapperFor(PGConnection.class)) {
LOGGER.warn("It was impossible to use the PostgreSQL way to " + "insert documents. Inserting using the standard " + "implementation");
super.insertDocPartData(dsl, schemaName, docPartData);
} else {
try {
copyInsertDocPartData(connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class), schemaName, docPartData);
} catch (DataAccessException ex) {
throw errorHandler.handleUserException(Context.INSERT, ex);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw errorHandler.handleUserException(Context.INSERT, ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException && ex.getMessage() == null) {
ex = new EOFException("End of file while COPYing data");
throw new SystemException(ex);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw errorHandler.handleException(Context.INSERT, ex);
} finally {