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Example 36 with ConfigurationException

use of org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException in project jPOS by jpos.

the class PackagerWrapper method setConfiguration.

 * requires <code>inner-packager</code> property
 * @param cfg Configuration object
 * @throws ConfigurationException
public void setConfiguration(Configuration cfg) throws ConfigurationException {
    this.cfg = cfg;
    String packagerName = cfg.get("inner-packager");
    try {
        Class p = Class.forName(packagerName);
        setPackager((ISOPackager) p.newInstance());
        if (standardPackager instanceof Configurable)
            ((Configurable) standardPackager).setConfiguration(cfg);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid inner-packager", e);
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid inner-packager", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid inner-packager", e);
Also used : ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) Configurable(org.jpos.core.Configurable)

Example 37 with ConfigurationException

use of org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException in project jPOS by jpos.

the class QFactory method getObject.

 * Creates an object from a definition element.
 * The element may have an attribute called type indicating the type of the object
 * to create, if this attribute is not present java.lang.String is assumed.
 * int, long and boolean are converted to their wrappers.
 * @return The created object.
 * @param childElement Dom Element with the definition of the object.
 * @throws ConfigurationException If an exception is found trying to create the object.
protected Object getObject(Element childElement) throws ConfigurationException {
    String type = childElement.getAttributeValue("type", "java.lang.String");
    if ("int".equals(type))
        type = "java.lang.Integer";
    else if ("long".equals(type))
        type = "java.lang.Long";
    else if ("boolean".equals(type))
        type = "java.lang.Boolean";
    String value = childElement.getText();
    try {
        Class attributeType = Class.forName(type);
        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(attributeType))
            return getCollection(attributeType, childElement);
        else {
            Class[] parameterTypes = { "".getClass() };
            Object[] parameterValues = { value };
            return attributeType.getConstructor(parameterTypes).newInstance(parameterValues);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(e1);
Also used : ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) MalformedURLException( ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)

Example 38 with ConfigurationException

use of org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException in project jPOS by jpos.

the class QFactory method getConfiguration.

public Configuration getConfiguration(Element e) throws ConfigurationException {
    String configurationFactoryClazz = e.getAttributeValue("configuration-factory");
    ConfigurationFactory cf = configurationFactoryClazz != null ? (ConfigurationFactory) newInstance(configurationFactoryClazz) : defaultConfigurationFactory;
    Configuration cfg = cf.getConfiguration(e);
    String merge = e.getAttributeValue("merge-configuration");
    if (merge != null) {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(merge, ", ");
        while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
            try {
                Configuration c = QConfig.getConfiguration(st.nextToken());
                for (String k : c.keySet()) {
                    if (cfg.get(k, null) == null) {
                        String[] v = c.getAll(k);
                        switch(v.length) {
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                cfg.put(k, v[0]);
                                cfg.put(k, v);
            } catch (NameRegistrar.NotFoundException ex) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(ex.getMessage());
    return cfg;
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) NameRegistrar(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar) Configuration(org.jpos.core.Configuration) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException)

Example 39 with ConfigurationException

use of org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException in project jPOS by jpos.

the class SimpleConfigurationFactory method getConfiguration.

public Configuration getConfiguration(Element e) throws ConfigurationException {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    Iterator iter = e.getChildren("property").iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Element property = (Element);
        String name = property.getAttributeValue("name");
        String value = property.getAttributeValue("value");
        String file = property.getAttributeValue("file");
        if (file != null)
            try {
                props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(file)));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(file, ex);
        else if (name != null && value != null) {
            Object obj = props.get(name);
            if (obj instanceof String[]) {
                String[] mobj = (String[]) obj;
                String[] m = new String[mobj.length + 1];
                System.arraycopy(mobj, 0, m, 0, mobj.length);
                m[mobj.length] = value;
                props.put(name, m);
            } else if (obj instanceof String) {
                String[] m = new String[2];
                m[0] = (String) obj;
                m[1] = value;
                props.put(name, m);
            } else
                props.put(name, value);
    return new SimpleConfiguration(props);
Also used : ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) Element(org.jdom2.Element) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) SimpleConfiguration(org.jpos.core.SimpleConfiguration) Properties(java.util.Properties) File( FileInputStream( ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException)

Example 40 with ConfigurationException

use of org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException in project jPOS by jpos.

the class DailyLogListener method setConfiguration.

public void setConfiguration(Configuration cfg) throws ConfigurationException {
    String suffix = cfg.get("suffix", DEF_SUFFIX), prefix = cfg.get("prefix");
    Integer formatObj = COMPRESSION_FORMATS.get(cfg.get("compression-format", "none").toLowerCase());
    int compressionFormat = formatObj == null ? 0 : formatObj;
    setCompressedSuffix(cfg.get("compressed-suffix", DEF_COMPRESSED_SUFFIX[compressionFormat]));
    setCompressionBufferSize(cfg.getInt("compression-buffer-size", DEF_BUFFER_SIZE));
    logName = prefix + suffix;
    maxSize = cfg.getLong("maxsize", DEF_MAXSIZE);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("error opening file: " + logName, e);
    sleepTime = cfg.getInt("window", DEF_WIN);
    if (sleepTime <= 0)
        sleepTime = DEF_WIN;
    sleepTime *= 1000;
    DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(cfg.get("date-format", DEF_DATE_FMT));
    setLastDate(fmt.format(new Date()));
    Date time;
    try {
        time = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").parse(cfg.get("first-rotate-time", "00:00:00"));
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        throw new ConfigurationException("Bad 'first-rotate-time' format " + "expected HH(0-23):mm:ss ", ex);
    String strDate = cfg.get("first-rotate-date", null);
    // calculate the first execution time
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    Calendar calTemp = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, calTemp.get(Calendar.SECOND));
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, calTemp.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, calTemp.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
    if (strDate != null) {
        Date date;
        try {
            date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(strDate);
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Bad 'first-rotate-date' " + "format, expected (yyyy-MM-dd)", ex);
        cal.set(calTemp.get(Calendar.YEAR), calTemp.get(Calendar.MONTH), calTemp.get(Calendar.DATE));
    // here cal contains the first execution, let/s calculate the next one
    calTemp.setTime(new Date());
    // if first executiontime already happened
    if (cal.before(calTemp)) {
        // how many windows between cal and now
        long n = (calTemp.getTimeInMillis() - cal.getTimeInMillis()) / sleepTime;
        cal.setTimeInMillis(cal.getTimeInMillis() + sleepTime * (n + 1));
    DefaultTimer.getTimer().scheduleAtFixedRate(rotate = new DailyRotate(), cal.getTime(), sleepTime);
Also used : ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) Date(java.util.Date)


ConfigurationException (org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException)52 Element (org.jdom2.Element)10 SimpleConfiguration (org.jpos.core.SimpleConfiguration)10 Test (org.junit.Test)9 Configuration (org.jpos.core.Configuration)8 Configurable (org.jpos.core.Configurable)5 SubConfiguration (org.jpos.core.SubConfiguration)5 NameRegistrar (org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar)4 IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)3 Properties (java.util.Properties)3 LogSource (org.jpos.util.LogSource)3 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)2 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)2 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2 Timer (java.util.Timer)2 ISOException (org.jpos.iso.ISOException)2 Logger (org.jpos.util.Logger)2 ByteArrayOutputStream (