use of in project jPOS by jpos.
the class Console method exec.
public void exec(PrintStream outPS, PrintStream errPS, String[] args) {
JCESecurityModule sm = new JCESecurityModule();
Logger logger = new Logger();
logger.addListener(new SimpleLogListener(outPS));
sm.setLogger(logger, "jce-security-module");
Properties cfgProps = new Properties();
SimpleConfiguration cfg = new SimpleConfiguration(cfgProps);
String commandName = null;
// 10 is Maximum number of paramters for a command
String[] commandParams = new String[10];
outPS.println("Welcome to JCE Security Module console commander!");
if (args.length == 0) {
outPS.println("Usage: Console [-options] command [commandparameters...]");
outPS.println("\nwhere options include:");
outPS.println(" -lmk <filename>");
outPS.println(" to specify the Local Master Keys file");
outPS.println(" -rebuildlmk to rebuild new Local Master Keys");
outPS.println(" WARNING: old Local Master Keys gets overwritten");
outPS.println(" -jce <provider classname>");
outPS.println(" to specify a JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.2.1 provider");
outPS.println("\nWhere command include: ");
outPS.println(" GC <keyLength>");
outPS.println(" to generate a clear key component.");
outPS.println(" FK <keyLength> <keyType> <component1> <component2> <component3>");
outPS.println(" to form a key from three clear components.");
outPS.println(" and returns the key encrypted under LMK");
outPS.println(" Odd parity is be forced before encryption under LMK");
outPS.println(" CK <keyLength> <keyType> <KEYunderLMK>");
outPS.println(" to generate a key check value for a key encrypted under LMK.");
outPS.println(" IK <keyLength> <keyType> <KEYunderKEK> ");
outPS.println(" <kekLength> <kekType> <KEKunderLMK> <KEKcheckValue>");
outPS.println(" to import a key from encryption under KEK (eg. ZMK,TMK) to encryption under LMK");
outPS.println(" Odd parity is be forced before encryption under LMK");
outPS.println(" KE <keyLength> <keyType> <KEYunderLMK> <KEYcheckValue> ");
outPS.println(" <kekLength> <kekType> <KEKunderLMK> <KEKcheckValue> ");
outPS.println(" to translate (export) a key from encryption under LMK");
outPS.println(" to encryption under KEK (eg. ZMK,TMK)");
} else {
int argsCounter = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (argsCounter < args.length && args[argsCounter].toLowerCase().compareTo("-lmk") == 0) {
cfgProps.setProperty("lmk", args[argsCounter++]);
if (argsCounter < args.length && args[argsCounter].toLowerCase().compareTo("-jce") == 0) {
cfgProps.setProperty("provider", args[argsCounter++]);
if (argsCounter < args.length && args[argsCounter].toLowerCase().compareTo("-rebuildlmk") == 0) {
cfgProps.setProperty("rebuildlmk", "true");
if (argsCounter < args.length) {
commandName = args[argsCounter++];
int i = 0;
while (argsCounter < args.length) {
commandParams[i++] = args[argsCounter++];
// Configure JCE Security Module
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
// Execute Command
if (commandName != null) {
try {
short keyLength = (short) Integer.parseInt(commandParams[0]);
if (commandName.toUpperCase().compareTo("GC") == 0) {
String clearKeyComponenetHexString = sm.generateClearKeyComponent(keyLength);
} else if (commandName.toUpperCase().compareTo("FK") == 0) {
SecureDESKey KEYunderLMK = sm.formKEYfromThreeClearComponents(keyLength, commandParams[1].toUpperCase(), commandParams[2], commandParams[3], commandParams[4]);
} else if (commandName.toUpperCase().compareTo("CK") == 0) {
byte[] keyCheckValue = sm.generateKeyCheckValue(new SecureDESKey(keyLength, commandParams[1].toUpperCase(), commandParams[2], ""));
} else if (commandName.toUpperCase().compareTo("IK") == 0) {
SecureDESKey KEKunderLMK = new SecureDESKey((short) Integer.parseInt(commandParams[3]), commandParams[4].toUpperCase(), commandParams[5], commandParams[6]);
sm.importKey(keyLength, commandParams[1].toUpperCase(), ISOUtil.hex2byte(commandParams[2]), KEKunderLMK, true);
} else if (commandName.toUpperCase().compareTo("KE") == 0) {
SecureDESKey KEKunderLMK = new SecureDESKey((short) Integer.parseInt(commandParams[4]), commandParams[5].toUpperCase(), commandParams[6], commandParams[7]);
SecureDESKey KEYunderLMK = new SecureDESKey(keyLength, commandParams[1].toUpperCase(), commandParams[2], commandParams[3]);
sm.exportKey(KEYunderLMK, KEKunderLMK);
} else {
System.err.println("Unknown command: " + commandName);
} catch (SMException e) {
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) {
errPS.println("Invalid KeyLength");
} else {
errPS.println("No command specified");