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Example 41 with Loggeable

use of org.jpos.util.Loggeable in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method verifydCVV.

public boolean verifydCVV(String accountNo, T imkac, String dcvv, Date expDate, String serviceCode, byte[] atc, MKDMethod mkdm) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNo));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "imk-ac", imkac == null ? "" : imkac));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "dCVV", dcvv));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Exp date", expDate));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Service code", serviceCode));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "atc", atc == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(atc)));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "mkd method", mkdm));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Verify dCVV", cmdParameters));
    try {
        boolean r = verifydCVVImpl(accountNo, imkac, dcvv, expDate, serviceCode, atc, mkdm);
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("result", "Verification status", r ? "valid" : "invalid"));
        return r;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 42 with Loggeable

use of org.jpos.util.Loggeable in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method calculateCVV.

public String calculateCVV(String accountNo, T cvkA, T cvkB, Date expDate, String serviceCode) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNo));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cvk-a", cvkA == null ? "" : cvkA));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cvk-b", cvkB == null ? "" : cvkB));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Exp date", expDate));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Service code", serviceCode));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Calculate CVV/CVC", cmdParameters));
    String result = null;
    try {
        result = calculateCVVImpl(accountNo, cvkA, cvkB, expDate, serviceCode);
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("result", "Calculated CVV/CVC", result));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
    return result;
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 43 with Loggeable

use of org.jpos.util.Loggeable in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method encryptPIN.

public EncryptedPIN encryptPIN(String pin, String accountNumber, boolean extract) throws SMException {
    accountNumber = extract ? EncryptedPIN.extractAccountNumberPart(accountNumber) : accountNumber;
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "clear pin", pin));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNumber));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Encrypt Clear PIN", cmdParameters));
    EncryptedPIN result = null;
    try {
        result = encryptPINImpl(pin, accountNumber);
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("result", "PIN under LMK", result));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
    return result;
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 44 with Loggeable

use of org.jpos.util.Loggeable in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method verifyCVD.

public boolean verifyCVD(String accountNo, T cvkA, T cvkB, String cvv, String expDate, String serviceCode) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNo));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cvk-a", cvkA == null ? "" : cvkA));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cvk-b", cvkB == null ? "" : cvkB));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "CVV/CVC", cvv));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Exp date", expDate));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Service code", serviceCode));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Verify CVV/CVC", cmdParameters));
    try {
        boolean r = verifyCVVImpl(accountNo, cvkA, cvkB, cvv, expDate, serviceCode);
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("result", "Verification status", r ? "valid" : "invalid"));
        return r;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 45 with Loggeable

use of org.jpos.util.Loggeable in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method decryptData.

 * Decrypt Data Block.
 * @param cipherMode block cipher mode
 * @param kd DEK or ZEK key used to decrypt data
 * @param data data to be decrypted
 * @param iv initial vector
 * @return decrypted data
 * @throws SMException
public byte[] decryptData(CipherMode cipherMode, SecureDESKey kd, byte[] data, byte[] iv) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Block Cipher Mode", cipherMode));
    if (kd != null)
        cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Data key", kd));
    if (data != null)
        cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Data", ISOUtil.hexString(data)));
    if (iv != null)
        cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Initialization Vector", ISOUtil.hexString(iv)));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Decrypt Data", cmdParameters));
    byte[] decData = null;
    try {
        decData = decryptDataImpl(cipherMode, kd, data, iv);
        List<Loggeable> r = new ArrayList<>();
        r.add(new SimpleMsg("result", "Decrypted Data", decData));
        if (iv != null)
            r.add(new SimpleMsg("result", "Initialization Vector", iv));
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("results", r));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
    return decData;
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)


Loggeable (org.jpos.util.Loggeable)56 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)55 LogEvent (org.jpos.util.LogEvent)55 SimpleMsg (org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg)55 ConfigurationException (org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException)53 NotFoundException (org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)53 PublicKey ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 NameRegistrar (org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar)1