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Example 16 with SimpleMsg

use of org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method eraseOldLMK.

public void eraseOldLMK() throws SMException {
    SimpleMsg[] cmdParameters = {};
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Erase the key change storage", cmdParameters));
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 17 with SimpleMsg

use of org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method verifyCVC3.

 * @param imkcvc3 the issuer master key for generating and verifying CVC3
 * @param accountNo The account number including BIN and the check digit
 * @param acctSeqNo account sequence number, 2 decimal digits
 * @param atc application transactin counter. This is used for ICC Master
 *        Key derivation. A 2 byte value must be supplied.
 * @param upn  unpredictable number. This is used for Session Key Generation
 *        A 4 byte value must be supplied.
 * @param data track data
 * @param mkdm ICC Master Key Derivation Method. If {@code null} specified
 *        is assumed.
 * @param cvc3 dynamic Card Verification Code 3
 * @return true if cvc3 is valid false if not
 * @throws SMException
public boolean verifyCVC3(SecureDESKey imkcvc3, String accountNo, String acctSeqNo, byte[] atc, byte[] upn, byte[] data, MKDMethod mkdm, String cvc3) throws SMException {
    SimpleMsg[] cmdParameters = { new SimpleMsg("parameter", "imk-cvc3", imkcvc3 == null ? "" : imkcvc3), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNo), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "accnt seq no", acctSeqNo), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "atc", atc == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(atc)), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "upn", upn == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(upn)), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "data", data == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(data)), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "mkd method", mkdm), new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cvc3", cvc3) };
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Verify CVC3", cmdParameters));
    try {
        boolean r = verifyCVC3Impl(imkcvc3, accountNo, acctSeqNo, atc, upn, data, mkdm, cvc3);
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("result", "Verification status", r ? "valid" : "invalid"));
        return r;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 18 with SimpleMsg

use of org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method generateKeyPair.

public Pair<PublicKey, SecurePrivateKey> generateKeyPair(AlgorithmParameterSpec spec) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<Loggeable>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Algorithm Parameter Spec", spec.getClass().getName()));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Generate public/private key pair", cmdParameters));
    Pair<PublicKey, SecurePrivateKey> result = null;
    try {
        result = generateKeyPairImpl(spec);
        SimpleMsg[] cmdResults = { new SimpleMsg("result", "Public Key", result.getValue0().getEncoded()), new SimpleMsg("result", "Private Key", result.getValue1().getKeyBytes()) };
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("results", "Complex results", cmdResults));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
    return result;
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) PublicKey( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 19 with SimpleMsg

use of org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method verifyCAVV.

public boolean verifyCAVV(String accountNo, SecureDESKey cvk, String cavv, String upn, String authrc, String sfarc) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<Loggeable>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNo));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cvk", cvk == null ? "" : cvk));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "cavv", cavv == null ? "" : cavv));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "unpredictable number", upn));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "auth rc", authrc));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "second factor auth rc", sfarc));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Verify CAVV/AAV", cmdParameters));
    boolean r = false;
    try {
        r = verifyCAVVImpl(accountNo, cvk, cavv, upn, authrc, sfarc);
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("result", "Verification status", r));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
    return r;
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)

Example 20 with SimpleMsg

use of org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg in project jPOS by jpos.

the class BaseSMAdapter method translatePINGenerateSM_MAC.

public Pair<EncryptedPIN, byte[]> translatePINGenerateSM_MAC(MKDMethod mkdm, SKDMethod skdm, PaddingMethod padm, SecureDESKey imksmi, String accountNo, String acctSeqNo, byte[] atc, byte[] arqc, byte[] data, EncryptedPIN currentPIN, EncryptedPIN newPIN, SecureDESKey kd1, SecureDESKey imksmc, SecureDESKey imkac, byte destinationPINBlockFormat) throws SMException {
    List<Loggeable> cmdParameters = new ArrayList<Loggeable>();
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "mkd method", mkdm));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "skd method", skdm));
    if (padm != null)
        cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "padding method", padm));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "imk-smi", imksmi));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "account number", accountNo));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "accnt seq no", acctSeqNo));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "atc", atc == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(atc)));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "arqc", arqc == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(arqc)));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "data", data == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(data)));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Current Encrypted PIN", currentPIN));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "New Encrypted PIN", newPIN));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Source PIN Encryption Key", kd1));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "imk-smc", imksmc));
    if (imkac != null)
        cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "imk-ac", imkac));
    cmdParameters.add(new SimpleMsg("parameter", "Destination PIN Block Format", destinationPINBlockFormat));
    LogEvent evt = new LogEvent(this, "s-m-operation");
    evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("command", "Translate PIN block format and Generate Secure Messaging MAC", cmdParameters.toArray(new Loggeable[cmdParameters.size()])));
    try {
        Pair<EncryptedPIN, byte[]> r = translatePINGenerateSM_MACImpl(mkdm, skdm, padm, imksmi, accountNo, acctSeqNo, atc, arqc, data, currentPIN, newPIN, kd1, imksmc, imkac, destinationPINBlockFormat);
        SimpleMsg[] cmdResults = { new SimpleMsg("result", "Translated PIN block", r.getValue0()), new SimpleMsg("result", "Generated MAC", r.getValue1() == null ? "" : ISOUtil.hexString(r.getValue1())) };
        evt.addMessage(new SimpleMsg("results", "Complex results", cmdResults));
        return r;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e instanceof SMException ? (SMException) e : new SMException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : LogEvent(org.jpos.util.LogEvent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Loggeable(org.jpos.util.Loggeable) SimpleMsg(org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg) ConfigurationException(org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException) NotFoundException(org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)


LogEvent (org.jpos.util.LogEvent)40 SimpleMsg (org.jpos.util.SimpleMsg)40 ConfigurationException (org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException)38 NotFoundException (org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar.NotFoundException)38 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 Loggeable (org.jpos.util.Loggeable)11 SecretKey (javax.crypto.SecretKey)2 PublicKey (