use of org.jpox.samples.one_many.unidir.LaptopComputer in project tests by datanucleus.
the class RelationshipTest method test1toNUnidirJoinSubclassTable.
* Test case for 1-N unidirectional join table relationship with the element using "subclass-table" inheritance. See JIRA "NUCRDBMS-17".
public void test1toNUnidirJoinSubclassTable() throws Exception {
try {
Object officeId = null;
Object[] computerIds = null;
Object[] deletedComputerIds = null;
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
// Create some data
Office office = new Office("JPOX Corporate Office");
LaptopComputer laptop1 = new LaptopComputer("", "Linux", 3, 2);
DesktopComputer desktop1 = new DesktopComputer("", "Linux", 2);
DesktopComputer desktop2 = new DesktopComputer("", "Windows", 1);
officeId = JDOHelper.getObjectId(office);
computerIds = new Object[3];
computerIds[0] = JDOHelper.getObjectId(laptop1);
computerIds[1] = JDOHelper.getObjectId(desktop1);
computerIds[2] = JDOHelper.getObjectId(desktop2);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception on persist", e);
fail("Exception thrown while creating 1-N unidirectional Join Table \"subclass-table\" relationship data : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
// Test the retrieval of objects by id
pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
// Check the Office
Office office = (Office) pm.getObjectById(officeId);
assertTrue("Office was not retrieved via getObjectById", office != null);
assertEquals("Office obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong name", office.getName(), "JPOX Corporate Office");
assertTrue("Office obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has null collection of computers", office.getComputers() != null);
assertEquals("Office obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has incorrect number of computers", office.getNumberOfComputers(), 3);
Collection computers = office.getComputers();
Iterator iter = computers.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object obj =;
if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj).equals(computerIds[0])) {
assertTrue("Laptop1 is not a LaptopComputer type!", obj instanceof LaptopComputer);
LaptopComputer laptop = (LaptopComputer) obj;
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong IP address", laptop.getIpAddress(), "");
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", laptop.getOperatingSystem(), "Linux");
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of PCMCIA", laptop.getNumberOfPcmcia(), 2);
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has incorrect battery life", laptop.getBatteryLife(), 3);
} else if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj).equals(computerIds[1])) {
assertTrue("Desktop1 is not a DesktopComputer type!", obj instanceof DesktopComputer);
DesktopComputer desktop = (DesktopComputer) obj;
assertEquals("Desktop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong IP address", desktop.getIpAddress(), "");
assertEquals("Desktop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", desktop.getOperatingSystem(), "Linux");
assertEquals("Desktop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of processors", desktop.getNumberOfProcessors(), 2);
} else if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj).equals(computerIds[2])) {
assertTrue("Desktop2 is not a DesktopComputer type!", obj instanceof DesktopComputer);
DesktopComputer desktop = (DesktopComputer) obj;
assertEquals("Desktop2 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong IP address", desktop.getIpAddress(), "");
assertEquals("Desktop2 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", desktop.getOperatingSystem(), "Windows");
assertEquals("Desktop2 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of processors", desktop.getNumberOfProcessors(), 1);
} else {
fail("Computer retrieved from Office has unknown id! : " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj));
// Check the Computers retrieved via getObjectById
LaptopComputer laptop1 = (LaptopComputer) pm.getObjectById(computerIds[0]);
assertTrue("Laptop1 was not retrieved via getObjectById", laptop1 != null);
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", laptop1.getOperatingSystem(), "Linux");
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of PCMCIA", laptop1.getNumberOfPcmcia(), 2);
DesktopComputer desktop1 = (DesktopComputer) pm.getObjectById(computerIds[1]);
assertTrue("Desktop1 was not retrieved via getObjectById", desktop1 != null);
assertEquals("Desktop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", desktop1.getOperatingSystem(), "Linux");
assertEquals("Desktop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of processors", desktop1.getNumberOfProcessors(), 2);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception thrown creating 1-N bidir JoinTable \"subclass-table\" relationship", e);
fail("Exception thrown while creating 1-N bidirectional Join Table \"subclass-table\" relationship data : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
// Test add/remove of computers
pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
// Retrieve the Office
Office office = (Office) pm.getObjectById(officeId);
// Remove the 2 desktops and replace with a new one
DesktopComputer desktop1 = (DesktopComputer) pm.getObjectById(computerIds[1]);
DesktopComputer desktop2 = (DesktopComputer) pm.getObjectById(computerIds[2]);
DesktopComputer desktop3 = new DesktopComputer("", "Solaris", 4);
deletedComputerIds = new Object[2];
deletedComputerIds[0] = computerIds[1];
deletedComputerIds[1] = computerIds[2];
Object laptopId = computerIds[0];
computerIds = new Object[2];
computerIds[0] = laptopId;
computerIds[1] = JDOHelper.getObjectId(desktop3);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Exception thrown while updating 1-N bidirectional Join Table \"subclass-table\" relationship data : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
// Check the Office
Office office = (Office) pm.getObjectById(officeId);
assertTrue("Office was not retrieved via getObjectById", office != null);
assertEquals("Office obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong name", office.getName(), "JPOX Corporate Office");
assertTrue("Office obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has null collection of computers", office.getComputers() != null);
assertEquals("Office obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has incorrect number of computers", office.getNumberOfComputers(), 2);
Collection computers = office.getComputers();
Iterator iter = computers.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object obj =;
if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj).equals(computerIds[0])) {
assertTrue("Laptop1 is not a LaptopComputer type!", obj instanceof LaptopComputer);
LaptopComputer laptop = (LaptopComputer) obj;
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong IP address", laptop.getIpAddress(), "");
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", laptop.getOperatingSystem(), "Linux");
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of PCMCIA", laptop.getNumberOfPcmcia(), 2);
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has incorrect battery life", laptop.getBatteryLife(), 3);
} else if (JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj).equals(computerIds[1])) {
assertTrue("Desktop3 is not a DesktopComputer type!", obj instanceof DesktopComputer);
DesktopComputer desktop = (DesktopComputer) obj;
assertEquals("Desktop3 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong IP address", desktop.getIpAddress(), "");
assertEquals("Desktop3 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", desktop.getOperatingSystem(), "Solaris");
assertEquals("Desktop3 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of processors", desktop.getNumberOfProcessors(), 4);
} else {
fail("Computer retrieved from Office has unknown id! : " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj));
// Check the Computers retrieved via getObjectById
LaptopComputer laptop1 = (LaptopComputer) pm.getObjectById(computerIds[0]);
assertTrue("Laptop1 was not retrieved via getObjectById", laptop1 != null);
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", laptop1.getOperatingSystem(), "Linux");
assertEquals("Laptop1 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of PCMCIA", laptop1.getNumberOfPcmcia(), 2);
DesktopComputer desktop3 = (DesktopComputer) pm.getObjectById(computerIds[1]);
assertTrue("Desktop3 was not retrieved via getObjectById", desktop3 != null);
assertEquals("Desktop3 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong operating system", desktop3.getOperatingSystem(), "Solaris");
assertEquals("Desktop3 obtained by getObjectById was incorrect : has wrong number of processors", desktop3.getNumberOfProcessors(), 4);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Exception thrown while creating 1-N bidirectional Join Table relationship data : " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (tx.isActive()) {
// TODO Perform some queries
} finally {
// Clean out our data