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Example 81 with Elements

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryDetailParser method parseLargePreviewSet.

 * Parse large previews with regular expressions
private static LargePreviewSet parseLargePreviewSet(Document d, String body) throws ParseException {
    try {
        LargePreviewSet largePreviewSet = new LargePreviewSet();
        Element gdt = d.getElementById("gdt");
        Elements gdtls = gdt.getElementsByClass("gdtl");
        int n = gdtls.size();
        if (n <= 0) {
            throw new ParseException("Can't parse large preview", body);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Element element = gdtls.get(i).child(0);
            String pageUrl = element.attr("href");
            element = element.child(0);
            String imageUrl = element.attr("src");
            if (Settings.getFixThumbUrl()) {
                imageUrl = EhUrl.getFixedPreviewThumbUrl(imageUrl);
            int index = Integer.parseInt(element.attr("alt")) - 1;
            largePreviewSet.addItem(index, imageUrl, pageUrl);
        return largePreviewSet;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParseException("Can't parse large preview", body);
Also used : LargePreviewSet( Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) Elements( EhException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.EhException) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) OffensiveException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.OffensiveException) PiningException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.PiningException)

Example 82 with Elements

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryDetailParser method parseTagGroups.

 * Parse tag groups with html parser
public static GalleryTagGroup[] parseTagGroups(Document document) {
    try {
        Element taglist = document.getElementById("taglist");
        Elements tagGroups = taglist.child(0).child(0).children();
        List<GalleryTagGroup> list = new ArrayList<>(tagGroups.size());
        for (int i = 0, n = tagGroups.size(); i < n; i++) {
            GalleryTagGroup group = parseTagGroup(tagGroups.get(i));
            if (null != group) {
        return list.toArray(new GalleryTagGroup[list.size()]);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : GalleryTagGroup( Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Elements( EhException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.EhException) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) OffensiveException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.OffensiveException) PiningException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.PiningException) NonNull(

Example 83 with Elements

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryDetailParser method parseDetailInfo.

private static void parseDetailInfo(GalleryDetail gd, Element e, String body) {
    Elements es = e.children();
    if (es.size() < 2) {
    String key = StringUtils.trim(es.get(0).text());
    String value = StringUtils.trim(es.get(1).ownText());
    if (key.startsWith("Posted")) {
        gd.posted = value;
    } else if (key.startsWith("Parent")) {
        gd.parent = value;
    } else if (key.startsWith("Visible")) {
        gd.visible = value;
    } else if (key.startsWith("Language")) {
        gd.language = value;
    } else if (key.startsWith("File Size")) {
        gd.size = value;
    } else if (key.startsWith("Length")) {
        int index = value.indexOf(' ');
        if (index >= 0) {
            gd.pages = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(value.substring(0, index), 1);
        } else {
            gd.pages = 1;
    } else if (key.startsWith("Favorited")) {
        switch(value) {
            case "Never":
                gd.favoriteCount = 0;
            case "Once":
                gd.favoriteCount = 1;
                int index = value.indexOf(' ');
                if (index == -1) {
                    gd.favoriteCount = 0;
                } else {
                    gd.favoriteCount = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(value.substring(0, index), 0);
Also used : Elements(

Example 84 with Elements

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryDetailParser method parseComment.

public static GalleryComment parseComment(Element element) {
    try {
        GalleryComment comment = new GalleryComment();
        // Id
        Element a = element.previousElementSibling();
        String name = a.attr("name"); = Integer.parseInt(StringUtils.trim(name).substring(1));
        // Vote up and vote down
        Element c4 = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(element, "c4");
        if (null != c4) {
            Elements es = c4.children();
            if (2 == es.size()) {
                comment.voteUp = !TextUtils.isEmpty(StringUtils.trim(es.get(0).attr("style")));
                comment.voteDown = !TextUtils.isEmpty(StringUtils.trim(es.get(1).attr("style")));
        // Vote state
        Element c7 = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(element, "c7");
        if (null != c7) {
            comment.voteState = StringUtils.trim(c7.text());
        // Score
        Element c5 = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(element, "c5");
        if (null != c5) {
            Elements es = c5.children();
            if (!es.isEmpty()) {
                comment.score = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(StringUtils.trim(es.get(0).text()), 0);
        // time
        Element c3 = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(element, "c3");
        String temp = c3.ownText();
        temp = temp.substring("Posted on ".length(), temp.length() - " by:".length());
        comment.time = WEB_COMMENT_DATE_FORMAT.parse(temp).getTime();
        // user
        comment.user = c3.child(0).text();
        // comment
        comment.comment = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(element, "c6").html();
        return comment;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
Also used : Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) GalleryComment( Elements( EhException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.EhException) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) OffensiveException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.OffensiveException) PiningException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.PiningException) Nullable(

Example 85 with Elements

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryDetailParser method parseDetail.

private static void parseDetail(GalleryDetail gd, Document d, String body) throws ParseException {
    Matcher matcher = PATTERN_DETAIL.matcher(body);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        gd.gid = Long.parseLong(;
        gd.token =;
        gd.apiUid = NumberUtils.parseLongSafely(, -1L);
        gd.apiKey =;
    } else {
        throw new ParseException("Can't parse gallery detail", body);
    matcher = PATTERN_TORRENT.matcher(body);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        gd.torrentUrl = StringUtils.unescapeXml(StringUtils.trim(;
        gd.torrentCount = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
    } else {
        gd.torrentCount = 0;
        gd.torrentUrl = "";
    matcher = PATTERN_ARCHIVE.matcher(body);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        gd.archiveUrl = StringUtils.unescapeXml(StringUtils.trim(;
    } else {
        gd.archiveUrl = "";
    try {
        Element gm = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(d, "gm");
        // Thumb url
        Element gd1 = gm.getElementById("gd1");
        try {
            gd.thumb = parseCoverStyle(StringUtils.trim(gd1.child(0).attr("style")));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            gd.thumb = "";
        // Title
        Element gn = gm.getElementById("gn");
        if (null != gn) {
            gd.title = StringUtils.trim(gn.text());
        } else {
            gd.title = "";
        // Jpn title
        Element gj = gm.getElementById("gj");
        if (null != gj) {
            gd.titleJpn = StringUtils.trim(gj.text());
        } else {
            gd.titleJpn = "";
        // Category
        Element gdc = gm.getElementById("gdc");
        try {
            String href = gdc.child(0).attr("href");
            String category = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            gd.category = EhUtils.getCategory(category);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            gd.category = EhUtils.UNKNOWN;
        // Uploader
        Element gdn = gm.getElementById("gdn");
        if (null != gdn) {
            gd.uploader = StringUtils.trim(gdn.text());
        } else {
            gd.uploader = "";
        Element gdd = gm.getElementById("gdd");
        gd.posted = "";
        gd.parent = "";
        gd.visible = "";
        gd.visible = "";
        gd.size = "";
        gd.pages = 0;
        gd.favoriteCount = 0;
        try {
            Elements es = gdd.child(0).child(0).children();
            for (int i = 0, n = es.size(); i < n; i++) {
                parseDetailInfo(gd, es.get(i), body);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // Ignore
        // Rating count
        Element rating_count = gm.getElementById("rating_count");
        if (null != rating_count) {
            gd.ratingCount = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(StringUtils.trim(rating_count.text()), 0);
        } else {
            gd.ratingCount = 0;
        // Rating
        Element rating_label = gm.getElementById("rating_label");
        if (null != rating_label) {
            String ratingStr = StringUtils.trim(rating_label.text());
            if ("Not Yet Rated".equals(ratingStr)) {
                gd.rating = -1.0f;
            } else {
                int index = ratingStr.indexOf(' ');
                if (index == -1 || index >= ratingStr.length()) {
                    gd.rating = 0f;
                } else {
                    gd.rating = NumberUtils.parseFloatSafely(ratingStr.substring(index + 1), 0f);
        } else {
            gd.rating = -1.0f;
        // isFavorited
        Element gdf = gm.getElementById("gdf");
        gd.isFavorited = null != gdf && !StringUtils.trim(gdf.text()).equals("Add to Favorites");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParseException("Can't parse gallery detail", body);
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) Elements( EhException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.EhException) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) OffensiveException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.OffensiveException) PiningException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.PiningException)


Elements ( Element (org.jsoup.nodes.Element)490 Document (org.jsoup.nodes.Document)362 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)213 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)110 URL ( List (java.util.List)47 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)42 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)34 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)30 InputStream ( Jsoup (org.jsoup.Jsoup)28 Configuration (com.vaadin.addon.charts.model.Configuration)27 File ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)26 JSONException (org.json.JSONException)25 Collectors ( URISyntaxException ( BootstrapContext (com.vaadin.flow.server.BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext)20