use of org.jumpmind.db.sql.ISqlTemplate in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class MsSqlSymmetricDialect method alterLockEscalation.
protected boolean alterLockEscalation() {
ISqlTemplate sqlTemplate = platform.getSqlTemplate();
String tablePrefix = getTablePrefix();
try {
String lockEscalationClause = "";
if (, true)) {
lockEscalationClause = "or t.lock_escalation != 1 or i.allow_page_locks = 'true' ";
if (, true) && sqlTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) from sys.indexes i inner join sys.tables t on t.object_id=i.object_id where in ('" + tablePrefix.toLowerCase() + "_outgoing_batch','" + tablePrefix.toLowerCase() + "_data', '" + tablePrefix.toLowerCase() + "_data_event') and (i.allow_row_locks !='true' " + lockEscalationClause + ")") > 0) {"Updating indexes to prevent lock escalation");
String dataTable = platform.alterCaseToMatchDatabaseDefaultCase(tablePrefix + "_data");
String dataEventTable = platform.alterCaseToMatchDatabaseDefaultCase(tablePrefix + "_data_event");
String outgoingBatchTable = platform.alterCaseToMatchDatabaseDefaultCase(tablePrefix + "_outgoing_batch");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER INDEX ALL ON " + dataTable + " SET (ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER INDEX ALL ON " + dataEventTable + " SET (ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER INDEX ALL ON " + outgoingBatchTable + " SET (ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON)");
if (, true)) {
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER INDEX ALL ON " + dataTable + " SET (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER INDEX ALL ON " + dataEventTable + " SET (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER INDEX ALL ON " + outgoingBatchTable + " SET (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE " + dataTable + " SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE " + dataEventTable + " SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)");
sqlTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE " + outgoingBatchTable + " SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)");
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Failed to disable lock escalation");
log.debug("", e);
return false;
use of org.jumpmind.db.sql.ISqlTemplate in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class Db2v9SymmetricDialect method createRequiredDatabaseObjects.
public void createRequiredDatabaseObjects() {
ISqlTransaction transaction = null;
try {
transaction = platform.getSqlTemplate().startSqlTransaction();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {"Creating environment variables {} and {}", syncTriggersDisabledUserVariable, syncTriggersDisabledNodeVariable);
ISqlTemplate template = getPlatform().getSqlTemplate();
template.update("CREATE VARIABLE " + syncTriggersDisabledNodeVariable + " VARCHAR(50)");
template.update("GRANT READ on VARIABLE " + syncTriggersDisabledNodeVariable + " TO PUBLIC");
template.update("GRANT WRITE on VARIABLE " + syncTriggersDisabledNodeVariable + " TO PUBLIC");
template.update("CREATE VARIABLE " + syncTriggersDisabledUserVariable + " INTEGER");
template.update("GRANT READ on VARIABLE " + syncTriggersDisabledUserVariable + " TO PUBLIC");
template.update("GRANT WRITE on VARIABLE " + syncTriggersDisabledUserVariable + " TO PUBLIC");
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while initializing DB2 dialect", ex);
} finally {
use of org.jumpmind.db.sql.ISqlTemplate in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class DataGapFastDetector method fixOverlappingGaps.
protected void fixOverlappingGaps(List<DataGap> gaps, ProcessInfo processInfo) {
try {
ISqlTransaction transaction = null;
log.debug("Looking for overlapping gaps");
try {
ISqlTemplate sqlTemplate = symmetricDialect.getPlatform().getSqlTemplate();
transaction = sqlTemplate.startSqlTransaction();
DataGap prevGap = null, lastGap = null;
for (int i = 0; i < gaps.size(); i++) {
DataGap curGap = gaps.get(i);
if (lastGap != null) {
log.warn("Removing gap found after last gap: " + curGap);
dataService.deleteDataGap(transaction, curGap);
} else {
if (lastGap == null && curGap.gapSize() >= maxDataToSelect - 1) {
lastGap = curGap;
if (prevGap != null) {
if (prevGap.overlaps(curGap)) {
log.warn("Removing overlapping gaps: " + prevGap + ", " + curGap);
dataService.deleteDataGap(transaction, prevGap);
dataService.deleteDataGap(transaction, curGap);
DataGap newGap = null;
if (curGap.equals(lastGap)) {
newGap = new DataGap(prevGap.getStartId(), prevGap.getStartId() + maxDataToSelect - 1);
} else {
newGap = new DataGap(prevGap.getStartId(), prevGap.getEndId() > curGap.getEndId() ? prevGap.getEndId() : curGap.getEndId());
log.warn("Inserting new gap to fix overlap: " + newGap);
dataService.insertDataGap(transaction, newGap);
gaps.set(i, newGap);
curGap = newGap;
prevGap = curGap;
} catch (Error ex) {
if (transaction != null) {
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (transaction != null) {
throw ex;
} finally {
if (transaction != null) {
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw ex;
use of org.jumpmind.db.sql.ISqlTemplate in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class DataGapRouteReader method prepareCursor.
protected ISqlReadCursor<Data> prepareCursor() {
IParameterService parameterService = engine.getParameterService();
int numberOfGapsToQualify = parameterService.getInt(ParameterConstants.ROUTING_MAX_GAPS_TO_QUALIFY_IN_SQL, 100);
int maxGapsBeforeGreaterThanQuery = parameterService.getInt(ParameterConstants.ROUTING_DATA_READER_THRESHOLD_GAPS_TO_USE_GREATER_QUERY, 100);
boolean useGreaterThanDataId = false;
if (maxGapsBeforeGreaterThanQuery > 0 && this.dataGaps.size() > maxGapsBeforeGreaterThanQuery) {
useGreaterThanDataId = true;
String channelId = context.getChannel().getChannelId();
String sql = null;
Boolean lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQuery = lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQueryByEngineName.get(parameterService.getEngineName());
if (lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQuery == null) {
lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQuery = Boolean.FALSE;
if (useGreaterThanDataId) {
sql = getSql("selectDataUsingStartDataId", context.getChannel().getChannel());
if (!lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQuery) {"Switching to select from the data table where data_id >= start gap because there were {} gaps found " + "which was more than the configured threshold of {}", dataGaps.size(), maxGapsBeforeGreaterThanQuery);
lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQueryByEngineName.put(parameterService.getEngineName(), Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
sql = qualifyUsingDataGaps(dataGaps, numberOfGapsToQualify, getSql("selectDataUsingGapsSql", context.getChannel().getChannel()));
if (lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQuery) {"Switching to select from the data table where data_id between gaps");
lastSelectUsedGreaterThanQueryByEngineName.put(parameterService.getEngineName(), Boolean.FALSE);
if (, true)) {
sql = String.format("%s %s", sql, engine.getRouterService().getSql("orderByDataId"));
ISqlTemplate sqlTemplate = engine.getSymmetricDialect().getPlatform().getSqlTemplate();
Object[] args = null;
int[] types = null;
int dataIdSqlType = engine.getSymmetricDialect().getSqlTypeForIds();
if (useGreaterThanDataId) {
args = new Object[] { channelId, dataGaps.get(0).getStartId() };
types = new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, dataIdSqlType };
} else {
int numberOfArgs = 1 + 2 * (numberOfGapsToQualify < dataGaps.size() ? numberOfGapsToQualify : dataGaps.size());
args = new Object[numberOfArgs];
types = new int[numberOfArgs];
args[0] = channelId;
types[0] = Types.VARCHAR;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGapsToQualify && i < dataGaps.size(); i++) {
DataGap gap = dataGaps.get(i);
args[i * 2 + 1] = gap.getStartId();
types[i * 2 + 1] = dataIdSqlType;
if ((i + 1) == numberOfGapsToQualify && (i + 1) < dataGaps.size()) {
* there were more gaps than we are going to use in the SQL.
* use the last gap as the end data id for the last range
args[i * 2 + 2] = dataGaps.get(dataGaps.size() - 1).getEndId();
} else {
args[i * 2 + 2] = gap.getEndId();
types[i * 2 + 2] = dataIdSqlType;
this.currentGap = dataGaps.remove(0);
return sqlTemplate.queryForCursor(sql, new ISqlRowMapper<Data>() {
public Data mapRow(Row row) {
return engine.getDataService().mapData(row);
}, args, types);
use of org.jumpmind.db.sql.ISqlTemplate in project symmetric-ds by JumpMind.
the class DataGapDetector method beforeRouting.
* Always make sure sym_data_gap is up to date to make sure that we don't
* dual route data.
public void beforeRouting() {
long printStats = System.currentTimeMillis();
ProcessInfo processInfo = this.statisticManager.newProcessInfo(new ProcessInfoKey(nodeService.findIdentityNodeId(), null, ProcessType.GAP_DETECT));
try {
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
final List<DataGap> gaps = dataService.findDataGaps();
long lastDataId = -1;
final int dataIdIncrementBy = parameterService.getInt(ParameterConstants.DATA_ID_INCREMENT_BY);
final long maxDataToSelect = parameterService.getLong(ParameterConstants.ROUTING_LARGEST_GAP_SIZE);
final long gapTimoutInMs = parameterService.getLong(ParameterConstants.ROUTING_STALE_DATA_ID_GAP_TIME);
long databaseTime = symmetricDialect.getDatabaseTime();
int idsFilled = 0;
int newGapsInserted = 0;
int rangeChecked = 0;
int gapsDeleted = 0;
Set<DataGap> gapCheck = new HashSet<DataGap>(gaps);
boolean supportsTransactionViews = symmetricDialect.supportsTransactionViews();
long earliestTransactionTime = 0;
if (supportsTransactionViews) {
Date date = symmetricDialect.getEarliestTransactionStartTime();
if (date != null) {
earliestTransactionTime = date.getTime() - parameterService.getLong(ParameterConstants.DBDIALECT_ORACLE_TRANSACTION_VIEW_CLOCK_SYNC_THRESHOLD_MS, 60000);
for (final DataGap dataGap : gaps) {
final boolean lastGap = dataGap.equals(gaps.get(gaps.size() - 1));
String sql = routerService.getSql("selectDistinctDataIdFromDataEventUsingGapsSql");
ISqlTemplate sqlTemplate = symmetricDialect.getPlatform().getSqlTemplate();
Object[] params = new Object[] { dataGap.getStartId(), dataGap.getEndId() };
lastDataId = -1;
long queryForIdsTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Number> ids = sqlTemplate.query(sql, new NumberMapper(), params);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - queryForIdsTs > Constants.LONG_OPERATION_THRESHOLD) {"It took longer than {}ms to run the following sql for gap from {} to {}. {}", new Object[] { Constants.LONG_OPERATION_THRESHOLD, dataGap.getStartId(), dataGap.getEndId(), sql });
idsFilled += ids.size();
rangeChecked += dataGap.getEndId() - dataGap.getStartId();
ISqlTransaction transaction = null;
try {
transaction = sqlTemplate.startSqlTransaction();
for (Number number : ids) {
long dataId = number.longValue();
if (lastDataId == -1 && dataGap.getStartId() + dataIdIncrementBy <= dataId) {
// there was a new gap at the start
DataGap newGap = new DataGap(dataGap.getStartId(), dataId - 1);
if (!gapCheck.contains(newGap)) {
dataService.insertDataGap(transaction, newGap);
} else if (lastDataId != -1 && lastDataId + dataIdIncrementBy != dataId && lastDataId != dataId) {
// found a gap somewhere in the existing gap
DataGap newGap = new DataGap(lastDataId + 1, dataId - 1);
if (!gapCheck.contains(newGap)) {
dataService.insertDataGap(transaction, newGap);
lastDataId = dataId;
// if we found data in the gap
if (lastDataId != -1) {
if (!lastGap && lastDataId + dataIdIncrementBy <= dataGap.getEndId()) {
DataGap newGap = new DataGap(lastDataId + dataIdIncrementBy, dataGap.getEndId());
if (!gapCheck.contains(newGap)) {
dataService.insertDataGap(transaction, newGap);
dataService.deleteDataGap(transaction, dataGap);
// if we did not find data in the gap and it was not the
// last gap
} else if (!lastGap) {
Date createTime = dataGap.getCreateTime();
if (supportsTransactionViews) {
if (createTime != null && (createTime.getTime() < earliestTransactionTime || earliestTransactionTime == 0)) {
if (dataService.countDataInRange(dataGap.getStartId() - 1, dataGap.getEndId() + 1) == 0) {
if (dataGap.getStartId() == dataGap.getEndId()) {"Found a gap in data_id at {}. Skipping it because there are no pending transactions in the database", dataGap.getStartId());
} else {"Found a gap in data_id from {} to {}. Skipping it because there are no pending transactions in the database", dataGap.getStartId(), dataGap.getEndId());
dataService.deleteDataGap(transaction, dataGap);
} else if (createTime != null && databaseTime - createTime.getTime() > gapTimoutInMs) {
if (dataService.countDataInRange(dataGap.getStartId() - 1, dataGap.getEndId() + 1) == 0) {
if (dataGap.getStartId() == dataGap.getEndId()) {"Found a gap in data_id at {}. Skipping it because the gap expired", dataGap.getStartId());
} else {"Found a gap in data_id from {} to {}. Skipping it because the gap expired", dataGap.getStartId(), dataGap.getEndId());
dataService.deleteDataGap(transaction, dataGap);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - printStats > 30000) {"The data gap detection process has been running for {}ms, detected {} rows that have been previously routed over a total gap range of {}, " + "inserted {} new gaps, and deleted {} gaps", new Object[] { System.currentTimeMillis() - ts, idsFilled, rangeChecked, newGapsInserted, gapsDeleted });
printStats = System.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (Error ex) {
if (transaction != null) {
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (transaction != null) {
throw ex;
} finally {
if (transaction != null) {
if (lastDataId != -1) {
DataGap newGap = new DataGap(lastDataId + 1, lastDataId + maxDataToSelect);
if (!gapCheck.contains(newGap)) {
long updateTimeInMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - ts;
if (updateTimeInMs > 10000) {"Detecting gaps took {} ms", updateTimeInMs);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw ex;