use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project spring-framework by spring-projects.
the class PersistenceXmlParsingTests method testNoSchemaPersistence.
@Disabled("not doing schema parsing anymore for JPA 2.0 compatibility")
public void testNoSchemaPersistence() throws Exception {
PersistenceUnitReader reader = new PersistenceUnitReader(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(), new JndiDataSourceLookup());
String resource = "/org/springframework/orm/jpa/persistence-no-schema.xml";
assertThatExceptionOfType(RuntimeException.class).isThrownBy(() -> reader.readPersistenceUnitInfos(resource));
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class LvmGradientProcedureTest method gradientProcedureFastLogMleCannotComputeGradientWithHighPrecision.
@Disabled("This test now passes as the tolerance for computing the gradient has been lowered " + " so that the tests pass under a stress test using many different random seeds.")
void gradientProcedureFastLogMleCannotComputeGradientWithHighPrecision(RandomSeed seed) {
// Try different precision
for (int n = FastLog.N; n < 23; n++) {
try {
// logger.fine(FunctionUtils.getSupplier("Precision n=%d", n);
fastLog = new TurboLog2(n);
gradientProcedureComputesGradient(seed, new SingleFreeCircularErfGaussian2DFunction(blockWidth, blockWidth), Type.FAST_LOG_MLE, false);
} catch (final AssertionError ex) {
} finally {
// Reset
fastLog = null;
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class NaturalDateParserTest method multipleDaytestParseAlignToAGivenTime.
public /**
* This test should be ignored for now. The problem is, that the to-date has the hour subtracted by 1 - which is not reasonable
* at all in this context but without further digging into Natty not solvable. And that effort would be too much by now.
void multipleDaytestParseAlignToAGivenTime() throws Exception {
final DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss");
for (String[] test : multipleDaytestsThatAlignToAGivenTime) {
NaturalDateParser.Result result = naturalDateParser.parse(test[0]);
assertThat(df.print(result.getFrom())).as("time part of date should equal " + test[1] + " in").isEqualTo(test[1]);
assertThat(df.print(result.getTo())).as("time part of date should equal " + test[1] + " in").isEqualTo(test[1]);
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class NaturalDateParserTest method testNatty53.
* Bug from
* Test is ignored because it fails, test can be used in the future to check if it's solved
public void testNatty53() throws Exception {
DateTime reference =;
NaturalDateParser.Result natty53 = naturalDateParser.parse("Tue Jan 12 00:00:00 UTC 2016", reference.toDate());
assertThat(natty53.getFrom().getYear()).as("from should be 2016").isEqualTo(2016);
assertThat(natty53.getTo()).as("to should be the reference date").isEqualTo(reference);
use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project mybatis-3 by mybatis.
the class UnpooledDataSourceTest method shouldRegisterDynamicallyLoadedDriver.
@Disabled("Requires MySQL server and a driver.")
void shouldRegisterDynamicallyLoadedDriver() throws Exception {
int before = countRegisteredDrivers();
ClassLoader driverClassLoader = null;
UnpooledDataSource dataSource = null;
driverClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL("jar:file:/PATH_TO/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25.jar!/") });
dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource(driverClassLoader, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://", "root", "");
assertEquals(before + 1, countRegisteredDrivers());
driverClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL("jar:file:/PATH_TO/mysql-connector-java-5.1.25.jar!/") });
dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource(driverClassLoader, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://", "root", "");
assertEquals(before + 1, countRegisteredDrivers());