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Example 16 with Disabled

use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project narchy by automenta.

the class NAL5Test method compound_composition_one_premises.

 * not sure this one makes logical sense
public void compound_composition_one_premises() throws nars.Narsese.NarseseException {
    TestNAR tester = test;
    // .en("Robin can fly.");
    tester.believe("<robin --> [flying]>");
    // .en("Can robin fly or swim?");
    tester.ask("(||,<robin --> [flying]>,<robin --> swimmer>)");
    // tester.mustBelieve(cycles*2," (||,<robin --> swimmer>,<robin --> [flying]>)",1.00f,0.81f); //.en("Robin can fly or swim.");
    // .en("Robin can fly or swim.");
    tester.mustBelieve(cycles * 2, " (&&,(--,<robin --> swimmer>),(--,<robin --> [flying]>))", 0.00f, 0.81f);
Also used : TestNAR(nars.test.TestNAR) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) NALTest(nars.util.NALTest) Disabled(org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)

Example 17 with Disabled

use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project narchy by automenta.

the class NAL6Test method variable_introduction3.

public void variable_introduction3() {
    TestNAR tester = test;
    // en("A gull is a swimmer.");
    tester.believe("<gull --> swimmer>", 1f, 0.9f);
    // en("A swan is never a swimmer.");
    tester.believe("<swan --> swimmer>", 0f, 0.9f);
    // en("Gull and swan have no commonality.");
    tester.mustBelieve(cycles, "(&&,<gull --> #1>,<swan --> #1>)", 0.0f, 0.81f);
    // en("Gull and non-swans have commonality.");
    tester.mustBelieve(cycles, "(&&,<gull --> #1>,(--,<swan --> #1>))", 1.0f, 0.81f);
// tester.mustBelieve(cycles, "<<gull --> $1> ==> <swan --> $1>>", 0.80f, 0.45f); //en("I guess what can be said about gull usually can also be said about swan.");
// tester.mustBelieve(cycles, "<<swan --> $1> ==> <gull --> $1>>", 1.00f, 0.39f); //en("I guess what can be said about swan can also be said about gull.");
// tester.mustBelieve(cycles, "<<gull --> $1> <=> <swan --> $1>>", 0.80f, 0.45f); //en("I guess gull and swan share most properties.");
Also used : TestNAR(nars.test.TestNAR) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) NALTest(nars.util.NALTest) Disabled(org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)

Example 18 with Disabled

use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project narchy by automenta.

the class PtrManTests method testOps1.

public void testOps1() throws Narsese.NarseseException {
    NAR n = NARS.tmp();
    n.input("opProximity2(OPmov(0,5),OPsub(0,5)).", "opProximity2(OPmov(1,5),OPsub(1,4)).", "opProximity2(OPmov(1,5),OPsub(1,7)).", "( opProximity3((($op1, $op2)-->$1), (($op3, $op4)-->$2), ((#op5, #op6)-->#3) ) =|> opProximity2( (($op1, $op2)-->$1), (($op3, $op4)-->$2) ).", "( opProximity3(#1, #op1, #op2, $2, $op3, $op4, $3, $op5, $op6) =|> opProximity2($2, $op3, $op4, $3, $op5, $op6) ).", "opProximity3(OPmov, {0}, {5}, OPsub, {0}, {5}, OPsub, {1}, {7}).", "opProximity3(OPsub, {1}, {7}, OPmul, {0}, {5}, OPmul, {0}, {5}).", "opProximity3(OPsub, {1}, {7}, OPdiv, {0}, {7}, OPmul, {0}, {5}).", "(OPcmp <-> OPadd). %0.55;0.9%", "(OPsub <-> OPadd). %0.7;0.9%", "(OPadd <-> OPmuladd). %0.6;0.9%", "(OPmov <-> OPxchg). %0.8;0.9%", "$1.0 ((OPxchg, {0}, {5}, OPsub, {0}, {5}) <-> (OPmov, {0}, {5}, OPadd, {0}, {5}))?", "$1.0 opProximity2(OPadd, {0}, {5}, OPsub, {1}, {7})?");
    Param.DEBUG = true;
    // n.logBudgetMin(System.out, 0.25f);;
Also used : NAR(nars.NAR) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) Disabled(org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)

Example 19 with Disabled

use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project narchy by automenta.

the class DigitizedScalarTest method testRewardConceptsFuzzification3.

// @Test
// public void testRewardConceptsFuzzification1() {
// NAR d = new Default();
// MutableFloat m = new MutableFloat(0f);
// testSteadyFreqCondition(m,
// new FuzzyScalarConcepts(
// new FloatNormalized(() -> m.floatValue()).updateRange(-1).updateRange(1),
// d, FuzzyScalarConcepts.FuzzyTriangle, $.p("x")),
// (f) -> Util.equals(f, 0.5f + 0.5f * m.floatValue(), tolerance)
// );
// }
public void testRewardConceptsFuzzification3() {
    NAR n =;
    MutableFloat m = new MutableFloat(0f);
    FloatNormalized range = new FloatPolarNormalized(() -> m.floatValue(), 1f);
    DigitizedScalar f = new DigitizedScalar(range, DigitizedScalar.FuzzyNeedle, n, $.p("low"), $.p("mid"), $.p("hih"));
    // {
    // f.clear();
    // m.setValue(0);;
    // System.out.println(Texts.n4(m.floatValue()) + "\t" + f.toString());
    // assertEquals("(I-->[sad]) %0.25;.90%\t(I-->[neutral]) %1.0;.90%\t(I-->[happy]) %0.0;.90%", f.toString());
    // }
    // {
    // f.clear();
    // m.setValue(-1);;
    // System.out.println(Texts.n4(m.floatValue()) + "\t" + f.toString());
    // assertEquals("(I-->[sad]) %1.0;.90%\t(I-->[neutral]) %0.0;.90%\t(I-->[happy]) %0.0;.90%", f.toString());
    // }
    // {
    // f.clear();
    // m.setValue(+1);;
    // System.out.println(Texts.n4(m.floatValue()) + "\t" + f.toString());
    // assertEquals("(I-->[sad]) %0.0;.90%\t(I-->[neutral]) %0.0;.90%\t(I-->[happy]) %1.0;.90%", f.toString());
    // }
    testSteadyFreqCondition(m, f, (freqSum) -> {
        System.out.println(freqSum + " " + tolerance);
        return Util.equals(freqSum, 1f, tolerance);
    }, n);
Also used : FloatNormalized(jcog.math.FloatNormalized) MutableFloat(org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableFloat) DigitizedScalar(nars.concept.scalar.DigitizedScalar) FloatPolarNormalized(jcog.math.FloatPolarNormalized) NAR(nars.NAR) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) Disabled(org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)

Example 20 with Disabled

use of org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled in project narchy by automenta.

the class OpjectsTest method learnMethodGoal.

public void learnMethodGoal() throws Narsese.NarseseException {
    // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    // n.onTask(sb::append);
    Param.DEBUG = true;
    final NAR n = NARS.tmp();
    final Opjects objs = new Opjects(n);
    final SimpleClass x = objs.a("x", SimpleClass.class);
    n.logPriMin(System.out, 0.02f);
    // n.onTask(xx -> {
    // if (xx instanceof DerivedTask) {
    // if (xx.isGoal())
    // System.out.println(xx);
    // }
    // });
    int N = 2;
    int loops = 0, trainingRounds = 4;
    while (x.v != 2) {
        if (loops++ < trainingRounds) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                x.set(i % N);
            // n.input("$0.5 (0<->2)?");
            // n.input("$0.5 (1<->2)?");
            n.input("$1.0 x(get,(),2)!");
        // n.input("$1.0 x(set,2)! :|:");
        // n.input("$1.0 SimpleClass(get,x,(),2)! :|:");
        // n.input("$1.0 SimpleClass(get,x,(),_)! :|:");
        // n.input("$1.0 --SimpleClass(get,x,(),0)! :|:");
        // n.input("$1.0 --SimpleClass(get,x,(),1)! :|:");;
// while (x.v!=3) {
// }
// n.input("$0.5 (0<->1)?");
// n.input("$0.5 (1<->2)?");
// n.input("$0.5 (2<->3)?");
// n.input("$0.5 (3<->4)?");
// n.input("$1.0 (SimpleClass(set,x,$x) ==> SimpleClass(get,x,(),$x))?");
// n.tasks().forEachOrdered(z -> {
// System.out.println(z);
// });
Also used : NAR(nars.NAR) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) Disabled(org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)


Disabled (org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled)358 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)343 URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 File ( List (java.util.List)15 TransactionalIntegrationTest (org.hisp.dhis.TransactionalIntegrationTest)13 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)11 ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)11 NoGood ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 IOException ( NAR (nars.NAR)9 BaseDataTest (org.apache.ibatis.BaseDataTest)8 Timeout (org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout)8 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)7 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)7 TestNAR (nars.test.TestNAR)7 URL (org.apache.dubbo.common.URL)7