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Example 46 with Pixel

use of org.jwildfire.image.Pixel in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class Cartesian2PolarTransformer method performPixelTransformation.

protected void performPixelTransformation(WFImage pImg) {
    SimpleImage img = (SimpleImage) pImg;
    double zoom;
    if (this.zoom != 0.0)
        zoom = 1.0 / this.zoom;
        zoom = 1.0;
    zoom *= 2.0;
    int width = pImg.getImageWidth();
    int height = pImg.getImageHeight();
    boolean wrap = this.wrap;
    double cx = (double) width / 2;
    double cy = (double) height / 2;
    double daScale = (double) (height - 2) / (Math.PI + Math.PI);
    double drScale = (double) (width - 1) / Math.sqrt((double) width * (double) width + (double) height * (double) height);
    double PI2 = Math.PI / 2.0;
    double TWOPI = Math.PI + Math.PI;
    double a0 = (this.phi0) * Math.PI / 180.0;
    double r0 = this.r0;
    Pixel pPixel = new Pixel();
    double w1 = (double) width - 1.0;
    double h1 = (double) height - 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        double y0 = zoom * ((double) i - cy);
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            /* transform the point */
            double x0 = zoom * ((double) j - cx);
            double dr = Math.sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0);
            double da;
            if (x0 != 0)
                da = Math.atan(Tools.fabs33(y0) / Tools.fabs33(x0));
                da = PI2;
            if (x0 < 0.0) {
                if (y0 < 0.0)
                    da = Math.PI - da;
                    da += Math.PI;
            } else {
                if (y0 >= 0.0)
                    da = TWOPI - da;
            double x = (dr + r0) * drScale;
            if (wrap) {
                while (x >= ((double) width - 0.5)) x -= (double) (width - 1);
                while ((int) x < 0.5) x += (double) (width - 1);
            double y = (da + a0) * daScale + 1.0;
            while (y >= ((double) height - 0.5)) y -= (double) (height - 1);
            while ((int) y < 0.5) y += (double) (height - 1);
            /* render it */
            double xi = Tools.fmod33(x);
            double yi = Tools.fmod33(y);
            if ((x < 0.0) || (x > w1) || (y < 0.0) || (y > h1)) {
                pPixel.r = pPixel.g = pPixel.b = 0;
            } else {
                readSrcPixels(x, y);
                pPixel.r = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.r) + xi * (srcQ.r)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.r) + xi * (srcS.r))));
                pPixel.g = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.g) + xi * (srcQ.g)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.g) + xi * (srcS.g))));
                pPixel.b = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.b) + xi * (srcQ.b)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.b) + xi * (srcS.b))));
            img.setRGB(j, i, pPixel.r, pPixel.g, pPixel.b);
Also used : SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage) Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)

Example 47 with Pixel

use of org.jwildfire.image.Pixel in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class FormulaComposeTransformer method performPixelTransformation.

protected void performPixelTransformation(WFImage pImg) {
    SimpleImage bgImg = (SimpleImage) pImg;
    SimpleImage fgImg = (foregroundImage != null) ? foregroundImage : foreground.getImage();
    if (fgImg == bgImg)
        fgImg = fgImg.clone();
    Pixel fgPixel = new Pixel();
    Pixel bgPixel = new Pixel();
    // calculate left and top edge
    int fgLeft, fgTop;
    int bgWidth = bgImg.getImageWidth();
    int bgHeight = bgImg.getImageHeight();
    int fgWidth = fgImg.getImageWidth();
    int fgHeight = fgImg.getImageHeight();
    if (hAlign == HAlignment.CENTRE) {
        fgLeft = (bgWidth - fgWidth) / 2;
    } else if (hAlign == HAlignment.LEFT) {
        fgLeft = 0;
    } else if (hAlign == HAlignment.RIGHT) {
        fgLeft = bgWidth - fgWidth;
    } else {
        fgLeft = this.left;
    if (vAlign == VAlignment.CENTRE) {
        fgTop = (bgHeight - fgHeight) / 2;
    } else if (vAlign == VAlignment.TOP) {
        fgTop = 0;
    } else if (vAlign == VAlignment.BOTTOM) {
        fgTop = bgHeight - fgHeight;
    } else {
        fgTop =;
    // Initialize the parser
    JEPWrapper parser = new JEPWrapper();
    parser.addVariable("fgR", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("fgG", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("fgB", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("fgWidth", (double) fgWidth);
    parser.addVariable("fgHeight", (double) fgHeight);
    parser.addVariable("bgR", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("bgG", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("bgB", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("bgWidth", (double) bgWidth);
    parser.addVariable("bgHeight", (double) bgHeight);
    parser.addVariable("fgLeft", (double) fgLeft);
    parser.addVariable("fgTop", (double) fgTop);
    parser.addVariable("fgX", 0.0);
    parser.addVariable("fgY", 0.0);
    Node redNode = parser.parse(formula1Red);
    Node greenNode = parser.parse(formula2Green);
    Node blueNode = parser.parse(formula3Blue);
    // compose the images
    for (int i = 0; i < fgHeight; i++) {
        int top = fgTop + i;
        if (top >= 0 && top < bgHeight) {
            parser.setVarValue("fgY", (double) i / 255.0);
            for (int j = 0; j < fgWidth; j++) {
                int left = fgLeft + j;
                if (left >= 0 && left < bgWidth) {
                    parser.setVarValue("fgX", (double) j / 255.0);
                    bgPixel.setARGBValue(bgImg.getARGBValue(left, top));
                    fgPixel.setARGBValue(fgImg.getARGBValue(j, i));
                    parser.setVarValue("bgR", (double) bgPixel.r / 255.0);
                    parser.setVarValue("bgG", (double) bgPixel.g / 255.0);
                    parser.setVarValue("bgB", (double) bgPixel.b / 255.0);
                    parser.setVarValue("fgR", (double) fgPixel.r / 255.0);
                    parser.setVarValue("fgG", (double) fgPixel.g / 255.0);
                    parser.setVarValue("fgB", (double) fgPixel.b / 255.0);
                    // TODO Genlock: z. B. Testen, ob Intensitat 0 oder grober 0
                    // genlockFormula, genlockOperator (gleich, grober), genlockRefValue
                    bgPixel.r = Tools.roundColor((Double) parser.evaluate(redNode) * 255.0);
                    bgPixel.g = Tools.roundColor((Double) parser.evaluate(greenNode) * 255.0);
                    bgPixel.b = Tools.roundColor((Double) parser.evaluate(blueNode) * 255.0);
                    bgImg.setRGB(left, top, bgPixel);
Also used : JEPWrapper(org.jwildfire.base.mathparser.JEPWrapper) SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage) Node(org.nfunk.jep.Node) Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)

Example 48 with Pixel

use of org.jwildfire.image.Pixel in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class ScaleTransformer method scale_up_up.

private void scale_up_up(SimpleImage srcImg, SimpleImage dstImg) {
    int swidth = srcImg.getImageWidth();
    int sheight = srcImg.getImageHeight();
    int width = dstImg.getImageWidth();
    int height = dstImg.getImageHeight();
    double sclX, sclY;
    if (width > 1) {
        sclX = (double) (swidth - 1) / (double) (width - 1);
    } else
        sclX = 1.0;
    if (height > 1) {
        sclY = (double) (sheight - 1) / (double) (height - 1);
    } else
        sclY = 1.0;
    double cxD = (double) (width - 1) * 0.5;
    double cyD = (double) (height - 1) * 0.5;
    double cxS = (double) (swidth - 1) * 0.5;
    double cyS = (double) (sheight - 1) * 0.5;
    Pixel pPixel = new Pixel();
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        double y0 = (double) i - cyD;
        double y = y0 * sclY + cyS;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            // transform the point
            double x0 = (double) j - cxD;
            double x = x0 * sclX + cxS;
            // render it
            if (((int) x < 0) || ((int) x >= swidth) || ((int) y < 0) || ((int) y >= sheight)) {
                pPixel.r = pPixel.g = pPixel.b = 0;
            } else {
                double xi = Tools.fmod33(x);
                double yi = Tools.fmod33(y);
                readSrcPixels(srcImg, x, y);
                pPixel.r = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.r) + xi * (srcQ.r)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.r) + xi * (srcS.r))));
                pPixel.g = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.g) + xi * (srcQ.g)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.g) + xi * (srcS.g))));
                pPixel.b = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.b) + xi * (srcQ.b)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.b) + xi * (srcS.b))));
            dstImg.setRGB(j, i, pPixel.r, pPixel.g, pPixel.b);
Also used : Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)

Example 49 with Pixel

use of org.jwildfire.image.Pixel in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class ScaleTransformer method scale_down_up.

private void scale_down_up(SimpleImage srcImg, SimpleImage dstImg) {
    int swidth = srcImg.getImageWidth();
    int sheight = srcImg.getImageHeight();
    int width = dstImg.getImageWidth();
    int height = dstImg.getImageHeight();
    double sclX, sclY;
    if (width > 1) {
        sclX = (double) (swidth - 1) / (double) (width - 1);
    } else
        sclX = 1.0;
    if (height > 1) {
        sclY = (double) (sheight - 1) / (double) (height - 1);
    } else
        sclY = 1.0;
    double cxD = (double) (width - 1) * 0.5;
    double cyD = (double) (height - 1) * 0.5;
    double cxS = (double) (swidth - 1) * 0.5;
    double cyS = (double) (sheight - 1) * 0.5;
    Pixel pPixel = new Pixel();
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        double y0 = (double) i - cyD;
        double y = y0 * sclY + cyS;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            // transform the point
            double x0 = (double) j - cxD;
            double x = x0 * sclX + cxS;
            double xn = (x0 + 1.0) * sclX + cxS;
            if (xn >= (swidth - 0.5))
                xn = swidth - 1.0;
            if (((int) x < 0) || ((int) x >= swidth) || ((int) y < 0) || ((int) y >= sheight)) {
                pPixel.r = pPixel.g = pPixel.b = 0;
            } else {
                double xi = Tools.fmod33(x);
                double yi = Tools.fmod33(y);
                readSrcPixels(srcImg, x, y);
                int cvalR = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.r) + xi * (srcQ.r)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.r) + xi * (srcS.r))));
                int cvalG = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.g) + xi * (srcQ.g)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.g) + xi * (srcS.g))));
                int cvalB = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.b) + xi * (srcQ.b)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.b) + xi * (srcS.b))));
                x = x - xi + 1.0;
                int cnt = 1;
                while (x < xn) {
                    readSrcPixels(srcImg, x, y);
                    cvalR += (1.0 - yi) * srcP.r + yi * srcR.r;
                    cvalG += (1.0 - yi) * srcP.g + yi * srcR.g;
                    cvalB += (1.0 - yi) * srcP.b + yi * srcR.b;
                    x += 1.0;
                pPixel.r = roundColor(cvalR / (double) cnt);
                pPixel.g = roundColor(cvalG / (double) cnt);
                pPixel.b = roundColor(cvalB / (double) cnt);
            dstImg.setRGB(j, i, pPixel.r, pPixel.g, pPixel.b);
Also used : Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)

Example 50 with Pixel

use of org.jwildfire.image.Pixel in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class ShearTransformer method shearX.

private void shearX(SimpleImage pImg) {
    int width = pImg.getImageWidth();
    int height = pImg.getImageHeight();
    Pixel pPixel = new Pixel();
    double cx = (double) width / 2.0 - 0.5;
    double cy = (double) height / 2.0 - 0.5;
    double oy = this.centreY - cy;
    double zoom = this.zoom;
    if (zoom < 0.01)
        zoom = 0.01;
    zoom = 1.0 / zoom;
    double fshift = this.amount / (100.0 - 1.0);
    double shift = 0.0 - fshift;
    double w1 = (double) width - 1.0;
    double h1 = (double) height - 1.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        double y0 = (double) i - cy;
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            /* transform the point */
            double x0 = (double) j - cx;
            double amp = (y0 - oy) * shift;
            double x = (x0 + amp) * zoom + cx;
            double y = y0 * zoom + cy;
            /* render it */
            double xi = Tools.fmod33(x);
            double yi = Tools.fmod33(y);
            if ((x < 0.0) || (x > w1) || (y < 0.0) || (y > h1)) {
                pPixel.r = pPixel.g = pPixel.b = 0;
            } else {
                readSrcPixels(x, y);
                pPixel.r = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.r) + xi * (srcQ.r)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.r) + xi * (srcS.r))));
                pPixel.g = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.g) + xi * (srcQ.g)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.g) + xi * (srcS.g))));
                pPixel.b = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.b) + xi * (srcQ.b)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.b) + xi * (srcS.b))));
            pImg.setRGB(j, i, pPixel.r, pPixel.g, pPixel.b);
Also used : Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)


Pixel (org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)62 SimpleImage (org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage)37 RGBColor (org.jwildfire.create.tina.palette.RGBColor)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 HSLPixel (org.jwildfire.transform.HSLTransformer.HSLPixel)3 Color (java.awt.Color)2 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)2 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 JEPWrapper (org.jwildfire.base.mathparser.JEPWrapper)2 HSLTransformer (org.jwildfire.transform.HSLTransformer)2 Node (org.nfunk.jep.Node)2 SVGDiagram (com.kitfox.svg.SVGDiagram)1 SVGUniverse (com.kitfox.svg.SVGUniverse)1 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)1 File ( FileOutputStream ( OutputStreamWriter ( StringReader ( Writer (