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Example 56 with SimpleImage

use of org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class PostBumpMapWFFunc method transform.

public void transform(FlameTransformationContext pContext, XForm pXForm, XYZPoint pAffineTP, XYZPoint pVarTP, double pAmount) {
    double x = (pAffineTP.x - offsetX + 1.0) / scaleX * 0.5 * (double) (imgWidth - 1);
    double y = (pAffineTP.y - offsetY + 1.0) / scaleY * 0.5 * (double) (imgHeight - 1);
    double dz = offsetZ;
    int ix = Tools.FTOI(x);
    int iy = Tools.FTOI(y);
    if (ix >= 0 && ix < imgWidth && iy >= 0 && iy < imgHeight) {
        double intensity;
        if (bumpMap instanceof SimpleImage) {
            toolPixel.setARGBValue(((SimpleImage) bumpMap).getARGBValue(ix, iy));
            double r = toolPixel.r;
            double g = toolPixel.g;
            double b = toolPixel.b;
            intensity = (0.299 * r + 0.588 * g + 0.113 * b) / 255.0;
        } else {
            ((SimpleHDRImage) bumpMap).getRGBValues(rgbArray, ix, iy);
            double r = rgbArray[0];
            double g = rgbArray[0];
            double b = rgbArray[0];
            intensity = (0.299 * r + 0.588 * g + 0.113 * b);
        dz += scaleZ * intensity;
        if (resetZ != 0) {
            pVarTP.z = dz;
        } else {
            pVarTP.z += dz;
Also used : SimpleHDRImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleHDRImage) SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage) XYZPoint(org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.XYZPoint)

Example 57 with SimpleImage

use of org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class LoaderTest method testImageLoader.

public void testImageLoader() throws Exception {
    // use an image we have available already in classpath
    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("Delphi/jwildfire_icon.png");
    FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(new File("/dev/shm/test007"));
    IOUtils.copyLarge(fs, fo);
    String fn = "/dev/shm/test001";
    String name = "ImageSequenceLoader";
    JDesktopPane desk = new JDesktopPane();
    ImageSequenceLoader imageloader = (ImageSequenceLoader) LoadersList.getLoaderInstance(null, name);
    Assert.assertEquals(fn, imageloader.getFilename());
    Assert.assertEquals(7, imageloader.getFrame());
    Assert.assertEquals(desk, imageloader.getDesktop());
    Assert.assertEquals(name, imageloader.getName());
    Assert.assertEquals(name, imageloader.getBeanInfo().getBeanDescriptor().getName());
    SimpleImage si = imageloader.loadImage();
    Assert.assertEquals(48, si.getImageHeight());
    Assert.assertEquals(48, si.getImageWidth());
    Assert.assertEquals(1.0, si.getAspect(), .000001);
    new File("/dev/shm/test007").delete();
Also used : JDesktopPane(javax.swing.JDesktopPane) FileOutputStream( SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage) File( FileInputStream( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 58 with SimpleImage

use of org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class PixelizeTransformer method performPixelTransformation.

protected void performPixelTransformation(WFImage pImg) {
    // Init
    SimpleImage img = (SimpleImage) pImg;
    int width = pImg.getImageWidth();
    int height = pImg.getImageHeight();
    int gridSize = this.gridSize;
    Grid grid = (gridSize < 1) ? Grid.OFF : this.grid;
    Pixel pixel = new Pixel();
    int pw = this.width;
    int ph = this.height;
    if (pw < 1)
        pw = 1;
    else if (pw > width)
        pw = width;
    if (ph < 1)
        ph = 1;
    else if (ph > height)
        ph = height;
    if ((pw == 1) && (ph == 1))
    int pwo = pw;
    int pho = ph;
    int hc = width / pw;
    if ((width % pw) != 0)
        hc += 2;
    int vc = height / ph;
    if ((height % ph) != 0)
        vc += 2;
    int[] pwa = new int[hc];
    int[] pha = new int[vc];
    int gSize = 0;
    if (grid != Grid.OFF) {
        gSize = gridSize;
        if ((gSize > pwo) || (gSize > pho)) {
            if (pwo > pho)
                gSize = pho;
                gSize = pwo;
    int[] grUp = null, ggUp = null, gbUp = null;
    int[] grDown = null, ggDown = null, gbDown = null;
    int[] grLeft = null, ggLeft = null, gbLeft = null;
    int[] grRight = null, ggRight = null, gbRight = null;
    if (((grid) != Grid.OFF) && (gSize >= 1)) {
        if ((gSize % 2) == 0)
        int s = (gSize / 2 + 1);
        if (gSize > 1) {
            grUp = new int[s];
            ggUp = new int[s];
            gbUp = new int[s];
            grDown = new int[s];
            ggDown = new int[s];
            gbDown = new int[s];
            grLeft = new int[s];
            ggLeft = new int[s];
            gbLeft = new int[s];
            grRight = new int[s];
            ggRight = new int[s];
            gbRight = new int[s];
    if ((width % pw) == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < hc; i++) pwa[i] = pw;
    } else {
        if (this.centre) {
            pwa[0] = (width % pw) / 2;
            if (pwa[0] == 0)
                pwa[0] = 1;
            for (int i = 1; i < (hc - 1); i++) pwa[i] = pw;
            pwa[hc - 1] = width - pwa[0] - (hc - 2) * pw;
            if (pwa[hc - 1] == 0)
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < (hc - 1); i++) pwa[i] = pw;
            pwa[hc - 1] = width - (hc - 1) * pw;
    if ((height % ph) == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < vc; i++) pha[i] = ph;
    } else {
        if (this.centre) {
            pha[0] = (height % ph) / 2;
            if (pha[0] == 0)
                pha[0] = 1;
            for (int i = 1; i < (vc - 1); i++) pha[i] = ph;
            pha[vc - 1] = height - pha[0] - (vc - 2) * ph;
            if (pha[vc - 1] == 0)
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < (vc - 1); i++) pha[i] = ph;
            pha[vc - 1] = height - (vc - 1) * ph;
        int topOffset = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vc; i++) {
            ph = pha[i];
            int leftOffset = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < hc; j++) {
                pw = pwa[j];
                int pc = pw * ph;
                /* compute the average-color */
                int ra = 0, ga = 0, ba = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < ph; k++) {
                    for (int l = 0; l < pw; l++) {
                        int x = leftOffset + l;
                        int y = topOffset + k;
                        pixel.setARGBValue(srcImg.getARGBValue(x, y));
                        ra += pixel.r;
                        ga += pixel.g;
                        ba += pixel.b;
                ra = Tools.limitColor(ra / pc);
                ga = Tools.limitColor(ga / pc);
                ba = Tools.limitColor(ba / pc);
                // set this color in the current box
                for (int k = 0; k < ph; k++) {
                    for (int l = 0; l < pw; l++) {
                        int x = leftOffset + l;
                        int y = topOffset + k;
                        img.setRGB(x, y, pixel);
                leftOffset += pw;
            topOffset += ph;
    if ((grid != Grid.OFF) && (gSize >= 1)) {
        double gFallOffUp = this.gridFallOffTop;
        double gFallOffDown = this.gridFallOffBottom;
        double gFallOffLeft = this.gridFallOffLeft;
        double gFallOffRight = this.gridFallOffRight;
        if (gFallOffUp < 0.0)
            gFallOffUp = 0.0;
        if (gFallOffDown < 0.0)
            gFallOffDown = 0.0;
        if (gFallOffLeft < 0.0)
            gFallOffLeft = 0.0;
        if (gFallOffRight < 0.0)
            gFallOffRight = 0.0;
        int s = (gSize / 2 + 1);
        int n = s - 1;
        if (gSize > 1) {
            if ((gFallOffUp < 0.0001) && (gFallOffDown < 0.0001) && (gFallOffLeft < 0.0001) && (gFallOffRight < 0.0001)) {
                for (int k = 0; k < s; k++) {
                    grUp[k] = grDown[k] = grLeft[k] = grRight[k] = this.gridColor.getRed();
                    ggUp[k] = ggDown[k] = ggLeft[k] = ggRight[k] = this.gridColor.getGreen();
                    gbUp[k] = gbDown[k] = gbLeft[k] = gbRight[k] = this.gridColor.getBlue();
            } else {
                calcCArray(grUp, s, gFallOffUp, this.gridColor.getRed());
                calcCArray(ggUp, s, gFallOffUp, this.gridColor.getGreen());
                calcCArray(gbUp, s, gFallOffUp, this.gridColor.getBlue());
                calcCArray(grDown, s, gFallOffDown, this.gridColor.getRed());
                calcCArray(ggDown, s, gFallOffDown, this.gridColor.getGreen());
                calcCArray(gbDown, s, gFallOffDown, this.gridColor.getBlue());
                calcCArray(grLeft, s, gFallOffLeft, this.gridColor.getRed());
                calcCArray(ggLeft, s, gFallOffLeft, this.gridColor.getGreen());
                calcCArray(gbLeft, s, gFallOffLeft, this.gridColor.getBlue());
                calcCArray(grRight, s, gFallOffRight, this.gridColor.getRed());
                calcCArray(ggRight, s, gFallOffRight, this.gridColor.getGreen());
                calcCArray(gbRight, s, gFallOffRight, this.gridColor.getBlue());
        } else
            n = 0;
        // horizontal grid
        if ((grid == Grid.XY) || (grid == Grid.X)) {
            int topOffset = 0;
            int r, g, b;
            for (int i = 0; i < (vc - 1); i++) {
                ph = pha[i];
                topOffset += ph;
                // base grid
                r = this.gridColor.getRed();
                g = this.gridColor.getGreen();
                b = this.gridColor.getBlue();
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                    img.setRGB(j, topOffset, r, g, b);
                // up
                for (int kk = 1; kk <= n; kk++) {
                    r = grUp[kk];
                    g = ggUp[kk];
                    b = gbUp[kk];
                    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                        int y = topOffset - kk;
                        if (y >= 0)
                            img.setRGB(j, y, r, g, b);
                // down
                for (int kk = 1; kk <= n; kk++) {
                    r = grDown[kk];
                    g = ggDown[kk];
                    b = gbDown[kk];
                    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                        int y = topOffset + kk;
                        if (y < height)
                            img.setRGB(j, y, r, g, b);
        // vertical grid
        if ((grid == Grid.XY) || (grid == Grid.Y)) {
            int r, g, b;
            int leftOffset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < (hc - 1); i++) {
                pw = pwa[i];
                leftOffset += pw;
                // base grid
                r = this.gridColor.getRed();
                g = this.gridColor.getGreen();
                b = this.gridColor.getBlue();
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                    img.setRGB(leftOffset, j, r, g, b);
                // left
                for (int kk = 1; kk <= n; kk++) {
                    r = grLeft[kk];
                    g = ggLeft[kk];
                    b = gbLeft[kk];
                    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                        int x = leftOffset - kk;
                        if (x >= 0)
                            img.setRGB(x, j, r, g, b);
                // right
                for (int kk = 1; kk <= n; kk++) {
                    r = grRight[kk];
                    g = ggRight[kk];
                    b = gbRight[kk];
                    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                        int x = leftOffset + kk;
                        if (x < width)
                            img.setRGB(x, j, r, g, b);
        // connections
        if (grid == Grid.XY) {
            int topOffset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < (vc - 1); i++) {
                ph = pha[i];
                topOffset += ph;
                int leftOffset = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < (hc - 1); j++) {
                    pw = pwa[j];
                    leftOffset += pw;
                    int r, g, b;
                    // base grid
                    r = this.gridColor.getRed();
                    g = this.gridColor.getGreen();
                    b = this.gridColor.getBlue();
                    for (int kk = -n; kk <= +n; kk++) {
                        int x = leftOffset + kk;
                        int y = topOffset;
                        if ((x >= 0) && (x < width) && (y >= 0) && (y < height))
                            img.setRGB(x, y, r, g, b);
                    // up
                    for (int kk = 1; kk <= n; kk++) {
                        r = grUp[kk];
                        g = ggUp[kk];
                        b = gbUp[kk];
                        for (int ll = kk; ll <= n; ll++) {
                            int x = leftOffset - ll;
                            int y = topOffset - kk;
                            if ((x >= 0) && (x < width) && (y >= 0) && (y < height))
                                img.setRGB(x, y, r, g, b);
                            x = leftOffset + ll;
                            if ((x >= 0) && (x < width) && (y >= 0) && (y < height))
                                img.setRGB(x, y, r, g, b);
                    // down
                    for (int kk = 1; kk <= n; kk++) {
                        r = grDown[kk];
                        g = ggDown[kk];
                        b = gbDown[kk];
                        for (int ll = kk; ll <= n; ll++) {
                            int x = leftOffset - ll;
                            int y = topOffset + kk;
                            if ((x >= 0) && (x < width) && (y >= 0) && (y < height))
                                img.setRGB(x, y, r, g, b);
                            x = leftOffset + ll;
                            if ((x >= 0) && (x < width) && (y >= 0) && (y < height))
                                img.setRGB(x, y, r, g, b);
Also used : SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage) Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)

Example 59 with SimpleImage

use of org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class RectangleTransformer method performPixelTransformation.

protected void performPixelTransformation(WFImage pImg) {
    SimpleImage img = (SimpleImage) pImg;
    Graphics g = img.getGraphics();
    if (thickness == 1) {
        g.drawRect(left, top, width, height);
    } else if (thickness > 1) {
        // p1                          p2
        // p5                      p6
        // p7                      p8
        // p3                          p4
        final int x1 = left;
        final int y1 = top;
        final int x2 = left + width - 1;
        final int y2 = top;
        final int x3 = left;
        final int y3 = top + height - 1;
        final int x4 = left + width - 1;
        final int y4 = top + height - 1;
        final int x5 = x1 + thickness;
        final int y5 = y1 + thickness;
        final int x6 = x2 - thickness;
        final int y6 = y2 + thickness;
        final int x7 = x3 + thickness;
        final int y7 = y3 - thickness;
        final int x8 = x4 - thickness;
        final int y8 = y4 - thickness;
        g.fillPolygon(new int[] { x1, x2, x6, x5 }, new int[] { y1, y2, y6, y5 }, 4);
        g.fillPolygon(new int[] { x7, x8, x4, x3 }, new int[] { y7, y8, y4, y3 }, 4);
        g.fillPolygon(new int[] { x1, x5, x7, x3 }, new int[] { y1, y5, y7, y3 }, 4);
        g.fillPolygon(new int[] { x2, x4, x8, x6 }, new int[] { y2, y4, y8, y6 }, 4);
Also used : Graphics(java.awt.Graphics) SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage)

Example 60 with SimpleImage

use of org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage in project JWildfire by thargor6.

the class RefractTransformer method performPixelTransformation.

protected void performPixelTransformation(WFImage pImg) {
    SimpleImage img = (SimpleImage) pImg;
    int width = pImg.getImageWidth();
    int height = pImg.getImageHeight();
    double xscl = this.scaleX;
    double yscl = this.scaleY;
    double w1 = (double) width - 1.0;
    double h1 = (double) height - 1.0;
    Pixel pPixel = new Pixel();
    for (int pY = 0; pY < height; pY++) {
        for (int pX = 0; pX < width; pX++) {
            pPixel.setARGBValue(img.getARGBValue(pX, pY));
            int argb = srcImg.getARGBValue(pX, pY);
            double gint = (double) (toolPixel.r - avg);
            double x = (double) pX - xscl * gint;
            double y = (double) pY - yscl * gint;
            /* color-wrapping */
            if (this.wrap) {
                while (x >= ((double) width - 0.5)) x -= (double) (width - 1);
                while ((int) x < 0.5) x += (double) (width - 1);
                while (y >= ((double) height - 0.5)) y -= (double) (height - 1);
                while ((int) y < 0.5) y += (double) (height - 1);
            /* render it */
            double xi = Tools.fmod33(x);
            double yi = Tools.fmod33(y);
            if ((x < 0.0) || (x > w1) || (y < 0.0) || (y > h1)) {
                pPixel.r = pPixel.g = pPixel.b = 0;
            } else {
                readSrcPixels(x, y);
                pPixel.r = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.r) + xi * (srcQ.r)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.r) + xi * (srcS.r))));
                pPixel.g = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.g) + xi * (srcQ.g)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.g) + xi * (srcS.g))));
                pPixel.b = roundColor(((1.0 - yi) * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcP.b) + xi * (srcQ.b)) + yi * ((1.0 - xi) * (srcR.b) + xi * (srcS.b))));
            img.setRGB(pX, pY, pPixel.r, pPixel.g, pPixel.b);
Also used : SimpleImage(org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage) Pixel(org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)


SimpleImage (org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage)174 Pixel (org.jwildfire.image.Pixel)37 ImagePanel (org.jwildfire.swing.ImagePanel)24 FlamePanel (org.jwildfire.create.tina.swing.flamepanel.FlamePanel)20 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)18 Flame (org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.Flame)17 File ( RenderedFlame (org.jwildfire.create.tina.render.RenderedFlame)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)12 FlameRenderer (org.jwildfire.create.tina.render.FlameRenderer)12 RenderInfo (org.jwildfire.create.tina.render.RenderInfo)12 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)10 SimpleHDRImage (org.jwildfire.image.SimpleHDRImage)10 WFImage (org.jwildfire.image.WFImage)9 ImageReader ( JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)8 JScrollPane (javax.swing.JScrollPane)8 ResolutionProfile (org.jwildfire.base.ResolutionProfile)8 Color (java.awt.Color)7