use of org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException in project Spark by igniterealtime.
the class SendFileTransfer method saveEventToHistory.
* Adds an event text as a message to transcript and saves it to history
* @param eventText Contains file transfer event text
private void saveEventToHistory(String eventText) {
try {
Message message = new Message(nickname, eventText);
chatRoom.addToTranscript(message, false);
} catch (XmppStringprepException e) {
use of org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException in project Spark by igniterealtime.
the class PrivacyPresenceHandler method removeIconsForItem.
private void removeIconsForItem(PrivacyItem item) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException {
if (item.getType().equals(PrivacyItem.Type.jid)) {
Jid jid;
try {
jid = JidCreate.from(item.getValue());
} catch (XmppStringprepException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
if (item.isFilterPresenceOut()) {
if (item.getType().equals( {
ContactGroup group = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList().getContactGroup(item.getValue());
for (ContactItem contact : group.getContactItems()) {
if (item.isFilterPresenceOut()) {
use of org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException in project Spark by igniterealtime.
the class JabberBrowser method browse.
private void browse(String serviceNameString) {
Jid serviceName;
try {
serviceName = JidCreate.from(serviceNameString);
} catch (XmppStringprepException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
ServiceDiscoveryManager discoManager = ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor(con);
DiscoverItems result;
try {
result = discoManager.discoverItems(serviceName);
} catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) {
for (DiscoverItems.Item item : result.getItems()) {
Entity entity = new Entity(item);
use of org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException in project Spark by igniterealtime.
the class VCardManager method reloadVCard.
* Forces a reload of a <code>VCard</code>. To load a VCard you should use
* getVCard(String jid) instead. This method will perform a network lookup
* which could take some time. If you're having problems with request
* timeout you should also use getVCard(String jid). Use addToQueue(String
* jid) if you want VCardManager to update the VCard by the given jid. The
* method will block until the result is available or a timeout occurs.
* @param jidString the JID of the user.
* @return the new network vCard or a vCard with an error
public VCard reloadVCard(BareJid jidString) {
EntityBareJid jid;
try {
jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jidString);
} catch (XmppStringprepException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
VCard vcard = new VCard();
try {
vcard = org.jivesoftware.smackx.vcardtemp.VCardManager.getInstanceFor(SparkManager.getConnection()).loadVCard(jid);
if (vcard.getNickName() != null && vcard.getNickName().length() > 0) {
// update nickname.
ContactItem item = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList().getContactItemByJID(jid.toString());
// TODO: this doesn't work if someone removes his nickname. If we remove it in that case, it will cause problems with people using another way to manage their nicknames.
addVCard(jid, vcard);
persistVCard(jid, vcard);
} catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) {
// //System.out.println(jid+" Fehler in reloadVCard ----> null");
StanzaError.Builder errorBuilder = StanzaError.getBuilder(StanzaError.Condition.resource_constraint);
return vcard;
// We dont want cards with error
// vcard.setError(new StanzaError(XMPPError.Condition.request_timeout));
// addVCard(jid, vcard);
return vcard;
use of org.jxmpp.stringprep.XmppStringprepException in project Spark by igniterealtime.
the class VCardManager method initializeUI.
* Adds VCard capabilities to menus and other components in Spark.
private void initializeUI() {
// See if we should disable the "Edit my profile" option under "File"
if (Default.getBoolean(Default.DISABLE_EDIT_PROFILE) || !Enterprise.containsFeature(Enterprise.VCARD_FEATURE))
// Add Actions Menu
final JMenu contactsMenu = SparkManager.getMainWindow().getMenuByName(Res.getString("menuitem.contacts"));
final JMenu communicatorMenu = SparkManager.getMainWindow().getJMenuBar().getMenu(0);
JMenuItem editProfileMenu = new JMenuItem(SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.SMALL_BUSINESS_MAN_VIEW));
ResourceUtils.resButton(editProfileMenu, Res.getString(""));
int size = contactsMenu.getMenuComponentCount();
communicatorMenu.insert(editProfileMenu, 1);
editProfileMenu.addActionListener(e -> {
SwingWorker vcardLoaderWorker = new SwingWorker() {
public Object construct() {
try {
final org.jivesoftware.smackx.vcardtemp.VCardManager smackVCardManager = org.jivesoftware.smackx.vcardtemp.VCardManager.getInstanceFor(SparkManager.getConnection());
personalVCard = smackVCardManager.loadVCard();
} catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) {
Log.error("Error loading vcard information.", e);
return true;
public void finished() {
editor.editProfile(personalVCard, SparkManager.getWorkspace());
personalVCardAvatar = null;
personalVCardHash = null;
JMenuItem viewProfileMenu = new JMenuItem("", SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.FIND_TEXT_IMAGE));
ResourceUtils.resButton(viewProfileMenu, Res.getString("menuitem.lookup.profile"));
contactsMenu.insert(viewProfileMenu, size > 0 ? size - 3 : 0);
viewProfileMenu.addActionListener(e -> {
String jidToView = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(SparkManager.getMainWindow(), Res.getString("") + ":", Res.getString("title.lookup.profile"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
if (ModelUtil.hasLength(jidToView) && jidToView.contains("@") && ModelUtil.hasLength(XmppStringUtils.parseDomain(jidToView))) {
BareJid bareJid;
try {
bareJid = JidCreate.bareFrom(jidToView);
} catch (XmppStringprepException e1) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e1);
viewProfile(bareJid, SparkManager.getWorkspace());
} else if (ModelUtil.hasLength(jidToView)) {
UIManager.put("OptionPane.okButtonText", Res.getString("ok"));
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(SparkManager.getMainWindow(), Res.getString(""), Res.getString("title.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);