use of org.kie.dmn.feel.lang.ast.BaseNode in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DMNDTAnalyser method toIntervals.
private List<Interval> toIntervals(List<BaseNode> elements, boolean isNegated, Interval minMax, List discreteValues, int rule, int col) {
List<Interval> results = new ArrayList<>();
if (elements.size() == 1 && elements.get(0) instanceof UnaryTestNode && ((UnaryTestNode) elements.get(0)).getValue() instanceof NullNode) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (discreteValues != null && !discreteValues.isEmpty() && areAllEQUnaryTest(elements) && elements.size() > 1) {
// JDK BitSet size will always be larger.
int bitsetLogicalSize = discreteValues.size();
BitSet hitValues = new BitSet(bitsetLogicalSize);
for (BaseNode n : elements) {
Comparable<?> thisValue = valueFromNode(((UnaryTestNode) n).getValue());
int indexOf = discreteValues.indexOf(thisValue);
if (indexOf < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine discreteValue index for: " + n);
if (isNegated) {
hitValues.flip(0, bitsetLogicalSize);
int lowerBoundIdx = -1;
int upperBoundIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < hitValues.length(); i++) {
boolean curValue = hitValues.get(i);
if (curValue) {
if (lowerBoundIdx < 0) {
lowerBoundIdx = i;
upperBoundIdx = i;
} else {
upperBoundIdx = i;
} else {
if (lowerBoundIdx >= 0 && upperBoundIdx >= 0) {
results.add(createIntervalOfRule(discreteValues, rule, col, lowerBoundIdx, upperBoundIdx));
lowerBoundIdx = -1;
upperBoundIdx = -1;
if (lowerBoundIdx >= 0 && upperBoundIdx >= 0) {
results.add(createIntervalOfRule(discreteValues, rule, col, lowerBoundIdx, upperBoundIdx));
} else {
for (BaseNode n : elements) {
if (n instanceof DashNode) {
results.add(new Interval(minMax.getLowerBound().getBoundaryType(), minMax.getLowerBound().getValue(), minMax.getUpperBound().getValue(), minMax.getUpperBound().getBoundaryType(), rule, col));
UnaryTestNode ut = (UnaryTestNode) n;
Interval interval = utnToInterval(ut, minMax, discreteValues, rule, col);
if (isNegated) {
results.addAll(Interval.invertOverDomain(interval, minMax));
} else {
return results;
use of org.kie.dmn.feel.lang.ast.BaseNode in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ASTCompilerVisitor method visit.
public DirectCompilerResult visit(UnaryTestListNode n) {
MethodCallExpr expr = Expressions.list();
HashSet<FieldDeclaration> fds = new HashSet<>();
for (BaseNode e : n.getElements()) {
DirectCompilerResult r = e.accept(this);
if (n.isNegated()) {
Expressions.NamedLambda negated = Expressions.namedUnaryLambda(Expressions.notExists(expr), n.getText());
return DirectCompilerResult.of(Expressions.list(, BuiltInType.LIST, fds);
} else {
return DirectCompilerResult.of(expr, BuiltInType.LIST, fds);
use of org.kie.dmn.feel.lang.ast.BaseNode in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ASTCompilerVisitor method visit.
public DirectCompilerResult visit(PathExpressionNode n) {
DirectCompilerResult expr = n.getExpression().accept(this);
BaseNode nameNode = n.getName();
if (nameNode instanceof QualifiedNameNode) {
QualifiedNameNode qualifiedNameNode = (QualifiedNameNode) n.getName();
List<Expression> exprs = qualifiedNameNode.getParts().stream().map(name -> new StringLiteralExpr(name.getText())).collect(Collectors.toList());
return DirectCompilerResult.of(Expressions.path(expr.getExpression(), exprs), // here we could still try to infer the result type, but presently use ANY
} else {
return DirectCompilerResult.of(Expressions.path(expr.getExpression(), new StringLiteralExpr(nameNode.getText())), // here we could still try to infer the result type, but presently use ANY
use of org.kie.dmn.feel.lang.ast.BaseNode in project drools by kiegroup.
the class FEELImpl method parseTest.
public String parseTest(final String value) {
final FEEL_1_1Parser parser = FEELParser.parse(null, value, Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), null);
final ParseTree tree = parser.expression();
final ASTBuilderVisitor v = new ASTBuilderVisitor(Collections.emptyMap(), null);
final BaseNode expr = v.visit(tree);
return expr.getText() + " - " + expr.getResultType() + " - " + expr.toString();
use of org.kie.dmn.feel.lang.ast.BaseNode in project drools by kiegroup.
the class ASTBuilderVisitor method visitQuantExprSome.
public BaseNode visitQuantExprSome(FEEL_1_1Parser.QuantExprSomeContext ctx) {
ListNode list = (ListNode) visit(ctx.iterationContexts());
BaseNode expr = visit(ctx.expression());
return ASTBuilderFactory.newQuantifiedExpression(ctx, QuantifiedExpressionNode.Quantifier.SOME, list, expr);