use of org.kie.dmn.model.api.InputData in project drools by kiegroup.
the class InputDataCompiler method compileNode.
public void compileNode(DRGElement de, DMNCompilerImpl compiler, DMNModelImpl model) {
InputData input = (InputData) de;
InputDataNodeImpl idn = new InputDataNodeImpl(input);
if (input.getVariable() != null) {
DMNCompilerHelper.checkVariableName(model, input, input.getName());
DMNType type = compiler.resolveTypeRef(model, de, input.getVariable(), input.getVariable().getTypeRef());
} else {
DMNCompilerHelper.reportMissingVariable(model, de, input, Msg.MISSING_VARIABLE_FOR_INPUT);
use of org.kie.dmn.model.api.InputData in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DefinitionsConverter method writeChildren.
protected void writeChildren(HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context, Object parent) {
super.writeChildren(writer, context, parent);
Definitions def = (Definitions) parent;
for (Import i : def.getImport()) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, i, IMPORT);
for (ItemDefinition id : def.getItemDefinition()) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, id, ITEM_DEFINITION);
for (DRGElement e : def.getDrgElement()) {
String nodeName = DRG_ELEMENT;
if (e instanceof BusinessKnowledgeModel) {
nodeName = "businessKnowledgeModel";
} else if (e instanceof Decision) {
nodeName = "decision";
} else if (e instanceof InputData) {
nodeName = "inputData";
} else if (e instanceof KnowledgeSource) {
nodeName = "knowledgeSource";
} else if (e instanceof DecisionService) {
nodeName = "decisionService";
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, e, nodeName);
for (Artifact a : def.getArtifact()) {
String nodeName = ARTIFACT;
if (a instanceof Association) {
nodeName = "association";
} else if (a instanceof TextAnnotation) {
nodeName = "textAnnotation";
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, a, nodeName);
for (ElementCollection ec : def.getElementCollection()) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, ec, ELEMENT_COLLECTION);
for (BusinessContextElement bce : def.getBusinessContextElement()) {
if (bce instanceof OrganizationUnit) {
nodeName = "organizationUnit";
} else if (bce instanceof PerformanceIndicator) {
nodeName = "performanceIndicator";
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, bce, nodeName);
if (def.getDMNDI() != null) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, def.getDMNDI(), "DMNDI");
use of org.kie.dmn.model.api.InputData in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DMNExtensionRegisterTest method testUsingSystemProperty.
public void testUsingSystemProperty() {
try {
System.setProperty("org.kie.dmn.profiles.FirstNameLastNameProfile", FirstNameLastNameProfile.class.getCanonicalName());
assertEquals(FirstNameLastNameProfile.class.getCanonicalName(), System.getProperty("org.kie.dmn.profiles.FirstNameLastNameProfile"));
final DMNRuntime runtime = DMNRuntimeUtil.createRuntime("0001-input-data-string-with-extensions.dmn", this.getClass());
final DMNModel dmnModel = runtime.getModel("", "0001-input-data-string");
assertThat(dmnModel, notNullValue());
assertThat(formatMessages(dmnModel.getMessages()), dmnModel.hasErrors(), is(false));
assertEquals(3, dmnModel.getDefinitions().getDrgElement().size());
final InputData inputData1 = (InputData) dmnModel.getDefinitions().getDrgElement().get(1);
assertEquals("First Name", inputData1.getName());
final DMNElement.ExtensionElements id1elements = inputData1.getExtensionElements();
assertEquals(1, id1elements.getAny().size());
final FirstNameDescription firstNameDescription = (FirstNameDescription) id1elements.getAny().get(0);
assertEquals("First name in latin characters", firstNameDescription.getContent());
final InputData inputData2 = (InputData) dmnModel.getDefinitions().getDrgElement().get(2);
assertEquals("Last Name", inputData2.getName());
final DMNElement.ExtensionElements id2elements = inputData2.getExtensionElements();
assertEquals(1, id2elements.getAny().size());
final LastNameDescription lastNameDescription = (LastNameDescription) id2elements.getAny().get(0);
assertEquals("Last name in latin characters", lastNameDescription.getContent());
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.error("{}", e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw e;
} finally {
use of org.kie.dmn.model.api.InputData in project drools by kiegroup.
the class DefinitionsConverter method writeChildren.
protected void writeChildren(HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context, Object parent) {
super.writeChildren(writer, context, parent);
Definitions def = (Definitions) parent;
for (Import i : def.getImport()) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, i, IMPORT);
for (ItemDefinition id : def.getItemDefinition()) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, id, ITEM_DEFINITION);
for (DRGElement e : def.getDrgElement()) {
String nodeName = DRG_ELEMENT;
if (e instanceof BusinessKnowledgeModel) {
nodeName = "businessKnowledgeModel";
} else if (e instanceof Decision) {
nodeName = "decision";
} else if (e instanceof InputData) {
nodeName = "inputData";
} else if (e instanceof KnowledgeSource) {
nodeName = "knowledgeSource";
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, e, nodeName);
for (Artifact a : def.getArtifact()) {
String nodeName = ARTIFACT;
if (a instanceof Association) {
nodeName = "association";
} else if (a instanceof TextAnnotation) {
nodeName = "textAnnotation";
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, a, nodeName);
for (ElementCollection ec : def.getElementCollection()) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, ec, ELEMENT_COLLECTION);
for (BusinessContextElement bce : def.getBusinessContextElement()) {
if (bce instanceof OrganizationUnit) {
nodeName = "organizationUnit";
} else if (bce instanceof PerformanceIndicator) {
nodeName = "performanceIndicator";
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, bce, nodeName);
use of org.kie.dmn.model.api.InputData in project drools by kiegroup.
the class InputDataConverter method writeChildren.
protected void writeChildren(HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context, Object parent) {
super.writeChildren(writer, context, parent);
InputData id = (InputData) parent;
if (id.getVariable() != null) {
writeChildrenNode(writer, context, id.getVariable(), VARIABLE);