use of org.kie.kogito.explainability.model.PredictionFeatureDomain in project kogito-apps by kiegroup.
the class CounterfactualScoreCalculatorTest method testPrimarySoftScore.
* Test precision errors for primary soft score.
* When the primary soft score is calculated between features with the same numerical
* value a similarity of 1 is expected. For a large number of features, due to floating point errors this distance may be
* in some cases slightly larger than 1, which will cause the distance (Math.sqrt(1.0-similarity)) to cause an exception.
* The score calculation method should not let this should not occur.
@ValueSource(ints = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 })
void testPrimarySoftScore(int seed) {
final Random random = new Random(seed);
final List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
final List<FeatureDomain> featureDomains = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Boolean> constraints = new ArrayList<>();
final int nFeatures = 1000;
// Create a large number of identical features
for (int n = 0; n < nFeatures; n++) {
features.add(FeatureFactory.newNumericalFeature("f-" + n, random.nextDouble() * 1e-100));
featureDomains.add(NumericalFeatureDomain.create(0.0, 10.0));
final PredictionInput input = new PredictionInput(features);
final PredictionFeatureDomain domain = new PredictionFeatureDomain(featureDomains);
final List<CounterfactualEntity> entities = CounterfactualEntityFactory.createEntities(input);
// Create score calculator and model
final CounterFactualScoreCalculator scoreCalculator = new CounterFactualScoreCalculator();
PredictionProvider model = TestUtils.getFeatureSkipModel(0);
// Create goal
final List<Output> goal = new ArrayList<>();
for (int n = 1; n < nFeatures; n++) {
goal.add(new Output("f-" + n, Type.NUMBER, features.get(n).getValue(), 1.0));
final CounterfactualSolution solution = new CounterfactualSolution(entities, features, model, goal, UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), 0.0);
final BendableBigDecimalScore score = scoreCalculator.calculateScore(solution);
assertEquals(0.0, score.getSoftScore(0).doubleValue(), 1e-5);
use of org.kie.kogito.explainability.model.PredictionFeatureDomain in project kogito-apps by kiegroup.
the class CounterfactualScoreCalculatorTest method testNullDoubleInput.
* Null values for input Double features should not be accepted as valid
void testNullDoubleInput() {
List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
List<FeatureDomain> featureDomains = new ArrayList<>();
List<Boolean> constraints = new ArrayList<>();
// f-1
features.add(FeatureFactory.newNumericalFeature("f-1", 1.0));
featureDomains.add(NumericalFeatureDomain.create(0.0, 10.0));
// f-2
features.add(FeatureFactory.newNumericalFeature("f-2", null));
featureDomains.add(NumericalFeatureDomain.create(0.0, 10.0));
// f-3
features.add(FeatureFactory.newBooleanFeature("f-3", true));
PredictionInput input = new PredictionInput(features);
PredictionFeatureDomain domains = new PredictionFeatureDomain(featureDomains);
IllegalArgumentException exception = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
assertEquals("Null numeric features are not supported in counterfactuals", exception.getMessage());