use of in project droolsjbpm-integration by kiegroup.
the class RestUtils method buildConversationIdHeader.
public static Header buildConversationIdHeader(String containerId, KieServerRegistry registry, HttpHeaders headers) {
List<String> conversationIdHeader = headers.getRequestHeader(KieServerConstants.KIE_CONVERSATION_ID_TYPE_HEADER);
if (conversationIdHeader != null && !conversationIdHeader.isEmpty()) {
return new Header(KieServerConstants.KIE_CONVERSATION_ID_TYPE_HEADER, conversationIdHeader.get(0));
KieContainerInstanceImpl container = registry.getContainer(containerId);
if (container != null && KieContainerStatus.STARTED.equals(container.getStatus())) {
ReleaseId releaseId = container.getResource().getResolvedReleaseId();
if (releaseId == null) {
releaseId = container.getResource().getReleaseId();
String conversationId = ConversationId.from(KieServerEnvironment.getServerId(), containerId, releaseId).toString();
return new Header(KieServerConstants.KIE_CONVERSATION_ID_TYPE_HEADER, conversationId);
return null;
use of in project droolsjbpm-integration by kiegroup.
the class UserTaskAdminResource method getExecutionErrors.
@ApiOperation(value = "Returns all task execution errors for a specified KIE container.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Unexpected error"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Container Id not found"), @ApiResponse(code = 200, response = ExecutionErrorInstanceList.class, message = "Successful response", examples = @Example(value = { @ExampleProperty(mediaType = JSON, value = GET_EXEC_ERRORS_RESPONSE_JSON) })) })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
public Response getExecutionErrors( HttpHeaders headers, @ApiParam(value = "container id that task instance belongs to", required = true, example = "evaluation_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT") @PathParam(CONTAINER_ID) String containerId, @ApiParam(value = "optional flag that indicates if acknowledged errors should also be collected, defaults to false", required = false) @QueryParam("includeAck") @DefaultValue("false") boolean includeAcknowledged, @ApiParam(value = "optional name of the task to filter by", required = false) @QueryParam("name") String taskName, @ApiParam(value = "optional process id that the task belongs to to filter by", required = false) @QueryParam("process") String processId, @ApiParam(value = "optional pagination - at which page to start, defaults to 0 (meaning first)", required = false) @QueryParam("page") @DefaultValue("0") Integer page, @ApiParam(value = "optional pagination - size of the result, defaults to 10", required = false) @QueryParam("pageSize") @DefaultValue("10") Integer pageSize, @ApiParam(value = "optional sort column, no default", required = false) @QueryParam("sort") String sort, @ApiParam(value = "optional sort direction (asc, desc) - defaults to asc", required = false) @QueryParam("sortOrder") @DefaultValue("true") boolean sortOrder) {
Variant v = getVariant(headers);
Header conversationIdHeader = buildConversationIdHeader(containerId, context, headers);
try {
ExecutionErrorInstanceList executionErrorInstanceList = userTaskAdminServiceBase.getExecutionErrorsByTaskName(containerId, processId, taskName, includeAcknowledged, page, pageSize, sort, sortOrder);
return createCorrectVariant(executionErrorInstanceList, headers, Response.Status.OK, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (ExecutionErrorNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(e.getMessage(), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (DeploymentNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(MessageFormat.format(CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND, containerId), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unexpected error during processing {}", e.getMessage(), e);
return internalServerError(errorMessage(e), v, conversationIdHeader);
use of in project droolsjbpm-integration by kiegroup.
the class UserTaskAdminResource method acknowledgeErrors.
@ApiOperation(value = "Acknowledges one or more task execution errors in a specified KIE container.", response = Void.class, code = 201)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Unexpected error"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Task instance or Container Id not found") })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
public Response acknowledgeErrors( HttpHeaders headers, @ApiParam(value = "container id that errors belong to", required = true, example = "evaluation_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT") @PathParam(CONTAINER_ID) String containerId, @ApiParam(value = "list of identifiers of execution errors to be acknowledged", required = true) @QueryParam("errorId") List<String> errorIds) {
Variant v = getVariant(headers);
Header conversationIdHeader = buildConversationIdHeader(containerId, context, headers);
try {
return createCorrectVariant("", headers, Response.Status.CREATED, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (ExecutionErrorNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(e.getMessage(), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (DeploymentNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(MessageFormat.format(CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND, containerId), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unexpected error during processing {}", e.getMessage(), e);
return internalServerError(errorMessage(e), v, conversationIdHeader);
use of in project droolsjbpm-integration by kiegroup.
the class UserTaskAdminResource method cancelReassignment.
@ApiOperation(value = "Deletes a specified reassignment for a specified task instance.", response = Void.class, code = 204)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Unexpected error"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Task instance or Container Id not found") })
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
public Response cancelReassignment( HttpHeaders headers, @ApiParam(value = "container id that task instance belongs to", required = true, example = "evaluation_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT") @PathParam(CONTAINER_ID) String containerId, @ApiParam(value = "identifier of task instance to be updated", required = true, example = "123") @PathParam(TASK_INSTANCE_ID) Long tInstanceId, @ApiParam(value = "identifier of reassignment to be canceled", required = true, example = "567") @PathParam("reassignmentId") Long reassignmentId) {
Variant v = getVariant(headers);
Header conversationIdHeader = buildConversationIdHeader(containerId, context, headers);
try {
userTaskAdminServiceBase.cancelReassignment(containerId, tInstanceId, reassignmentId);
return noContent(v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (TaskNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(MessageFormat.format(TASK_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND, tInstanceId), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (DeploymentNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(MessageFormat.format(CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND, containerId), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unexpected error during processing {}", e.getMessage(), e);
return internalServerError(errorMessage(e), v, conversationIdHeader);
use of in project droolsjbpm-integration by kiegroup.
the class UserTaskAdminResource method removeFromTask.
protected Response removeFromTask(HttpHeaders headers, String userId, String containerId, Long tInstanceId, boolean isUser, String entities, int operation) {
Variant v = getVariant(headers);
Header conversationIdHeader = buildConversationIdHeader(containerId, context, headers);
try {
String[] multipleEntities = entities.split(",");
List<String> listOfEntities = Arrays.asList(multipleEntities);
switch(operation) {
userTaskAdminServiceBase.removePotentialOwners(userId, containerId, tInstanceId, listOfEntities, isUser);
userTaskAdminServiceBase.removeExcludedOwners(userId, containerId, tInstanceId, listOfEntities, isUser);
case ADMIN:
userTaskAdminServiceBase.removeBusinessAdmins(userId, containerId, tInstanceId, listOfEntities, isUser);
return noContent(v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (TaskNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(MessageFormat.format(TASK_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND, tInstanceId), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (DeploymentNotFoundException e) {
return notFound(MessageFormat.format(CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND, containerId), v, conversationIdHeader);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unexpected error during processing {}", e.getMessage(), e);
return internalServerError(errorMessage(e), v, conversationIdHeader);