use of in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class PackageDescrIndexVisitorIndexingTest method allPackageDescrIndexVisitorMethodsTest.
public void allPackageDescrIndexVisitorMethodsTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Add test files
Path path = basePath.resolve(getUniqueDrlFileName());
String accFunctionName = "testAcc";
String accFunctionClass = "org.kie.test.objects.TestAccumulator";
String entryPointName = "testEntryPoint";
String entryPointAnno = "testAnno";
String windowName = "TestWindow";
String funcDeclName = "myFunction";
String rule1Name = "ruleOne";
String rule2Name = "windowRule";
String rule3Name = "condBranchRule";
String drlSource = "package org.kie.indexing;\n" + "import org.kie.test.objects.*;\n" + "import accumulate " + accFunctionClass + " " + accFunctionName + "\n\n" + // 3
"declare entry-point '" + entryPointName + "' @" + entryPointAnno + " end\n\n" + // 5
"declare enum Workload\n" + // this info (local reference) can *not* be retrieved via compilation!
" LIGHT( 4 ),\n" + " MEDIUM( 8 ),\n" + " HEAVY( 12 );\n" + " hours : int\n" + "end\n\n" + // 12
"declare TestWork\n" + " load : WorkLoad\n" + " num : int = 111\n" + " pers : Person \n" + "end\n\n" + // (Trace why this test fails, to see why.. )
"declare window " + windowName + "\n" + "Person( name == 'mark' )\n" + " over window:length( 10 )\n" + " from entry-point " + entryPointName + "\n" + "end\n\n" + "function String " + funcDeclName + "(Cheese cheese) {\n" + " return 'Hello' cheese.type\n" + "}\n\n" + "rule EnumRule\n" + "when\n" + // Workload.LIGHT reference info must be retrieved via compilation!
" TestWork( WorkLoad.LIGHT, $h : load.hours )\n" + "then\n" + " list.add( $h );\n" + "end\n" + "rule " + rule1Name + "\n" + "when\n" + " Person( name == \"mark\", cheese.(price == 10, type.(length == 10) ) )\n" + "then\n" + "end\n\n" + // 28
"rule " + rule2Name + "\n" + "when\n" + " accumulate( Person( name == 'mark' ) from window TestWindow, $cnt : " + accFunctionName + "(1) )\n" + "then\n" + " // there has been $cnt RHT ticks over the last 10 ticks\n" + "end\n\n" + // 35
"rule " + rule3Name + "\n" + "when\n" + " $customer : Customer( age > 60 )\n" + " if ( type == Golden ) do[giveDiscount]\n" + " $car : Car ( owner == $customer )\n" + "then\n" + " modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) }\n" + "then[giveDiscount]\n" + " modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) }\n" + "end\n";
ioService().write(path, drlSource);
path = basePath.resolve(getUniqueDrlFileName());
drlSource = loadText("accumulate.drl");
ioService().write(path, drlSource);
// wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
String className = Person.class.getName();
QueryOperationRequest refOpRequest = QueryOperationRequest.referencesPart(className, "setName(String)", PartType.METHOD).inAllModules().onAllBranches();
List<RefactoringPageRow> response = service.queryToList(refOpRequest);
assertNotNull("Null PageResonse", response);
assertNotNull("Null PageRefactoringRow list", response);
assertEquals("Objects referencing " + className, 1, response.size());
Object pageRowValue = response.get(0).getValue();
assertTrue("Expected a " + org.uberfire.backend.vfs.Path.class.getName() + ", not a " + pageRowValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), org.uberfire.backend.vfs.Path.class.isAssignableFrom(pageRowValue.getClass()));
String fileName = ((org.uberfire.backend.vfs.Path) pageRowValue).getFileName();
assertTrue("File does not end with '.java'", fileName.endsWith(".java"));
assertEquals("File name", className, fileName.subSequence(0, fileName.indexOf(".java")));
use of in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class RuleNameServiceImpl method convertToRuleNames.
private List<String> convertToRuleNames(List<RefactoringPageRow> results) {
final List<String> ruleNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (RefactoringPageRow row : results) {
ruleNames.add(((RefactoringRuleNamePageRow.RuleName) row.getValue()).getSimpleRuleName());
return ruleNames;
use of in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class FindAllLibraryAssetsQueryTest method filterFilesFromModule.
public void filterFilesFromModule() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Add test files
addTestFile(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, "rule1.rule");
addTestFile(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, "rule2.rule");
addTestFile(SOME_OTHER_MODULE_ROOT, "rule3.rule");
addTestFile(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, "functions.functions");
// wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
final RefactoringPageRequest request = new RefactoringPageRequest(FindAllLibraryAssetsQuery.NAME, new HashSet<ValueIndexTerm>() {
add(new LibraryValueModuleRootPathIndexTerm(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, TermSearchType.WILDCARD));
add(new LibraryValueFileNameIndexTerm("*rule*", TermSearchType.WILDCARD));
}, 0, 10);
try {
final PageResponse<RefactoringPageRow> response = service.query(request);
for (RefactoringPageRow refactoringPageRow : response.getPageRowList()) {
assertEquals(2, response.getPageRowList().size());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
fail("Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
use of in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class FindAllLibraryAssetsQueryTest method listAllInModule.
public void listAllInModule() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Add test files
addTestFile(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, "drl1.drl");
addTestFile(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, "drl2.ext2");
addTestFile(SOME_OTHER_MODULE_ROOT, "drl3.ext3");
addTestFile(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, "functions.functions");
// wait for events to be consumed from jgit -> (notify changes -> watcher -> index) -> lucene index
final RefactoringPageRequest request = new RefactoringPageRequest(FindAllLibraryAssetsQuery.NAME, new HashSet<ValueIndexTerm>() {
add(new LibraryValueModuleRootPathIndexTerm(TEST_MODULE_ROOT, TermSearchType.WILDCARD));
}, 0, 10);
try {
final PageResponse<RefactoringPageRow> response = service.query(request);
for (RefactoringPageRow refactoringPageRow : response.getPageRowList()) {
assertEquals(3, response.getPageRowList().size());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
fail("Exception thrown: " + e.getMessage());
use of in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class FindAllLibraryAssetsSortedQueryTest method listAllInProjectSortedPaged.
public void listAllInProjectSortedPaged() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final RefactoringPageRequest request1 = new RefactoringPageRequest(FindAllLibraryAssetsQuery.NAME, new HashSet<ValueIndexTerm>() {
add(new LibraryValueModuleRootPathIndexTerm(TEST_PROJECT_ROOT2, TermSearchType.WILDCARD));
}, 0, 4);
final PageResponse<RefactoringPageRow> response1 = service.query(request1);
// Remove duplicates and sort file names alphabetically
Set<String> resultSet1 = new TreeSet<>();
for (RefactoringPageRow row : response1.getPageRowList()) {
String fileName = ((Path) row.getValue()).getFileName();
String[] expectedResult1 = new String[] { "DRL4.drl", "drl1.drl", "drl2.ext2", "drl3.ext3" };
assertArrayEquals(expectedResult1, resultSet1.toArray());
final RefactoringPageRequest request2 = new RefactoringPageRequest(FindAllLibraryAssetsQuery.NAME, new HashSet<ValueIndexTerm>() {
add(new LibraryValueModuleRootPathIndexTerm(TEST_PROJECT_ROOT2, TermSearchType.WILDCARD));
}, 4, 4);
final PageResponse<RefactoringPageRow> response2 = service.query(request2);
// Remove duplicates and sort file names alphabetically
Set<String> resultSet2 = new TreeSet<>();
for (RefactoringPageRow row : response2.getPageRowList()) {
String fileName = ((Path) row.getValue()).getFileName();
String[] expectedResult2 = new String[] { "RULE4.rule", "functions.functions", "rule3.rule" };
assertArrayEquals(expectedResult2, resultSet2.toArray());