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the class PaymentPluginDispatcher method dispatchWithExceptionHandling.
public static <ReturnType> ReturnType dispatchWithExceptionHandling(@Nullable final Account account, final String pluginNames, final Callable<PluginDispatcherReturnType<ReturnType>> callable, final PluginDispatcher<ReturnType> pluginDispatcher) throws PaymentApiException {
final UUID accountId = account != null ? account.getId() : null;
final String accountExternalKey = account != null ? account.getExternalKey() : "";
try {
log.debug("Calling plugin(s) {}", pluginNames);
final ReturnType result = pluginDispatcher.dispatchWithTimeout(callable);
log.debug("Successful plugin(s) call of {} for account {} with result {}", pluginNames, accountExternalKey, result);
return result;
} catch (final TimeoutException e) {
final String errorMessage = String.format("Call TIMEOUT for accountId='%s' accountExternalKey='%s' plugin='%s'", accountId, accountExternalKey, pluginNames);
throw new PaymentApiException(ErrorCode.PAYMENT_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, accountId, errorMessage);
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
final String errorMessage = String.format("Call was interrupted for accountId='%s' accountExternalKey='%s' plugin='%s'", accountId, accountExternalKey, pluginNames);
log.warn(errorMessage, e);
throw new PaymentApiException(ErrorCode.PAYMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR, MoreObjects.firstNonNull(e.getMessage(), errorMessage));
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof PaymentApiException) {
throw (PaymentApiException) e.getCause();
} else if (e.getCause() instanceof LockFailedException) {
final String format = String.format("Failed to lock accountExternalKey='%s'", accountExternalKey);
throw new PaymentApiException(ErrorCode.PAYMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR, format);
} else {
// Unwraps the ExecutionException (e.getCause()), since it's a dispatch implementation detail
throw new PaymentApiException(e.getCause(), ErrorCode.PAYMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR, MoreObjects.firstNonNull(e.getMessage(), ""));