use of org.knime.workbench.explorer.filesystem.LocalExplorerFileStore in project knime-core by knime.
the class WorkflowEditor method doSaveAs.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void doSaveAs() {
if (m_parentEditor != null) {
// parent does it if this is a metanode editor
URI fileResource = m_fileResource;
Display display = Display.getDefault();
Shell activeShell = display.getActiveShell();
if (fileResource == null) {
MessageDialog.openError(activeShell, "Workflow file resource", "Could not determine the save location to the workflow.");
File workflowDir = new File(fileResource);
// Only continue if no other editor to this workflow is open
if (isOtherEditorToWorkflowOpen(workflowDir.toURI())) {
MessageDialog.openError(activeShell, "\"Save As...\" not available", "\"Save As...\" is not possible while another editor to this workflow is open.");
OverwriteAndMergeInfo newLocationInfo = getNewLocation(fileResource, isTempRemoteWorkflowEditor());
if (newLocationInfo == null) {
// user canceled
AbstractExplorerFileStore newWorkflowDir;
try {
newWorkflowDir = ExplorerFileSystem.INSTANCE.getStore(new URI(newLocationInfo.getNewName()));
} catch (URISyntaxException e2) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to create a URI from the selected destination: " + e2.getMessage() + " Canceling the SaveAs.");
MessageDialog.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Internal Error", "Unable to create a URI from the selected destination. \n" + e2.getMessage() + "\nCanceling the SaveAs.");
if (newLocationInfo.createSnapshot()) {
try {
((RemoteExplorerFileStore) newWorkflowDir).createSnapshot(newLocationInfo.getComment());
} catch (CoreException e) {
String msg = "Unable to create the desired snapshot before overwriting the workflow:\n" + e.getMessage() + "\n\nCanceling the upload!";
LOGGER.error("Unable to create the desired snapshot before overwriting the workflow: " + e.getMessage() + " Upload canceled!", e);
MessageDialog.openError(getSite().getShell(), "Server Error", msg);
if (newWorkflowDir instanceof RemoteExplorerFileStore) {
// selected a remote location: save + upload
if (isDirty()) {
saveTo(m_fileResource, new NullProgressMonitor(), true, null);
AbstractExplorerFileStore localFS = getFileStore(fileResource);
if (localFS == null || !(localFS instanceof LocalExplorerFileStore)) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve current workflow location. Flow not uploaded!");
try {
newWorkflowDir.getContentProvider().performUploadAsync((LocalExplorerFileStore) localFS, (RemoteExplorerFileStore) newWorkflowDir, /*deleteSource=*/
false, false, t -> m_workflowCanBeDeleted.release());
} catch (CoreException | InterruptedException e) {
String msg = "\"Save As...\" failed to upload the workflow to the selected remote location\n(" + e.getMessage() + ")";
LOGGER.error(msg, e);
MessageDialog.openError(activeShell, "\"Save As...\" failed.", msg);
// no need to change any registered locations as this was a save+upload (didn't change flow location)
} else {
// this is messy. Some methods want the URI with the folder, others the file store denoting workflow.knime
AbstractExplorerFileStore newWorkflowFile = newWorkflowDir.getChild(WorkflowPersistor.WORKFLOW_FILE);
File localNewWorkflowDir = null;
try {
localNewWorkflowDir = newWorkflowDir.toLocalFile();
} catch (CoreException e1) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve selection to local file path: " + e1.getMessage(), e1);
File mountPointRoot = null;
try {
mountPointRoot = newWorkflowDir.getContentProvider().getFileStore("/").toLocalFile();
} catch (CoreException ex) {
LOGGER.warn("Could not determine mount point root for " + newWorkflowDir + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
WorkflowContext context = new WorkflowContext.Factory(m_manager.getContext()).setCurrentLocation(localNewWorkflowDir).setMountpointRoot(mountPointRoot).setMountpointURI(newWorkflowDir.toURI()).createContext();
saveTo(localNewWorkflowDir.toURI(), new NullProgressMonitor(), true, context);
setInput(new FileStoreEditorInput(newWorkflowFile));
if (newWorkflowDir.getParent() != null) {
use of org.knime.workbench.explorer.filesystem.LocalExplorerFileStore in project knime-core by knime.
the class ChangeMetaNodeLinkAction method runOnNodes.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void runOnNodes(final NodeContainerEditPart[] nodeParts) {
if (nodeParts.length < 1) {
WorkflowManager metaNode = Wrapper.unwrapWFM(nodeParts[0].getNodeContainer());
if (Role.Link.equals(metaNode.getTemplateInformation().getRole())) {
WorkflowManager wfm = metaNode;
while (!wfm.isProject()) {
wfm = wfm.getParent();
URI targetURI = metaNode.getTemplateInformation().getSourceURI();
LinkType linkType = LinkType.None;
try {
if (ResolverUtil.isMountpointRelativeURL(targetURI)) {
linkType = LinkType.MountpointRelative;
} else if (ResolverUtil.isWorkflowRelativeURL(targetURI)) {
linkType = LinkType.WorkflowRelative;
} else {
linkType = LinkType.Absolute;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve current link to template " + targetURI + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
String msg = "This is a linked (read-only) Metanode. Only the link type can be changed.\n";
msg += "Please select the new type of the link to the metanode template.\n";
msg += "(current type: " + linkType + ", current link: " + targetURI + ")\n";
msg += "The origin of the template will not be changed - just the way it is referenced.";
LinkPrompt dlg = new LinkPrompt(getEditor().getSite().getShell(), msg, linkType);;
if (dlg.getReturnCode() == Window.CANCEL) {
LinkType newLinkType = dlg.getLinkType();
if (linkType.equals(newLinkType)) {"Link type not changes as selected type equals existing type " + targetURI);
// as the workflow is local and the template in the same mountID, it should resolve to a file
URI newURI = null;
try {
File targetFile = ResolverUtil.resolveURItoLocalFile(targetURI);
LocalExplorerFileStore targetfs = ExplorerFileSystem.INSTANCE.fromLocalFile(targetFile);
newURI = AbstractContentProvider.createMetanodeLinkUri(metaNode, targetfs, newLinkType);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve metanode template URI " + targetURI + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve metanode template URI " + targetURI + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (CoreException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve metanode template URI " + targetURI + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
ChangeMetaNodeLinkCommand cmd = new ChangeMetaNodeLinkCommand(wfm, metaNode, targetURI, newURI);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can only change the type of a template link if the metanode is actually linked to a template - " + metaNode + " is not.");