use of org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class WebServiceSoap method GetListeDepartement.
public ArrayOfService GetListeDepartement() throws Exception {
return (ArrayOfService) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "GetListeDepartement");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (ArrayOfService) getResult(ArrayOfService.class, __result, "GetListeDepartementResult", __envelope);
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class WebServiceSoap method RechercheDate.
public ArrayOfFicheEmployeDate RechercheDate(final String FiltreNom, final String FiltrePrenom, final String FiltreServiceCode) throws Exception {
return (ArrayOfFicheEmployeDate) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "RechercheDate");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "FiltreNom";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "FiltrePrenom";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "FiltreServiceCode";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (ArrayOfFicheEmployeDate) getResult(ArrayOfFicheEmployeDate.class, __result, "RechercheDateResult", __envelope);
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class SignetsMobileSoap method listeCoequipiers.
* Liste de co��quipiers de l'��tudiant pour le cours-groupe et l'��l��ment
* d'��valuation pass��s en param��tre: nom, pr��nom et courriel
public listeDesCoequipiers listeCoequipiers(final String codeAccesUniversel, final String motPasse, final String pSigle, final String pGroupe, final String pSession, final String pNomElementEval) throws Exception {
return (listeDesCoequipiers) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "listeCoequipiers");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "codeAccesUniversel";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "motPasse";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSigle";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pGroupe";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSession";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pNomElementEval";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (listeDesCoequipiers) getResult(listeDesCoequipiers.class, __result, "listeCoequipiersResult", __envelope);
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class SignetsMobileSoap method lireHoraireDesSeances.
public listeSeances lireHoraireDesSeances(final String codeAccesUniversel, final String motPasse, final String pCoursGroupe, final String pSession, final String pDateDebut, final String pDateFin) throws java.lang.Exception {
return (listeSeances) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (listeSeances) getResult(listeSeances.class, __result, "lireHoraireDesSeancesResult", __envelope);
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() throws Exception {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "lireHoraireDesSeances");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "codeAccesUniversel";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "motPasse";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pCoursGroupe";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSession";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pDateDebut";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pDateFin";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class SignetsMobileSoap method listeSessions.
* Liste de toutes les sessions o�� l'��tudiant a ��t�� actif �� l'��TS, en
* version courte (A2011) et longue (Automne 2011)
public ListeDeSessions listeSessions(final String codeAccesUniversel, final String motPasse) throws Exception {
return (ListeDeSessions) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "listeSessions");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "codeAccesUniversel";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "motPasse";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (ListeDeSessions) getResult(ListeDeSessions.class, __result, "listeSessionsResult", __envelope);
}, "");