use of org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class SignetsMobileSoap method listeHoraireEtProf.
* Liste de activit��s (cours, TP, Lab, etc) avec leur horaire et leur
* local, ainsi que les enseignants
public listeDesActivitesEtProf listeHoraireEtProf(final String codeAccesUniversel, final String motPasse, final String pSession) throws Exception {
return (listeDesActivitesEtProf) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "listeHoraireEtProf");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "codeAccesUniversel";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "motPasse";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSession";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (listeDesActivitesEtProf) getResult(listeDesActivitesEtProf.class, __result, "listeHoraireEtProfResult", __envelope);
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class SignetsMobileSoap method listeElementsEvaluation.
* Liste des ��l��ments d'��valuation (devoirs, labos, examens, etc.) avec
* la note obtenue et les statisques, comme dans SIGNETS
public ListeDesElementsEvaluation listeElementsEvaluation(final String codeAccesUniversel, final String motPasse, final String pSigle, final String pGroupe, final String pSession) throws Exception {
return (ListeDesElementsEvaluation) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "listeElementsEvaluation");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "codeAccesUniversel";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "motPasse";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSigle";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pGroupe";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSession";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (ListeDesElementsEvaluation) getResult(ListeDesElementsEvaluation.class, __result, "listeElementsEvaluationResult", __envelope);
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class SignetsMobileSoap method listeHoraireExamensFin.
public listeHoraireExamensFinaux listeHoraireExamensFin(final String codeAccesUniversel, final String motPasse, final String pSession) throws Exception {
return (listeHoraireExamensFinaux) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
return (listeHoraireExamensFinaux) getResult(listeHoraireExamensFinaux.class, __result, "listeHoraireExamensFinResult", __envelope);
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() throws Exception {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "listeHoraireExamensFin");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "codeAccesUniversel";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "motPasse";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "pSession";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
}, "");
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class WebServiceSoap method getResult.
Object getResult(Class destObj, SoapObject source, String resultName, ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope) throws Exception {
if (source.hasProperty(resultName)) {
Object j = source.getProperty(resultName);
if (j == null) {
return null;
Object instance = __envelope.get(j, destObj);
return instance;
} else if (source.getName().equals(resultName)) {
Object instance = __envelope.get(source, destObj);
return instance;
return null;
use of org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject in project ETSMobile-Android2 by ApplETS.
the class WebServiceSoap method GetFiche.
public String GetFiche(final String numero, final String PathFiche) throws Exception {
return (String) execute(new IWcfMethod() {
public ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope CreateSoapEnvelope() {
ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope = createEnvelope();
SoapObject __soapReq = new SoapObject("", "GetFiche");
PropertyInfo __info = null;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "numero";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
__info = new PropertyInfo();
__info.namespace = ""; = "PathFiche";
__info.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
return __envelope;
public Object ProcessResult(ExtendedSoapSerializationEnvelope __envelope, SoapObject __result) throws Exception {
Object obj = __result.getProperty("GetFicheResult");
if (obj != null && obj.getClass().equals(SoapPrimitive.class)) {
SoapPrimitive j = (SoapPrimitive) __result.getProperty("GetFicheResult");
return j.toString();
return null;
}, "");