use of org.kuali.kfs.core.api.parameter.ParameterEvaluator in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class DisbursementVoucherDocument method populateDocumentForRouting.
* This method is overridden to populate some local variables that are not persisted to the database. These values need to be
* computed and saved to the DV Payee Detail BO so they can be serialized to XML for routing. Some of the routing rules rely on
* these variables.
public void populateDocumentForRouting() {
DisbursementVoucherPayeeDetail payeeDetail = getDvPayeeDetail();
if (payeeDetail.isVendor()) {
} else if (payeeDetail.isEmployee()) {
// Determine if employee is a research subject
ParameterEvaluator researchPaymentReasonCodeEvaluator = /*REFACTORME*/
SpringContext.getBean(ParameterEvaluatorService.class).getParameterEvaluator(DisbursementVoucherDocument.class, FPParameterConstants.RESEARCH_PAYMENT_REASONS, payeeDetail.getDisbVchrPaymentReasonCode());
if (researchPaymentReasonCodeEvaluator.evaluationSucceeds() && getParameterService().parameterExists(DisbursementVoucherDocument.class, FPParameterConstants.RESEARCH_NON_VENDOR_PAY_LIMIT_AMOUNT)) {
String researchPayLimit = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsString(DisbursementVoucherDocument.class, FPParameterConstants.RESEARCH_NON_VENDOR_PAY_LIMIT_AMOUNT);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(researchPayLimit)) {
KualiDecimal payLimit = new KualiDecimal(researchPayLimit);
if (getDisbVchrCheckTotalAmount().isLessThan(payLimit)) {
// Call last, serializes to XML
use of org.kuali.kfs.core.api.parameter.ParameterEvaluator in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class KualiAccountingDocumentActionBase method isSalesTaxRequired.
* This method checks to see if this doctype needs sales tax If it does then it checks to see if the account and
* object code require sales tax If it does then it returns true. Note - this is hackish as we shouldn't have to
* call rules directly from the action class But we need to in this instance because we are copying the lines
* before calling rules and need a way to modify them before they go on
* @param accountingLine
* @return true if sales tax check is needed, false otherwise
protected boolean isSalesTaxRequired(AccountingDocument financialDocument, AccountingLine accountingLine) {
boolean required = false;
String docType = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class).getDocumentTypeNameByClass(financialDocument.getClass());
// first we need to check just the doctype to see if it needs the sales tax check
// apply the rule, see if it fails
ParameterEvaluatorService parameterEvaluatorService = SpringContext.getBean(ParameterEvaluatorService.class);
ParameterEvaluator docTypeSalesTaxCheckEvaluator = parameterEvaluatorService.getParameterEvaluator(KfsParameterConstants.FINANCIAL_PROCESSING_DOCUMENT.class, FPParameterConstants.SALES_TAX_DOCUMENT_TYPES, docType);
if (docTypeSalesTaxCheckEvaluator.evaluationSucceeds()) {
required = true;
// second we need to check the account and object code combination to see if it needs sales tax
if (required) {
// get the object code and account
String objCd = accountingLine.getFinancialObjectCode();
String account = accountingLine.getAccountNumber();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(objCd) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(account)) {
String compare = account + ":" + objCd;
ParameterEvaluator salesTaxApplicableAcctAndObjectEvaluator = parameterEvaluatorService.getParameterEvaluator(KfsParameterConstants.FINANCIAL_PROCESSING_DOCUMENT.class, FPParameterConstants.SALES_TAX_APPLICABLE_ACCOUNTS_AND_OBJECT_CODES, compare);
if (!salesTaxApplicableAcctAndObjectEvaluator.evaluationSucceeds()) {
required = false;
} else {
// the two fields are currently empty and we don't need to check yet
required = false;
return required;
use of org.kuali.kfs.core.api.parameter.ParameterEvaluator in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class BankServiceImpl method isBankSpecificationEnabledForDocument.
@Cacheable(cacheNames = Bank.CACHE_NAME, key = "'isBankSpecificationEnabled'+#p0")
public boolean isBankSpecificationEnabledForDocument(Class<?> documentClass) {
String documentTypeCode = dataDictionaryService.getDocumentTypeNameByClass(documentClass);
return true;
ParameterEvaluator evaluator = parameterEvaluatorService.getParameterEvaluator(Bank.class, KFSParameterKeyConstants.BANK_CODE_DOCUMENT_TYPES, documentTypeCode);
return evaluator.evaluationSucceeds();