use of org.kuali.kfs.sys.mail.BodyMailMessage in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class CuPdpEmailServiceImpl method sendAchAdviceEmail.
* Send advice notification email to the payee receiving an ACH payment for both bundled and unbundled ACH payments.
* KFSPTS-1460:
* New method signature due to need for refactoring to deal with both the unbundled and bundled cases.
* The major change is that the paymentDetail input parameter is now a list of payment details instead of being a singleton.
* The caller will pass the entire list of payment detail records and sendAchAdviceEmail will loop through them taking into
* account cases for multiples and singletons when creating and sending the advice emails.
* @param paymentGroup Payment group corresponding to the payment detail records
* @param paymentDetails List of all payment details to process for the single advice email being sent
* @param customer Pdp customer profile for payment
public void sendAchAdviceEmail(PaymentGroup paymentGroup, List<PaymentDetail> paymentDetails, CustomerProfile customer) {
LOG.debug("sendAchAdviceEmail() with payment details list starting");
Integer numPayments = 0;
String productionEnvironmentCode = kualiConfigurationService.getPropertyValueAsString(Config.PROD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE);
String environmentCode = kualiConfigurationService.getPropertyValueAsString(Config.ENVIRONMENT);
boolean shouldBundleAchPayments = this.getAchBundlerHelperService().shouldBundleAchPayments();
if (shouldBundleAchPayments) {
// Send out one email to the payee listing all the payment details for the specified payment group
BodyMailMessage bundledMessage = createAdviceMessageAndPopulateHeader(paymentGroup, customer, productionEnvironmentCode, environmentCode);
// create the formatted body
// this seems wasteful, but since the total net amount is needed in the message body before the payment's needed
KualiDecimal totalNetAmount = new KualiDecimal(0);
Iterator<PaymentDetail> pdToNetAmountIter = paymentDetails.iterator();
while (pdToNetAmountIter.hasNext()) {
numPayments = numPayments + 1;
PaymentDetail pd =;
totalNetAmount = totalNetAmount.add(pd.getNetPaymentAmount());
// max # of payment detail records to include in email body as well as in the attachment, only used for non-DV advices
int maxNumDetailsForBody = 10;
StringBuffer bundledBody = createAdviceMessageBody(paymentGroup, customer, totalNetAmount, numPayments);
// format payment details based on the whether it is a DV or a PREQ
// formatting of payment details for DV is different than for PREQ
boolean adviceIsForDV = false;
// first time through loop
boolean firstPass = true;
StringBuffer bundledAtachmentData = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator<PaymentDetail> payDetailsIter = paymentDetails.iterator(); payDetailsIter.hasNext(); ) {
PaymentDetail paymentDetail =;
// initialize data the first time through the loop
if (firstPass) {
adviceIsForDV = (paymentDetail.getFinancialDocumentTypeCode().equalsIgnoreCase(DisbursementVoucherConstants.DOCUMENT_TYPE_CHECKACH)) ? true : false;
if (adviceIsForDV) {
// we will NOT be sending an attachment, all payment detail will be in the body of the message
} else {
// we will be sending an attachment
bundledAtachmentData = new StringBuffer();
// creating the payment detail table header
// verbiage describing the payment details and attachment
bundledBody.append(getMessage(CUPdpKeyConstants.MESSAGE_PDP_ACH_ADVICE_EMAIL_BODY_DETAIL_INFO_MSG, numPayments));
if (numPayments <= maxNumDetailsForBody) {
// email body will have details and an attachment will be sent
// individual customer message for the payment
// implied else that numPayments is over the max so only send an attachment
// ensure headers only included once
firstPass = false;
if (adviceIsForDV) {
// format payment detail information and include it in the message body, do not send an attachment
bundledBody.append(createAdviceMessagePaymentDetail(paymentGroup, paymentDetail, adviceIsForDV, shouldBundleAchPayments));
} else {
// put payment detail information in the attachment
bundledAtachmentData.append(createAdviceMessagePaymentDetail(paymentGroup, paymentDetail, adviceIsForDV, shouldBundleAchPayments));
// also put payment detail in the body when the number of payments is fewer than the max
if (numPayments <= maxNumDetailsForBody) {
// explicitly using false instead of shouldBundleAchPayments so that we get the correct format for the email body
bundledBody.append(createAdviceMessagePaymentDetail(paymentGroup, paymentDetail, adviceIsForDV, false));
// for-loop
if (!adviceIsForDV) {
// only create the attachment file when the payments are NOT for DV's
Formatter integerFormatter = new IntegerFormatter();
String attachmentFileName = new String("paymentDetailsForDisbursement_" + (String) integerFormatter.formatForPresentation(paymentGroup.getDisbursementNbr()) + ".csv");
bundledMessage.setAttachmentContentType(new String("text/csv"));
sendFormattedAchAdviceEmail(bundledMessage, customer, paymentGroup, productionEnvironmentCode, environmentCode);
} else {
// so that the appropriate mail "send" is invoked based on the message type that we created and passed.
for (PaymentDetail paymentDetail : paymentGroup.getPaymentDetails()) {
numPayments = paymentGroup.getPaymentDetails().size();
BodyMailMessage nonBundledMessage = createAdviceMessageAndPopulateHeader(paymentGroup, customer, productionEnvironmentCode, environmentCode);
StringBuffer nonBundledBody = createAdviceMessageBody(paymentGroup, customer, paymentDetail.getNetPaymentAmount(), numPayments);
boolean adviceIsForDV = (paymentDetail.getFinancialDocumentTypeCode().equalsIgnoreCase(DisbursementVoucherConstants.DOCUMENT_TYPE_CHECKACH)) ? true : false;
nonBundledBody.append(createAdviceMessagePaymentDetail(paymentGroup, paymentDetail, adviceIsForDV, shouldBundleAchPayments));
sendFormattedAchAdviceEmail(nonBundledMessage, customer, paymentGroup, productionEnvironmentCode, environmentCode);
use of org.kuali.kfs.sys.mail.BodyMailMessage in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class CuPdpEmailServiceImpl method createAdviceMessageAndPopulateHeader.
* KFSPTS-1460: New method. created from code in sendAchAdviceEmail.
* @return
private BodyMailMessage createAdviceMessageAndPopulateHeader(PaymentGroup paymentGroup, CustomerProfile customer, String productionEnvironmentCode, String environmentCode) {
LOG.debug("createAdviceMessageAndPopulateHeader() starting");
BodyMailMessage message = new BodyMailMessage();
String fromAddress = customer.getAdviceReturnEmailAddr();
if ((fromAddress == null) || (fromAddress.isEmpty())) {
// get the default from address
fromAddress = parameterService.getParameterValueAsString(CUKFSParameterKeyConstants.KFS_PDP, CUKFSParameterKeyConstants.ALL_COMPONENTS, CUKFSParameterKeyConstants.PDP_CUSTOMER_MISSING_ADVICE_RETURN_EMAIL);
if (StringUtils.equals(productionEnvironmentCode, environmentCode)) {
} else {
message.setSubject(environmentCode + ": " + customer.getAdviceSubjectLine() + ":" + paymentGroup.getAdviceEmailAddress());
LOG.debug("sending email to " + paymentGroup.getAdviceEmailAddress() + " for disb # " + paymentGroup.getDisbursementNbr());
return message;
use of org.kuali.kfs.sys.mail.BodyMailMessage in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class RassReportServiceImpl method sendReportEmail.
protected void sendReportEmail() {
BodyMailMessage message = new BodyMailMessage();
String fromAddress = getFromAddress();
Collection<String> toAddresses = getToAddresses();
String subject = reportWriterService.getTitle();
String body = getFileContents(reportWriterService.getReportFile().getAbsolutePath());
boolean htmlMessage = false;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("sendEmail, from address: " + fromAddress + " to address: " + toAddresses.toString());
LOG.debug("sendEmail, the email subject: " + subject);
LOG.debug("sendEmail, the email budy: " + body);
try {
emailService.sendMessage(message, htmlMessage);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("sendEmail, the email could not be sent", e);
use of org.kuali.kfs.sys.mail.BodyMailMessage in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class CUTransactionFilter method doFilter.
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
boolean error = false;
String errorText = "";
HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) req;
if (!TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResourceMap().isEmpty()) {
errorText = errorText + ("Before: The Resource map is not empty. THIS IS SOOO BAD. URL: " + httpReq.getRequestURL());
LOG.error("Before: The Resource map is not empty. THIS IS SOOO BAD. URL: " + httpReq.getRequestURL());
Map aMap = TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResourceMap();
int mapsize = aMap.size();
Iterator keyValuePairs1 = aMap.entrySet().iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
errorText = errorText + ("; Resources: key: " + entry.getKey().toString() + " ; Value " + entry.getValue().toString());
LOG.error("Resources: key: " + entry.getKey().toString() + " ; Value " + entry.getValue().toString());
error = true;
try {
chain.doFilter(req, res);
} finally {
if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()) {
LOG.error("JTA synchronizations are not active. THIS IS SOOO BAD. " + httpReq.getRequestURL());
error = true;
if (!TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResourceMap().isEmpty()) {
errorText = errorText + "After: The Resource map is not empty. THIS IS SOOO BAD.";
LOG.error("After: The Resource map is not empty. THIS IS SOOO BAD. URL: " + httpReq.getRequestURL());
Map aMap = TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResourceMap();
int mapsize = aMap.size();
Iterator keyValuePairs1 = aMap.entrySet().iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
errorText = errorText + ("; Resources: key: " + entry.getKey().toString() + " ; Value " + entry.getValue().toString());
LOG.error("Resources: key: " + entry.getKey().toString() + " ; Value " + entry.getValue().toString());
error = true;
if (error) {
try {
LOG.error("ERROR Found! Sending an email...");
BodyMailMessage mm = new BodyMailMessage();
mm.setSubject("There might be a closed connection problem. Please check the logs. Seach for the following phrase: SOOO BAD");
mm.setMessage("Request URL which had the problem: " + httpReq.getRequestURL() + " errorText = " + errorText);
SpringContext.getBean(EmailService.class).sendMessage(mm, false);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error sending email.", t);