use of org.kuali.rice.core.api.datetime.DateTimeService in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class CreateAccountingDocumentServiceImplTest method buildMockDateTimeService.
private DateTimeService buildMockDateTimeService() throws Exception {
DateTimeService dateTimeService = EasyMock.createMock(DateTimeService.class);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HH-mm-ss-S");
Capture<Date> dateArg = EasyMock.newCapture();
EasyMock.expect(dateTimeService.toDateTimeStringForFilename(EasyMock.capture(dateArg))).andStubAnswer(() -> dateFormat.format(dateArg.getValue()));
return dateTimeService;
use of org.kuali.rice.core.api.datetime.DateTimeService in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class CuElectronicInvoiceTestAction method generate.
public ActionForward generate(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
checkAuthorization(form, "");
ElectronicInvoiceTestForm testForm = (ElectronicInvoiceTestForm) form;
String poDocNumber = testForm.getPoDocNumber();"Generating Electronic Invoice XML file for Purchase Order Document " + poDocNumber);
PurchaseOrderService poService = SpringContext.getBean(PurchaseOrderService.class);
PurchaseOrderDocument po = null;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(poDocNumber)) {
GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(PurapPropertyConstants.PURCHASE_ORDER_DOCUMENT_NUMBER, PurapKeyConstants.ERROR_ELECTRONIC_INVOICE_GENERATION_PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER_EMPTY, new String[] { poDocNumber });
return mapping.findForward(RiceConstants.MAPPING_BASIC);
if (!getDocumentService().documentExists(poDocNumber)) {
GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(PurapPropertyConstants.PURCHASE_ORDER_DOCUMENT_NUMBER, PurapKeyConstants.ERROR_ELECTRONIC_INVOICE_GENERATION_PURCHASE_ORDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, poDocNumber);
return mapping.findForward(RiceConstants.MAPPING_BASIC);
try {
po = poService.getPurchaseOrderByDocumentNumber(poDocNumber);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=30");
StringBuffer sbContentDispValue = new StringBuffer();
String useJavascript = request.getParameter("useJavascript");
if (useJavascript == null || useJavascript.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
} else {
StringBuffer sbFilename = new StringBuffer();
sbContentDispValue.append("; filename=");
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", sbContentDispValue.toString());
// lookup the PO and fill in the XML with valid data
if (po != null) {
String duns = "";
if (po.getVendorDetail() != null) {
duns = StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorDetail().getVendorDunsNumber());
DateTimeService dateTimeService = SpringContext.getBean(DateTimeService.class);
// getting date in kfs format
String currDate = ElectronicInvoiceUtils.getDateDisplayText(dateTimeService.getCurrentDate());
String vendorNumber = po.getVendorDetail().getVendorNumber();
String eInvoiceFile = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "\n<!-- ******Testing tool generated XML****** Version 1.2." + "\n\n Generated On " + currDate + " for PO " + po.getPurapDocumentIdentifier() + " (Doc# " + poDocNumber + ") -->\n\n" + "<!-- All the cXML attributes are junk values -->\n" + "<cXML payloadID=\"200807260401062080.964@eai002\"\n" + " timestamp=\"2008-07-26T04:01:06-08:00\"\n" + " version=\"1.2.014\" xml:lang=\"en\" \n" + " xmlns=\"\" \n" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\">\n" + " <Header>\n" + " <From>\n" + " <Credential domain=\"DUNS\">\n" + " <Identity>" + duns + "</Identity> <!-- DUNS number from PO Vendor " + vendorNumber + "-->\n" + " </Credential>\n" + " </From>\n" + " <To>\n" + " <Credential domain=\"NetworkId\">\n" + " <Identity>" + "IU" + "</Identity> <!-- Hardcoded --> \n" + " </Credential>\n" + " </To>\n" + " <Sender>\n" + " <Credential domain=\"DUNS\">\n" + " <Identity>" + duns + "</Identity> <!-- DUNS number from PO Vendor " + vendorNumber + "-->\n" + " </Credential>\n" + " <UserAgent/>\n" + " </Sender>\n" + " </Header>\n" + " <Request deploymentMode=\"production\">\n" + " <InvoiceDetailRequest>\n" + " <InvoiceDetailRequestHeader\n" + " invoiceDate=\"" + currDate + "\" invoiceID=\"" + RandomUtils.nextInt() + "\" operation=\"new\" purpose=\"standard\"> <!-- invoiceID=Random unique Id, invoiceDate=Curr date -->\n" + " <InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator/>\n" + " <InvoiceDetailLineIndicator/>\n" + " <InvoicePartner>\n" + getContactXMLChunk("billTo", po) + " </InvoicePartner>\n" + " <InvoicePartner>\n" + " <Contact addressID=\"" + RandomUtils.nextInt() + "\" role=\"remitTo\"> <!-- Vendor address -->\n" + " <Name xml:lang=\"en\">\n" + " " + po.getVendorName() + "\n" + " </Name>\n" + " <PostalAddress>\n" + " <Street>" + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorLine1Address()) + "</Street>\n" + " <Street>" + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorLine2Address()) + "</Street>\n" + " <City>" + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorCityName()) + "</City>\n" + " <State>" + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorStateCode()) + "</State>\n" + " <PostalCode>" + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorPostalCode()) + "</PostalCode>\n" + " <Country isoCountryCode=\"" + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorCountryCode()) + "\">\n" + " " + StringUtils.defaultString(po.getVendorCountry().getName()) + "\n" + " </Country>\n" + " </PostalAddress>\n" + " </Contact>\n" + " </InvoicePartner>\n" + getDeliveryAddressXMLChunk("shipTo", po) + getPaymentTermXML(po) + " </InvoiceDetailRequestHeader>\n" + " <InvoiceDetailOrder>\n" + " <InvoiceDetailOrderInfo>\n" + " <OrderReference\n" + " orderDate=\"" + ElectronicInvoiceUtils.getDateDisplayText(dateTimeService.getCurrentDate()) + "\" orderID=\"" + po.getPurapDocumentIdentifier() + "\"> <!--orderDate=Curr date,orderID=PO#-->\n" + " <DocumentReference payloadID=\"NA\" /> <!--HardCoded-->\n" + " </OrderReference>\n" + " </InvoiceDetailOrderInfo>\n" + " <!-- No junk values in Items-->\n";
for (int i = 0; i < po.getItems().size(); i++) {
List items = po.getItems();
PurchaseOrderItem item = (PurchaseOrderItem) items.get(i);
if (!item.getItemType().isAdditionalChargeIndicator()) {
eInvoiceFile = eInvoiceFile + getPOItemXMLChunk(item);
KualiDecimal totalDollarAmt = po.getTotalDollarAmount() == null ? KualiDecimal.ZERO : po.getTotalDollarAmount();
eInvoiceFile = eInvoiceFile + " </InvoiceDetailOrder>\n" + " <InvoiceDetailSummary>\n" + " <SubtotalAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">" + po.getTotalPreTaxDollarAmount() + "</Money>\n" + " </SubtotalAmount>\n" + " <Tax>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">" + po.getTotalTaxAmount() + "</Money>\n" + " <Description xml:lang=\"en\">Total Tax</Description>\n" + " </Tax>\n" + " <SpecialHandlingAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">0.00</Money>\n" + " </SpecialHandlingAmount>\n" + " <ShippingAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">0.00</Money>\n" + " </ShippingAmount>\n" + " <GrossAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">" + totalDollarAmt + "</Money>\n" + " </GrossAmount>\n" + " <InvoiceDetailDiscount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">0.00</Money>\n" + " </InvoiceDetailDiscount>\n" + " <NetAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">" + totalDollarAmt + "</Money>\n" + " </NetAmount>\n" + " <DepositAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">0.00</Money>\n" + " </DepositAmount>\n" + " <DueAmount>\n" + " <Money currency=\"USD\">" + totalDollarAmt + "</Money>\n" + " </DueAmount>\n" + " </InvoiceDetailSummary>\n" + " </InvoiceDetailRequest>\n" + " </Request>\n" + "</cXML>";
ServletOutputStream sos;
sos = response.getOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream baOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
StringBufferInputStream inStream = new StringBufferInputStream(eInvoiceFile);
convert(baOutStream, inStream);
return mapping.findForward(KFSConstants.MAPPING_BASIC);