use of org.lwjgl.vulkan.VkCommandBuffer in project lwjgl3-demos by LWJGL.
the class InstancedSpheresDemo method createRenderCommandBuffers.
private static VkCommandBuffer[] createRenderCommandBuffers(VkDevice device, long commandPool, long[] framebuffers, long renderPass, int width, int height, Pipeline pipeline, long descriptorSet, long verticesBuf) {
// Create the render command buffers (one command buffer per framebuffer image)
VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufAllocateInfo = VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_ALLOCATE_INFO).commandPool(commandPool).level(VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY).commandBufferCount(framebuffers.length);
PointerBuffer pCommandBuffer = memAllocPointer(framebuffers.length);
int err = vkAllocateCommandBuffers(device, cmdBufAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffer);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to allocate render command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
VkCommandBuffer[] renderCommandBuffers = new VkCommandBuffer[framebuffers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < framebuffers.length; i++) {
renderCommandBuffers[i] = new VkCommandBuffer(pCommandBuffer.get(i), device);
// Create the command buffer begin structure
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufInfo = VkCommandBufferBeginInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO).pNext(NULL);
// Specify clear color (cornflower blue)
VkClearValue.Buffer clearValues = VkClearValue.calloc(2);
clearValues.get(0).color().float32(0, 100 / 255.0f).float32(1, 149 / 255.0f).float32(2, 237 / 255.0f).float32(3, 1.0f);
// Specify clear depth-stencil
// Specify everything to begin a render pass
VkRenderPassBeginInfo renderPassBeginInfo = VkRenderPassBeginInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO).pNext(NULL).renderPass(renderPass).pClearValues(clearValues);
VkRect2D renderArea = renderPassBeginInfo.renderArea();
renderArea.offset().set(0, 0);
renderArea.extent().set(width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < renderCommandBuffers.length; ++i) {
// Set target frame buffer
err = vkBeginCommandBuffer(renderCommandBuffers[i], cmdBufInfo);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to begin render command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
vkCmdBeginRenderPass(renderCommandBuffers[i], renderPassBeginInfo, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
// Update dynamic viewport state
VkViewport.Buffer viewport = VkViewport.calloc(1).height(height).width(width).minDepth(0.0f).maxDepth(1.0f);
vkCmdSetViewport(renderCommandBuffers[i], 0, viewport);;
// Update dynamic scissor state
VkRect2D.Buffer scissor = VkRect2D.calloc(1);
scissor.extent().set(width, height);
scissor.offset().set(0, 0);
vkCmdSetScissor(renderCommandBuffers[i], 0, scissor);;
// Bind descriptor sets describing shader binding points
LongBuffer descriptorSets = memAllocLong(1).put(0, descriptorSet);
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(renderCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipeline.layout, 0, descriptorSets, null);
// Bind the rendering pipeline (including the shaders)
vkCmdBindPipeline(renderCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipeline.pipeline);
// Bind triangle vertices
LongBuffer offsets = memAllocLong(1);
offsets.put(0, 0L);
LongBuffer pBuffers = memAllocLong(1);
pBuffers.put(0, verticesBuf);
vkCmdBindVertexBuffers(renderCommandBuffers[i], 0, pBuffers, offsets);
// Draw triangle
vkCmdDraw(renderCommandBuffers[i], SPHERE_TESSELATION * SPHERE_TESSELATION * 2, spheres.length, 0, 0);
// Add a present memory barrier to the end of the command buffer
// This will transform the frame buffer color attachment to a
// new layout for presenting it to the windowing system integration
VkImageMemoryBarrier.Buffer prePresentBarrier = createPrePresentBarrier(swapchain.images[i]);
null, // No buffer memory barriers
null, // One image memory barrier
err = vkEndCommandBuffer(renderCommandBuffers[i]);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to begin render command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
return renderCommandBuffers;
use of org.lwjgl.vulkan.VkCommandBuffer in project lwjgl3-demos by LWJGL.
the class TriangleDemo method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if (!glfwInit()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize GLFW");
if (!glfwVulkanSupported()) {
throw new AssertionError("GLFW failed to find the Vulkan loader");
/* Look for instance extensions */
PointerBuffer requiredExtensions = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions();
if (requiredExtensions == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to find list of required Vulkan extensions");
// Create the Vulkan instance
final VkInstance instance = createInstance(requiredExtensions);
final VkDebugReportCallbackEXT debugCallback = new VkDebugReportCallbackEXT() {
public int invoke(int flags, int objectType, long object, long location, int messageCode, long pLayerPrefix, long pMessage, long pUserData) {
System.err.println("ERROR OCCURED: " + VkDebugReportCallbackEXT.getString(pMessage));
return 0;
final long debugCallbackHandle = setupDebugging(instance, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT | VK_DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT, debugCallback);
final VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = getFirstPhysicalDevice(instance);
final DeviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily = createDeviceAndGetGraphicsQueueFamily(physicalDevice);
final VkDevice device = deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily.device;
int queueFamilyIndex = deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily.queueFamilyIndex;
final VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties = deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily.memoryProperties;
// Create GLFW window
long window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "GLFW Vulkan Demo", NULL, NULL);
GLFWKeyCallback keyCallback;
glfwSetKeyCallback(window, keyCallback = new GLFWKeyCallback() {
public void invoke(long window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) {
if (action != GLFW_RELEASE)
if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)
glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, true);
LongBuffer pSurface = memAllocLong(1);
int err = glfwCreateWindowSurface(instance, window, null, pSurface);
final long surface = pSurface.get(0);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create surface: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Create static Vulkan resources
final ColorFormatAndSpace colorFormatAndSpace = getColorFormatAndSpace(physicalDevice, surface);
final long commandPool = createCommandPool(device, queueFamilyIndex);
final VkCommandBuffer setupCommandBuffer = createCommandBuffer(device, commandPool);
final VkCommandBuffer postPresentCommandBuffer = createCommandBuffer(device, commandPool);
final VkQueue queue = createDeviceQueue(device, queueFamilyIndex);
final long renderPass = createRenderPass(device, colorFormatAndSpace.colorFormat);
final long renderCommandPool = createCommandPool(device, queueFamilyIndex);
final Vertices vertices = createVertices(memoryProperties, device);
final long pipeline = createPipeline(device, renderPass, vertices.createInfo);
final class SwapchainRecreator {
boolean mustRecreate = true;
void recreate() {
// Begin the setup command buffer (the one we will use for swapchain/framebuffer creation)
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufInfo = VkCommandBufferBeginInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO).pNext(NULL);
int err = vkBeginCommandBuffer(setupCommandBuffer, cmdBufInfo);;
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to begin setup command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
long oldChain = swapchain != null ? swapchain.swapchainHandle : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Create the swapchain (this will also add a memory barrier to initialize the framebuffer images)
swapchain = createSwapChain(device, physicalDevice, surface, oldChain, setupCommandBuffer, width, height, colorFormatAndSpace.colorFormat, colorFormatAndSpace.colorSpace);
err = vkEndCommandBuffer(setupCommandBuffer);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to end setup command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
submitCommandBuffer(queue, setupCommandBuffer);
if (framebuffers != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < framebuffers.length; i++) vkDestroyFramebuffer(device, framebuffers[i], null);
framebuffers = createFramebuffers(device, swapchain, renderPass, width, height);
// Create render command buffers
if (renderCommandBuffers != null) {
vkResetCommandPool(device, renderCommandPool, VK_FLAGS_NONE);
renderCommandBuffers = createRenderCommandBuffers(device, renderCommandPool, framebuffers, renderPass, width, height, pipeline, vertices.verticesBuf);
mustRecreate = false;
final SwapchainRecreator swapchainRecreator = new SwapchainRecreator();
// Handle canvas resize
GLFWWindowSizeCallback windowSizeCallback = new GLFWWindowSizeCallback() {
public void invoke(long window, int width, int height) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
TriangleDemo.width = width;
TriangleDemo.height = height;
swapchainRecreator.mustRecreate = true;
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(window, windowSizeCallback);
// Pre-allocate everything needed in the render loop
IntBuffer pImageIndex = memAllocInt(1);
int currentBuffer = 0;
PointerBuffer pCommandBuffers = memAllocPointer(1);
LongBuffer pSwapchains = memAllocLong(1);
LongBuffer pImageAcquiredSemaphore = memAllocLong(1);
LongBuffer pRenderCompleteSemaphore = memAllocLong(1);
// Info struct to create a semaphore
VkSemaphoreCreateInfo semaphoreCreateInfo = VkSemaphoreCreateInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_CREATE_INFO).pNext(NULL).flags(VK_FLAGS_NONE);
// Info struct to submit a command buffer which will wait on the semaphore
IntBuffer pWaitDstStageMask = memAllocInt(1);
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = VkSubmitInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO).pNext(NULL).waitSemaphoreCount(pImageAcquiredSemaphore.remaining()).pWaitSemaphores(pImageAcquiredSemaphore).pWaitDstStageMask(pWaitDstStageMask).pCommandBuffers(pCommandBuffers).pSignalSemaphores(pRenderCompleteSemaphore);
// Info struct to present the current swapchain image to the display
VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = VkPresentInfoKHR.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PRESENT_INFO_KHR).pNext(NULL).pWaitSemaphores(pRenderCompleteSemaphore).swapchainCount(pSwapchains.remaining()).pSwapchains(pSwapchains).pImageIndices(pImageIndex).pResults(null);
// The render loop
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
// Handle window messages. Resize events happen exactly here.
// So it is safe to use the new swapchain images and framebuffers afterwards.
if (swapchainRecreator.mustRecreate)
// Create a semaphore to wait for the swapchain to acquire the next image
err = vkCreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, pImageAcquiredSemaphore);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create image acquired semaphore: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Create a semaphore to wait for the render to complete, before presenting
err = vkCreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, pRenderCompleteSemaphore);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create render complete semaphore: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Get next image from the swap chain (back/front buffer).
// This will setup the imageAquiredSemaphore to be signalled when the operation is complete
err = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(device, swapchain.swapchainHandle, UINT64_MAX, pImageAcquiredSemaphore.get(0), VK_NULL_HANDLE, pImageIndex);
currentBuffer = pImageIndex.get(0);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to acquire next swapchain image: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Select the command buffer for the current framebuffer image/attachment
pCommandBuffers.put(0, renderCommandBuffers[currentBuffer]);
// Submit to the graphics queue
err = vkQueueSubmit(queue, submitInfo, VK_NULL_HANDLE);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to submit render queue: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Present the current buffer to the swap chain
// This will display the image
pSwapchains.put(0, swapchain.swapchainHandle);
err = vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, presentInfo);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to present the swapchain image: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Create and submit post present barrier
// Destroy this semaphore (we will create a new one in the next frame)
vkDestroySemaphore(device, pImageAcquiredSemaphore.get(0), null);
vkDestroySemaphore(device, pRenderCompleteSemaphore.get(0), null);
submitPostPresentBarrier(swapchain.images[currentBuffer], postPresentCommandBuffer, queue);
vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(instance, debugCallbackHandle, null);;;
// We don't bother disposing of all Vulkan resources.
// Let the OS process manager take care of it.
use of org.lwjgl.vulkan.VkCommandBuffer in project lwjgl3-demos by LWJGL.
the class TriangleDemo method createCommandBuffer.
private static VkCommandBuffer createCommandBuffer(VkDevice device, long commandPool) {
VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufAllocateInfo = VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_ALLOCATE_INFO).commandPool(commandPool).level(VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY).commandBufferCount(1);
PointerBuffer pCommandBuffer = memAllocPointer(1);
int err = vkAllocateCommandBuffers(device, cmdBufAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffer);;
long commandBuffer = pCommandBuffer.get(0);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to allocate command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
return new VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, device);
use of org.lwjgl.vulkan.VkCommandBuffer in project lwjgl3-demos by LWJGL.
the class TwoRotatingTrianglesDemo method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if (!glfwInit()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize GLFW");
if (!glfwVulkanSupported()) {
throw new AssertionError("GLFW failed to find the Vulkan loader");
/* Look for instance extensions */
PointerBuffer requiredExtensions = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions();
if (requiredExtensions == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to find list of required Vulkan extensions");
// Create the Vulkan instance
final VkInstance instance = createInstance(requiredExtensions);
final VkDebugReportCallbackEXT debugCallback = new VkDebugReportCallbackEXT() {
public int invoke(int flags, int objectType, long object, long location, int messageCode, long pLayerPrefix, long pMessage, long pUserData) {
System.err.println("ERROR OCCURED: " + VkDebugReportCallbackEXT.getString(pMessage));
return 0;
final long debugCallbackHandle = setupDebugging(instance, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT | VK_DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT, debugCallback);
final VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = getFirstPhysicalDevice(instance);
final DeviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily = createDeviceAndGetGraphicsQueueFamily(physicalDevice);
final VkDevice device = deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily.device;
int queueFamilyIndex = deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily.queueFamilyIndex;
final VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties = deviceAndGraphicsQueueFamily.memoryProperties;
// Create GLFW window
long window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 600, "GLFW Vulkan Demo", NULL, NULL);
GLFWKeyCallback keyCallback;
glfwSetKeyCallback(window, keyCallback = new GLFWKeyCallback() {
public void invoke(long window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) {
if (action != GLFW_RELEASE)
if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)
glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, true);
LongBuffer pSurface = memAllocLong(1);
int err = glfwCreateWindowSurface(instance, window, null, pSurface);
final long surface = pSurface.get(0);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create surface: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Create static Vulkan resources
final ColorAndDepthFormatAndSpace colorAndDepthFormatAndSpace = getColorFormatAndSpace(physicalDevice, surface);
final long commandPool = createCommandPool(device, queueFamilyIndex);
final VkCommandBuffer setupCommandBuffer = createCommandBuffer(device, commandPool);
final VkCommandBuffer postPresentCommandBuffer = createCommandBuffer(device, commandPool);
final VkQueue queue = createDeviceQueue(device, queueFamilyIndex);
final long renderPass = createRenderPass(device, colorAndDepthFormatAndSpace.colorFormat, colorAndDepthFormatAndSpace.depthFormat);
final long renderCommandPool = createCommandPool(device, queueFamilyIndex);
final Vertices vertices = createVertices(memoryProperties, device);
UboDescriptor uboDescriptor = createUniformBuffer(memoryProperties, device);
final long descriptorPool = createDescriptorPool(device);
final long descriptorSetLayout = createDescriptorSetLayout(device);
final long descriptorSet = createDescriptorSet(device, descriptorPool, descriptorSetLayout, uboDescriptor);
final Pipeline pipeline = createPipeline(device, renderPass, vertices.createInfo, descriptorSetLayout);
final class SwapchainRecreator {
boolean mustRecreate = true;
void recreate() {
// Begin the setup command buffer (the one we will use for swapchain/framebuffer creation)
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufInfo = VkCommandBufferBeginInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO).pNext(NULL);
int err = vkBeginCommandBuffer(setupCommandBuffer, cmdBufInfo);;
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to begin setup command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
long oldChain = swapchain != null ? swapchain.swapchainHandle : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Create the swapchain (this will also add a memory barrier to initialize the framebuffer images)
swapchain = createSwapChain(device, physicalDevice, surface, oldChain, setupCommandBuffer, width, height, colorAndDepthFormatAndSpace.colorFormat, colorAndDepthFormatAndSpace.colorSpace);
// Create depth-stencil image
depthStencil = createDepthStencil(device, memoryProperties, colorAndDepthFormatAndSpace.depthFormat, setupCommandBuffer);
err = vkEndCommandBuffer(setupCommandBuffer);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to end setup command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
submitCommandBuffer(queue, setupCommandBuffer);
if (framebuffers != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < framebuffers.length; i++) vkDestroyFramebuffer(device, framebuffers[i], null);
framebuffers = createFramebuffers(device, swapchain, renderPass, width, height, depthStencil);
// Create render command buffers
if (renderCommandBuffers != null) {
vkResetCommandPool(device, renderCommandPool, VK_FLAGS_NONE);
renderCommandBuffers = createRenderCommandBuffers(device, renderCommandPool, framebuffers, renderPass, width, height, pipeline, descriptorSet, vertices.verticesBuf);
mustRecreate = false;
final SwapchainRecreator swapchainRecreator = new SwapchainRecreator();
// Handle canvas resize
GLFWFramebufferSizeCallback framebufferSizeCallback = new GLFWFramebufferSizeCallback() {
public void invoke(long window, int width, int height) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
swapchainRecreator.mustRecreate = true;
TwoRotatingTrianglesDemo.width = width;
TwoRotatingTrianglesDemo.height = height;
glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(window, framebufferSizeCallback);
// Pre-allocate everything needed in the render loop
IntBuffer pImageIndex = memAllocInt(1);
int currentBuffer = 0;
PointerBuffer pCommandBuffers = memAllocPointer(1);
LongBuffer pSwapchains = memAllocLong(1);
LongBuffer pImageAcquiredSemaphore = memAllocLong(1);
LongBuffer pRenderCompleteSemaphore = memAllocLong(1);
// Info struct to create a semaphore
VkSemaphoreCreateInfo semaphoreCreateInfo = VkSemaphoreCreateInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE_CREATE_INFO).pNext(NULL).flags(VK_FLAGS_NONE);
// Info struct to submit a command buffer which will wait on the semaphore
IntBuffer pWaitDstStageMask = memAllocInt(1);
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = VkSubmitInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO).pNext(NULL).waitSemaphoreCount(pImageAcquiredSemaphore.remaining()).pWaitSemaphores(pImageAcquiredSemaphore).pWaitDstStageMask(pWaitDstStageMask).pCommandBuffers(pCommandBuffers).pSignalSemaphores(pRenderCompleteSemaphore);
// Info struct to present the current swapchain image to the display
VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = VkPresentInfoKHR.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PRESENT_INFO_KHR).pNext(NULL).pWaitSemaphores(pRenderCompleteSemaphore).swapchainCount(pSwapchains.remaining()).pSwapchains(pSwapchains).pImageIndices(pImageIndex).pResults(null);
// The render loop
long lastTime = System.nanoTime();
float time = 0.0f;
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
// Handle window messages. Resize events happen exactly here.
// So it is safe to use the new swapchain images and framebuffers afterwards.
if (swapchainRecreator.mustRecreate)
// Create a semaphore to wait for the swapchain to acquire the next image
err = vkCreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, pImageAcquiredSemaphore);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create image acquired semaphore: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Create a semaphore to wait for the render to complete, before presenting
err = vkCreateSemaphore(device, semaphoreCreateInfo, null, pRenderCompleteSemaphore);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create render complete semaphore: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Get next image from the swap chain (back/front buffer).
// This will setup the imageAquiredSemaphore to be signalled when the operation is complete
err = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(device, swapchain.swapchainHandle, UINT64_MAX, pImageAcquiredSemaphore.get(0), VK_NULL_HANDLE, pImageIndex);
currentBuffer = pImageIndex.get(0);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to acquire next swapchain image: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Select the command buffer for the current framebuffer image/attachment
pCommandBuffers.put(0, renderCommandBuffers[currentBuffer]);
// Update UBO
long thisTime = System.nanoTime();
time += (thisTime - lastTime) / 1E9f;
lastTime = thisTime;
updateUbo(device, uboDescriptor, time);
// Submit to the graphics queue
err = vkQueueSubmit(queue, submitInfo, VK_NULL_HANDLE);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to submit render queue: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Present the current buffer to the swap chain
// This will display the image
pSwapchains.put(0, swapchain.swapchainHandle);
err = vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, presentInfo);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to present the swapchain image: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
// Create and submit post present barrier
// Destroy this semaphore (we will create a new one in the next frame)
vkDestroySemaphore(device, pImageAcquiredSemaphore.get(0), null);
vkDestroySemaphore(device, pRenderCompleteSemaphore.get(0), null);
submitPostPresentBarrier(swapchain.images[currentBuffer], postPresentCommandBuffer, queue);
vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(instance, debugCallbackHandle, null);;;
// We don't bother disposing of all Vulkan resources.
// Let the OS process manager take care of it.
use of org.lwjgl.vulkan.VkCommandBuffer in project lwjgl3-demos by LWJGL.
the class TwoRotatingTrianglesDemo method createCommandBuffer.
private static VkCommandBuffer createCommandBuffer(VkDevice device, long commandPool) {
VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufAllocateInfo = VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo.calloc().sType(VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_ALLOCATE_INFO).commandPool(commandPool).level(VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY).commandBufferCount(1);
PointerBuffer pCommandBuffer = memAllocPointer(1);
int err = vkAllocateCommandBuffers(device, cmdBufAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffer);;
long commandBuffer = pCommandBuffer.get(0);
if (err != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to allocate command buffer: " + translateVulkanResult(err));
return new VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, device);