use of org.minidns.dnssec.DnssecClient in project minidns by MiniDNS.
the class DNSSECTest method testOarcDaneBadSig.
public static void testOarcDaneBadSig() throws Exception {
DNSSECClient client = new DNSSECClient(new LRUCache(1024));
assertFalse(client.query("", Record.TYPE.TLSA).authenticData);
use of org.minidns.dnssec.DnssecClient in project minidns by MiniDNS.
the class DNSSECTest method testCloudFlare.
public static void testCloudFlare() throws IOException {
DNSSECClient client = new DNSSECClient(new LRUCache(1024));
assertAuthentic(client.queryDnssec("", Record.TYPE.A));
use of org.minidns.dnssec.DnssecClient in project minidns by MiniDNS.
the class IntegrationTestTools method getClient.
public static DNSSECClient getClient(CacheConfig cacheConfig) {
DNSCache cache;
switch(cacheConfig) {
case without:
cache = null;
case normal:
cache = new LRUCache();
case extended:
cache = new ExtendedLRUCache();
case full:
cache = new FullLRUCache();
throw new IllegalStateException();
DNSSECClient client = new DNSSECClient(cache);
client.setDataSource(new NetworkDataSourceWithAccounting());
return client;
use of org.minidns.dnssec.DnssecClient in project minidns by MiniDNS.
the class DNSSECTest method testUniDueSigOk.
public static void testUniDueSigOk() throws IOException {
DNSSECClient client = new DNSSECClient(new LRUCache(1024));
assertAuthentic(client.queryDnssec("", Record.TYPE.A));
use of org.minidns.dnssec.DnssecClient in project minidns by MiniDNS.
the class DNSSECTest method testUniDueSigFail.
@IntegrationTest(expected = DNSSECValidationFailedException.class)
public static void testUniDueSigFail() throws IOException {
DNSSECClient client = new DNSSECClient(new LRUCache(1024));
client.query("", Record.TYPE.A);