use of org.motechproject.mds.dto.EntityDto in project motech by motech.
the class InstanceServiceImpl method getRelatedFieldValue.
public Records<BasicEntityRecord> getRelatedFieldValue(Long entityId, Long instanceId, String fieldName, RelationshipsUpdate filter, QueryParams queryParams) {
try {
// first get the entity
EntityDto entity = getEntity(entityId);
List<FieldDto> fields = getEntityFields(entityId);
String entityName = entity.getName();
MotechDataService service = getServiceForEntity(entity);
// then the related entity
FieldDto relatedField = findFieldByName(fields, fieldName);
if (relatedField == null) {
throw new FieldNotFoundException(entity.getClassName(), fieldName);
String relatedClass = relatedField.getMetadataValue(Constants.MetadataKeys.RELATED_CLASS);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(relatedClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldName + " in entity " + entity.getClassName() + " is not a related field");
// these will be used for building the records
EntityDto relatedEntity = getEntity(relatedClass);
List<FieldDto> relatedFields = getEntityFields(relatedEntity.getId());
MotechDataService relatedDataService = getServiceForEntity(relatedEntity);
Collection relatedAsColl = new ArrayList<>();
// If the relationship already exists, fetch instances and use correct type
if (instanceId != null) {
// get the instance of the original entity
Object instance = service.findById(instanceId);
if (instance == null) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(entityName, instanceId);
// the value of the related field
relatedAsColl = TypeHelper.asCollection(PropertyUtil.getProperty(instance, fieldName));
List<Long> updatedInstancesIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (EntityRecord record : filter.getAddedNewRecords()) {
Integer id = (Integer) record.getFieldByName(Constants.Util.ID_FIELD_NAME).getValue();
if (id != null && id > 0) {
relatedAsColl.removeIf(new Predicate() {
public boolean test(Object o) {
Long objectId = (Long) PropertyUtil.safeGetProperty(o, Constants.Util.ID_FIELD_NAME);
return filter.getRemovedIds().contains(objectId) || updatedInstancesIds.contains(objectId);
for (EntityRecord record : filter.getAddedNewRecords()) {
relatedAsColl.add(newInstanceFromEntityRecord(getEntityClass(relatedEntity), relatedFields, record.getFields(), relatedDataService));
// apply pagination ordering (currently in memory)
List filtered = InMemoryQueryFilter.filter(relatedAsColl, queryParams);
// convert the instance to a grid-friendly form
List<BasicEntityRecord> entityRecords = instancesToBasicRecords(filtered, relatedEntity, relatedFields, relatedDataService, EntityType.STANDARD);
// counts for the grid
int recordCount = relatedAsColl.size();
int rowCount = (int) Math.ceil(recordCount / (double) queryParams.getPageSize());
// package as records
return new Records<>(queryParams.getPage(), rowCount, recordCount, entityRecords);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalArgumentException | ClassNotFoundException | CannotCompileException | InstantiationException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new ObjectReadException(entityId, e);
use of org.motechproject.mds.dto.EntityDto in project motech by motech.
the class InstanceServiceImpl method getEntityRecordsWithFilter.
public List<BasicEntityRecord> getEntityRecordsWithFilter(Long entityId, Filters filters, QueryParams queryParams) {
EntityDto entity = getEntity(entityId);
List<FieldDto> fields = entityService.getEntityFieldsForUI(entityId);
MotechDataService service = getServiceForEntity(entity);
List instances = service.filter(filters, queryParams);
return instancesToBasicRecords(instances, entity, fields, service, EntityType.STANDARD);
use of org.motechproject.mds.dto.EntityDto in project motech by motech.
the class InstanceServiceImpl method getEntityInstance.
public EntityRecord getEntityInstance(Long entityId, Long instanceId) {
EntityDto entity = getEntity(entityId);
MotechDataService service = getServiceForEntity(entity);
Object instance = service.retrieve(ID_FIELD_NAME, instanceId);
if (instance == null) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(entity.getName(), instanceId);
List<FieldDto> fields = entityService.getEntityFieldsForUI(entityId);
Map<String, List<FieldDto>> relatedEntitiesFields = getRelatedEntitiesFields(fields);
return instanceToRecord(instance, entity, fields, service, EntityType.STANDARD, relatedEntitiesFields);
use of org.motechproject.mds.dto.EntityDto in project motech by motech.
the class InstanceServiceImpl method countRecordsByLookup.
public long countRecordsByLookup(Long entityId, String lookupName, Map<String, Object> lookupMap) {
EntityDto entity = getEntity(entityId);
LookupDto lookup = getLookupByName(entityId, lookupName);
Map<String, FieldDto> fieldMap = entityService.getLookupFieldsMapping(entityId, lookupName);
MotechDataService service = getServiceForEntity(entity);
try {
LookupExecutor lookupExecutor = new LookupExecutor(service, lookup, fieldMap);
return lookupExecutor.executeCount(lookupMap);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new LookupExecutionException(e, LOOKUP_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_KEY);
use of org.motechproject.mds.dto.EntityDto in project motech by motech.
the class InstanceServiceImpl method deleteInstance.
public void deleteInstance(Long entityId, Long instanceId) {
EntityDto entity = getEntity(entityId);
MotechDataService service = getServiceForEntity(entity);
service.delete(ID_FIELD_NAME, instanceId);