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Example 6 with NativeArray

use of org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray in project hackpad by dropbox.

the class JsonParserTest method shouldParseHeterogeneousJsonArray.

public void shouldParseHeterogeneousJsonArray() throws Exception {
    NativeArray actual = (NativeArray) parser.parseValue("[ \"hello\" , 3, null, [false] ]");
    assertEquals("hello", actual.get(0, actual));
    assertEquals(3, actual.get(1, actual));
    assertEquals(null, actual.get(2, actual));
    NativeArray innerArr = (NativeArray) actual.get(3, actual);
    assertEquals(false, innerArr.get(0, innerArr));
    assertEquals(4, actual.getLength());
Also used : NativeArray(org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with NativeArray

use of org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray in project jslint4java by happygiraffe.

the class UtilTest method testJavaToJS_JSArrays.

public void testJavaToJS_JSArrays() {
    String[] ary = new String[] { "a", "b" };
    Object result = Util.javaToJS(ary, scope);
    assertThat(result, instanceOf(NativeArray.class));
    // Woohoo—it got the correct class.  Now, let's check it works OK.
    NativeArray nAry = (NativeArray) result;
    assertThat(nAry.getLength(), is(2L));
    assertThat(nAry.get(0, nAry), is((Object) "a"));
    assertThat(nAry.get(1, nAry), is((Object) "b"));
Also used : NativeArray(org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray) ScriptableObject(org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with NativeArray

use of org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray in project scriptographer by scriptographer.

the class MapAdapter method get.

public Object get(Object key) {
    Object value;
    if (key instanceof Integer)
        value = ScriptableObject.getProperty(object, ((Integer) key).intValue());
    else if (key instanceof String)
        value = ScriptableObject.getProperty(object, (String) key);
        value = null;
    if (value instanceof Wrapper)
        value = ((Wrapper) value).unwrap();
    else if (value == ScriptableObject.NOT_FOUND)
        value = null;
    else if (value instanceof NativeArray) {
        // Convert to a normal array
        // TODO: see if we need to convert the other way in put?
        NativeArray array = (NativeArray) value;
        int length = (int) array.getLength();
        Object[] list = new Object[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            Object obj = array.get(i, array);
            if (obj instanceof Wrapper)
                obj = ((Wrapper) obj).unwrap();
            list[i] = obj;
        return list;
    return value;
Also used : NativeArray(org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray) Wrapper(org.mozilla.javascript.Wrapper) ScriptableObject(org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject)

Example 9 with NativeArray

use of org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray in project kotlin by JetBrains.

the class RhinoQUnitResultChecker method assertResultValid.

protected void assertResultValid(Object result) {
    if (result instanceof NativeArray) {
        NativeArray array = (NativeArray) result;
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        for (Object value : array) {
            String text = value.toString();
            if (!text.startsWith("PASS")) {
                if (buffer.length() > 0) {
        if (buffer.length() > 0) {
    } else {
        fail("Unknown QUnit result: " + result);
Also used : NativeArray(org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray)

Example 10 with NativeArray

use of org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray in project sling by apache.

the class ScriptableNode method get.

     * Gets the value of a (Javascript) property or child node. If there is a single single-value
     * JCR property of this node, return its string value. If there are multiple properties
     * of the same name or child nodes of the same name, return an array.
public Object get(String name, Scriptable start) {
    // builtin javascript properties (jsFunction_ etc.) have priority
    final Object fromSuperclass = super.get(name, start);
    if (fromSuperclass != Scriptable.NOT_FOUND) {
        return fromSuperclass;
    if (node == null) {
        return Undefined.instance;
    final List<Scriptable> items = new ArrayList<Scriptable>();
    // Add all matching nodes to result
    try {
        NodeIterator it = node.getNodes(name);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            items.add(ScriptRuntime.toObject(this, it.nextNode()));
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        log.debug("RepositoryException while collecting Node children", e);
    // Add all matching properties to result
    boolean isMulti = false;
    try {
        PropertyIterator it = node.getProperties(name);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Property prop = it.nextProperty();
            if (prop.getDefinition().isMultiple()) {
                isMulti = true;
                Value[] values = prop.getValues();
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            } else {
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        log.debug("RepositoryException while collecting Node properties", e);
    if (items.size() == 0) {
        return getNative(name, start);
    } else if (items.size() == 1 && !isMulti) {
        return items.iterator().next();
    } else {
        NativeArray result = new NativeArray(items.toArray());
        ScriptRuntime.setObjectProtoAndParent(result, this);
        return result;
Also used : NodeIterator(javax.jcr.NodeIterator) NativeArray(org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PropertyIterator(javax.jcr.PropertyIterator) RepositoryException(javax.jcr.RepositoryException) Scriptable(org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable) Value(javax.jcr.Value) Property(javax.jcr.Property)


NativeArray (org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray)10 ScriptableObject (org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject)4 Test (org.junit.Test)3 Function (org.mozilla.javascript.Function)2 NativeObject (org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject)2 BufferedReader ( IOException ( InputStreamReader ( PrintStream ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( UndeclaredThrowableException (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Callable (java.util.concurrent.Callable)1 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)1 NodeIterator (javax.jcr.NodeIterator)1 Property (javax.jcr.Property)1 PropertyIterator (javax.jcr.PropertyIterator)1 RepositoryException (javax.jcr.RepositoryException)1 Value (javax.jcr.Value)1 StreamHostObject (