use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.INTEGER in project jss by dogtagpki.
the class PKIPublicationInfo method encode.
public void encode(Tag implicitTag, OutputStream ostream) throws IOException {
seq.addElement(new INTEGER(action));
seq.encode(implicitTag, ostream);
use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.INTEGER in project jss by dogtagpki.
the class EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo method createPBES2.
* Export a private key in PBES2 format, using a random PBKDF2 salt.
* Token must support the CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2 mechanism.
* @param saltLen Length of salt in bytes (default: 16)
* @param kdfIterations PBKDF2 iterations (default: 2000)
* @param encAlg The symmetric encryption algorithm for enciphering the
* private key. Determines the size of derived key.
* @param pwd Password
* @param charToByteConverter The mechanism for converting the characters
* in the password into bytes. If null, the default mechanism
* will be used, which is UTF8.
* @param privateKeyInfo The encoded PrivateKeyInfo to be encrypted and
* stored in the EncryptedContentInfo.
public static EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo createPBES2(int saltLen, int kdfIterations, EncryptionAlgorithm encAlg, Password pwd, KeyGenerator.CharToByteConverter charToByteConverter, PrivateKeyInfo privateKeyInfo) throws NotInitializedException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, TokenException, CharConversionException {
if (encAlg == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("encAlg cannot be null");
if (pwd == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pwd cannot be null");
if (privateKeyInfo == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("privateKeyInfo cannot be null");
if (kdfIterations < 1)
kdfIterations = 2000;
if (saltLen < 1)
saltLen = 16;
try {
// generate random PBKDF2 salt
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] salt = new byte[saltLen];
// derive symmetric key from passphrase using PBKDF2
CryptoManager cm = CryptoManager.getInstance();
CryptoToken token = cm.getInternalCryptoToken();
KeyGenerator kg = token.getKeyGenerator(PBEAlgorithm.PBE_PKCS5_PBKDF2);
PBEKeyGenParams pbekgParams = new PBEKeyGenParams(pwd.getChars(), salt, kdfIterations, encAlg);
if (charToByteConverter != null)
SymmetricKey sk = kg.generate();
// encrypt PrivateKeyInfo
byte[] iv = new byte[encAlg.getBlockSize()];
Cipher cipher = token.getCipherContext(encAlg);
cipher.initEncrypt(sk, new IVParameterSpec(iv));
byte[] encData = cipher.doFinal(ASN1Util.encode(privateKeyInfo));
// construct KDF AlgorithmIdentifier
SEQUENCE paramsKdf = new SEQUENCE();
paramsKdf.addElement(new OCTET_STRING(salt));
paramsKdf.addElement(new INTEGER(kdfIterations));
paramsKdf.addElement(new INTEGER(sk.getLength()));
AlgorithmIdentifier algIdKdf = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PBEAlgorithm.PBE_PKCS5_PBKDF2.toOID(), paramsKdf);
// construct encryption AlgorithmIdentifier
AlgorithmIdentifier algIdEnc = new AlgorithmIdentifier(encAlg.toOID(), new OCTET_STRING(iv));
// construct "composite" PBES2 AlgorithmIdentifier
AlgorithmIdentifier algIdPBES2 = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PBEAlgorithm.PBE_PKCS5_PBES2.toOID(), paramsPBES2);
// construct EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
return new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(algIdPBES2, new OCTET_STRING(encData));
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("IllegalBlockSizeException in EncryptedContentInfo.createPBES2: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("BadPaddingException in EncryptedContentInfo.createPBES2: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.INTEGER in project jss by dogtagpki.
the class KeyFactorySpi1_2 method engineGeneratePrivate.
* We don't support RSAPrivateKeySpec because it doesn't have enough
* information. You need to provide an RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.
protected engineGeneratePrivate(KeySpec keySpec) throws InvalidKeySpecException {
try {
if (keySpec instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec) {
// PKCS #1 RSAPrivateKey
RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec spec = (RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec) keySpec;
SEQUENCE privKey = new SEQUENCE();
// version
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(0));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getModulus()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getPublicExponent()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getPrivateExponent()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getPrimeP()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getPrimeQ()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getPrimeExponentP()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getPrimeExponentQ()));
privKey.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getCrtCoefficient()));
AlgorithmIdentifier algID = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PrivateKey.RSA.toOID(), null);
OCTET_STRING encodedPrivKey = new OCTET_STRING(ASN1Util.encode(privKey));
PrivateKeyInfo pki = new PrivateKeyInfo(// version
new INTEGER(0), algID, encodedPrivKey, // OPTIONAL SET OF Attribute
(SET) null);
return PK11PrivKey.fromPrivateKeyInfo(ASN1Util.encode(pki), TokenSupplierManager.getTokenSupplier().getThreadToken());
} else if (keySpec instanceof DSAPrivateKeySpec) {
DSAPrivateKeySpec spec = (DSAPrivateKeySpec) keySpec;
SEQUENCE pqgParams = new SEQUENCE();
pqgParams.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getP()));
pqgParams.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getQ()));
pqgParams.addElement(new INTEGER(spec.getG()));
AlgorithmIdentifier algID = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PrivateKey.DSA.toOID(), pqgParams);
OCTET_STRING privateKey = new OCTET_STRING(ASN1Util.encode(new INTEGER(spec.getX())));
PrivateKeyInfo pki = new PrivateKeyInfo(// version
new INTEGER(0), algID, privateKey, // OPTIONAL SET OF Attribute
// Derive the public key from the private key
BigInteger y = spec.getG().modPow(spec.getX(), spec.getP());
byte[] yBA = y.toByteArray();
// we need to chop off a leading zero byte
if (y.bitLength() % 8 == 0) {
byte[] newBA = new byte[yBA.length - 1];
assert (newBA.length >= 0);
System.arraycopy(yBA, 1, newBA, 0, newBA.length);
yBA = newBA;
return PK11PrivKey.fromPrivateKeyInfo(ASN1Util.encode(pki), TokenSupplierManager.getTokenSupplier().getThreadToken(), yBA);
} else if (keySpec instanceof PKCS8EncodedKeySpec) {
return PK11PrivKey.fromPrivateKeyInfo((PKCS8EncodedKeySpec) keySpec, TokenSupplierManager.getTokenSupplier().getThreadToken());
throw new InvalidKeySpecException("Unsupported KeySpec type: " + keySpec.getClass().getName());
} catch (TokenException te) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
throw new InvalidKeySpecException("TokenException: " + sw.toString());
use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.INTEGER in project java-smt by sosy-lab.
the class CVC4FormulaCreator method convertValue.
public Object convertValue(Expr expForType, Expr value) {
final Type type = expForType.getType();
final Type valueType = value.getType();
if (value.getKind() == Kind.BOUND_VARIABLE) {
// CVC4 does not allow model values for bound vars
return value.toString();
} else if (valueType.isBoolean()) {
return value.getConstBoolean();
} else if (valueType.isInteger() && type.isInteger()) {
return new BigInteger(value.getConstRational().toString());
} else if (valueType.isReal() && type.isReal()) {
Rational rat = value.getConstRational();
return org.sosy_lab.common.rationals.Rational.of(new BigInteger(rat.getNumerator().toString()), new BigInteger(rat.getDenominator().toString()));
} else if (valueType.isBitVector()) {
Integer bv = value.getConstBitVector().getValue();
if (bv.fitsSignedLong()) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(bv.getUnsignedLong());
} else {
// default
return value.toString();
} else if (valueType.isFloatingPoint()) {
return parseFloatingPoint(value);
} else if (valueType.isString()) {
return value.getConstString().toString();
} else {
// String serialization for unknown terms.
return value.toString();