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Example 36 with Tag

use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag in project OSMWrangle by SLIPO-EU.

the class OsmPbfParser method process.

 * Processes an OSM element (node, way, or relation).
 * @param entityContainer  Container of an OSM node, way, or relation.
public void process(EntityContainer entityContainer) {
    // Will become true only if a tag related to user-specified filters is found for the current OSM element
    keepIndexed = false;
    if ((!scanWays) && (!scanRelations) && (entityContainer instanceof NodeContainer)) {
        // Create a new OSM node object and populate it with the appropriate values
        // Mark position of the parser
        inNode = true;
        inWay = false;
        inRelation = false;
        Node myNode = ((NodeContainer) entityContainer).getEntity();
        nodeTmp = new OSMNode();
        nodeTmp.setID("" + myNode.getId());
        // Collect tags associated with this OSM element
        for (Tag myTag : myNode.getTags()) {
            nodeTmp.setTagKeyValue(myTag.getKey(), myChecker.removeIllegalChars(myTag.getValue()));
            if ((tags == null) || (tags.contains(myTag.getKey()))) {
                // CAUTION! Filter out any OSM elements not related to tags specified by the user
                // In case of no tags specified for filtering, index all nodes
                keepIndexed = true;
        // Create geometry object with original WGS84 coordinates
        Geometry geom = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(myNode.getLongitude(), myNode.getLatitude()));
        // Convert entity
        if (keepIndexed) {
            if (keepUnnamed)
                myConverter.parse(recBuilder.createOSMRecord(nodeTmp), classification, reproject, targetSRID);
            else if (nodeTmp.getTagKeyValue().containsKey("name")) {
                // CAUTION! Only named entities will be transformed
                myConverter.parse(recBuilder.createOSMRecord(nodeTmp), classification, reproject, targetSRID);
        if (recBuilder.nodeIndex.containsKey(nodeTmp.getID()))
            // Keep a dictionary of node geometries, only if referenced by OSM ways
            recBuilder.nodeIndex.put(nodeTmp.getID(), nodeTmp.getGeometry());
        nodeTmp = null;
    } else if ((!scanRelations) && (entityContainer instanceof WayContainer)) {
        // Create a new OSM way object and populate it with the appropriate values
        Way myWay = ((WayContainer) entityContainer).getEntity();
        for (Tag myTag : myWay.getTags()) {
            if ((tags == null) || (tags.contains(myTag.getKey()))) {
                // CAUTION! Filter out any OSM elements not related to tags specified by the user
                // In case of no tags specified for filtering, index all ways
                keepIndexed = true;
        if (scanWays) {
            // Either this OSM way is filtered or referenced by a relation, so its nodes should be kept in the index
            if ((keepIndexed) || (recBuilder.wayIndex.containsKey("" + myWay.getId()))) {
                for (WayNode entry : myWay.getWayNodes()) {
                    // ...initially with NULL geometry, to be replaced once nodes will be parsed
                    recBuilder.nodeIndex.put("" + entry.getNodeId(), null);
        } else {
            if (inNode)
                System.out.println("\nFinished parsing OSM nodes.");
            // Mark position of the parser
            inNode = false;
            inWay = true;
            inRelation = false;
            // Skip parsing if this way is filtered out or not referenced by other relations
            if ((!keepIndexed) && (!recBuilder.wayIndex.containsKey("" + myWay.getId())))
            wayTmp = new OSMWay();
            wayTmp.setID("" + myWay.getId());
            // Collect tags associated with this OSM element
            for (Tag myTag : myWay.getTags()) {
                wayTmp.setTagKeyValue(myTag.getKey(), myChecker.removeIllegalChars(myTag.getValue()));
            for (WayNode entry : myWay.getWayNodes()) {
                if (recBuilder.nodeIndex.containsKey("" + entry.getNodeId())) {
                    // get the geometry of the node with ID=entry
                    Geometry geometry = recBuilder.nodeIndex.get("" + entry.getNodeId());
                    // add the node geometry in this way
                } else
                    System.out.println("Missing node " + entry.getNodeId() + " in referencing way " + wayTmp.getID());
            Geometry geom = geometryFactory.buildGeometry(wayTmp.getNodeGeometries());
            // These nodes must be more than 3, because JTS does not allow construction of a linear ring with less than 3 points
            if ((closedRings2Polygons) && (wayTmp.getNodeGeometries().size() > 3) && wayTmp.getNodeGeometries().get(0).equals(wayTmp.getNodeGeometries().get(wayTmp.getNodeGeometries().size() - 1))) {
                // Always construct a polygon when a linear ring is detected
                LinearRing linear = geometryFactory.createLinearRing(geom.getCoordinates());
                Polygon poly = new Polygon(linear, null, geometryFactory);
             *		               //OPTION NOT USED: Construct a linear ring geometry when this feature is either a barrier or a road
             *		               if (!((wayTmp.getTagKeyValue().containsKey("barrier")) || wayTmp.getTagKeyValue().containsKey("highway"))){
             *		            	   //this is not a barrier nor a road, so construct a polygon geometry
             *		            	   LinearRing linear = geometryFactory.createLinearRing(geom.getCoordinates());
             *		            	   Polygon poly = new Polygon(linear, null, geometryFactory);
             *		            	   wayTmp.setGeometry(poly);
             *		               }
             *		               else {    //it is either a barrier or a road, so construct a linear ring geometry
             *		                  LinearRing linear = geometryFactory.createLinearRing(geom.getCoordinates());
             *		                  wayTmp.setGeometry(linear);
             *		               }
            } else if (wayTmp.getNodeGeometries().size() > 1) {
                // it is an open geometry with more than one nodes, make it linestring
                LineString lineString = geometryFactory.createLineString(geom.getCoordinates());
            } else {
                // we assume that any other geometries are points
                // some ways happen to have only one point. Construct a Point.
                Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint(geom.getCoordinate());
            // Convert this entity
            if (keepIndexed) {
                if (keepUnnamed)
                    myConverter.parse(recBuilder.createOSMRecord(wayTmp), classification, reproject, targetSRID);
                else if (wayTmp.getTagKeyValue().containsKey("name")) {
                    // CAUTION! Only named entities will be transformed
                    myConverter.parse(recBuilder.createOSMRecord(wayTmp), classification, reproject, targetSRID);
            if (recBuilder.wayIndex.containsKey(wayTmp.getID()))
                // Keep a dictionary of way geometries, only for those referenced by OSM relations
                recBuilder.wayIndex.put(wayTmp.getID(), wayTmp.getGeometry());
            wayTmp = null;
    } else if ((!scanWays) && (entityContainer instanceof RelationContainer)) {
        // Create a new OSM relation object and populate it with the appropriate values
        Relation myRelation = ((RelationContainer) entityContainer).getEntity();
        for (Tag myTag : myRelation.getTags()) {
            if ((tags == null) || (tags.contains(myTag.getKey()))) {
                // CAUTION! Filter out any OSM elements not related to tags specified by the user
                // In case of no tags specified for filtering, index all nodes
                keepIndexed = true;
        if (scanRelations) {
            // Either only filtered relations will be indexed or those referenced by other relations
            if ((keepIndexed) || (recBuilder.relationIndex.containsKey("" + myRelation.getId()))) {
                for (RelationMember m : myRelation.getMembers()) {
                    if (m.getMemberType().name().equalsIgnoreCase("node"))
                        // This node is referenced by a relation; keep it in the index, and its geometry will be filled in when parsing the nodes
                        recBuilder.nodeIndex.put("" + m.getMemberId(), null);
                    else if (m.getMemberType().name().equalsIgnoreCase("way"))
                        // This way is referenced by a relation; keep it in the index, and its geometry will be filled in when parsing the ways
                        recBuilder.wayIndex.put("" + m.getMemberId(), null);
                    else if (m.getMemberType().name().equalsIgnoreCase("relation")) {
                        // This relation is referenced by another relation; keep it in the index, and its geometry will be filled in when parsing the relations
                        recBuilder.relationIndex.put("" + m.getMemberId(), null);
                        // Relations need to be scanned once more, as they reference other relations
                        rescanRelations = true;
        } else {
            if (inWay)
                System.out.println("\nFinished parsing OSM ways.");
            // Mark position of the parser
            inNode = false;
            inWay = false;
            inRelation = true;
            // Skip parsing if this relation is filtered out or not referenced by others
            if ((!keepIndexed) && (!recBuilder.relationIndex.containsKey("" + myRelation.getId())))
            relationTmp = new OSMRelation();
            relationTmp.setID("" + myRelation.getId());
            // Collect tags associated with this OSM element
            for (Tag myTag : myRelation.getTags()) {
                relationTmp.setTagKeyValue(myTag.getKey(), myChecker.removeIllegalChars(myTag.getValue()));
            // System.out.println("Relation " + myRelation.getId() + " Number of members: " +  myRelation.getMembers().size());
            for (RelationMember m : myRelation.getMembers()) relationTmp.addMemberReference("" + m.getMemberId(), m.getMemberType().name(), m.getMemberRole());
            OSMRecord rec = recBuilder.createOSMRecord(relationTmp);
            if (// No records created for incomplete relations during the first pass
            rec != null) {
                // Convert entity
                if (keepIndexed) {
                    if (keepUnnamed)
                        myConverter.parse(rec, classification, reproject, targetSRID);
                    else if (relationTmp.getTagKeyValue().containsKey("name")) {
                        // CAUTION! Only named entities will be transformed
                        myConverter.parse(rec, classification, reproject, targetSRID);
                if (recBuilder.relationIndex.containsKey(relationTmp.getID()))
                    // Keep a dictionary of relation geometries, only for those referenced by other OSM relations
                    recBuilder.relationIndex.put(relationTmp.getID(), rec.getGeometry());
            relationTmp = null;
Also used : WayContainer(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.WayContainer) OSMWay(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMWay) WayNode(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.WayNode) OSMRelation(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMRelation) WayNode(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.WayNode) Node(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Node) OSMNode(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMNode) NodeContainer(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.NodeContainer) Point(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point) OSMWay(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMWay) Way(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Way) Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) OSMRecord(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMRecord) RelationContainer(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.RelationContainer) Relation(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Relation) OSMRelation(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMRelation) RelationMember(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.RelationMember) Coordinate(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate) LineString(org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString) OSMNode(eu.smartdatalake.athenarc.osmwrangle.osm.OSMNode) Tag(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag) LinearRing(org.locationtech.jts.geom.LinearRing) Polygon(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon)

Example 37 with Tag

use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class VoltDBOsmSink method process.

     * {@inheritDoc}
public void process(RelationContainer relationContainer) {
    Relation relation;
    int memberSequenceId;
    relation = relationContainer.getEntity();
    try {
        client.callProcedure(new InsertCallback(), INS_RELATIONS_PROC, relation.getId(), relation.getVersion(), relation.getUser().getId(), relation.getTimestamp(), relation.getChangesetId());
    } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    memberSequenceId = 0;
    for (RelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) {
        try {
            client.callProcedure(new InsertCallback(), INS_RELATIONS_MEMBER_PROC, relation.getId(), member.getMemberId(), member.getMemberType().ordinal(), member.getMemberRole(), memberSequenceId);
        } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    for (Tag tag : relation.getTags()) {
        try {
            client.callProcedure(new InsertCallback(), INS_RELATION_TAGS_PROC, relation.getId(), tag.getKey(), tag.getValue());
        } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : Relation(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Relation) NoConnectionsException(org.voltdb.client.NoConnectionsException) RelationMember(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.RelationMember) IOException( Tag(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag)

Example 38 with Tag

use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class VoltDBOsmSink method process.

public void process(NodeContainer nodeContainer) {
    Node node;
    node = nodeContainer.getEntity();
    double lat = node.getLatitude();
    double lng = node.getLongitude();
    String pointText = "POINT(" + lng + " " + lat + ")";
    // keep track of the nodes so we can build polygons later
    if (enableBboxBuilder || enableLinestringBuilder) {
    try {
        client.callProcedure(new InsertCallback(), INS_NODE_PROC, node.getId(), node.getVersion(), node.getUser().getId(), new TimestampType(node.getTimestamp().getTime()), node.getChangesetId(), pointText);
    } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Collection<Tag> tags = node.getTags();
    for (Tag tag : tags) {
        // System.out.println(INS_NODE_TAG_PROC+","+node.getId()+","+tag.getKey()+","+tag.getValue());
        try {
            client.callProcedure(new InsertCallback(), INS_NODE_TAG_PROC, node.getId(), tag.getKey(), tag.getValue());
        } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : NoConnectionsException(org.voltdb.client.NoConnectionsException) WayNode(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.WayNode) Node(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Node) TimestampType(org.voltdb.types.TimestampType) LineString(org.postgis.LineString) IOException( Tag(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag)

Example 39 with Tag

use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag in project GeoGig by boundlessgeo.

the class OSMUnmapOp method unmapNode.

private void unmapNode(SimpleFeature feature, FeatureMapFlusher mapFlusher) {
    boolean modified = false;
    String id = feature.getID();
    SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(OSMUtils.nodeType());
    Optional<RevFeature> rawFeature = command(RevObjectParse.class).setRefSpec("WORK_HEAD:" + OSMUtils.NODE_TYPE_NAME + "/" + id).call(RevFeature.class);
    Map<String, String> tagsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int version = 1;
    long changeset = -1;
    String user = UNKNOWN_USER;
    Collection<Tag> tags = Lists.newArrayList();
    if (rawFeature.isPresent()) {
        ImmutableList<Optional<Object>> values = rawFeature.get().getValues();
        tags = OSMUtils.buildTagsCollectionFromString(values.get(NODE_TAGS_FIELD_INDEX).get().toString());
        for (Tag tag : tags) {
            tagsMap.put(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue());
        Optional<Object> timestampOpt = values.get(NODE_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_INDEX);
        if (timestampOpt.isPresent()) {
            timestamp = ((Long) timestampOpt.get()).longValue();
        Optional<Object> versionOpt = values.get(NODE_VERSION_FIELD_INDEX);
        if (versionOpt.isPresent()) {
            version = ((Integer) versionOpt.get()).intValue();
        Optional<Object> changesetOpt = values.get(NODE_CHANGESET_FIELD_INDEX);
        if (changesetOpt.isPresent()) {
            changeset = ((Long) changesetOpt.get()).longValue();
        Optional<Object> userOpt = values.get(NODE_USER_FIELD_INDEX);
        if (userOpt.isPresent()) {
            user = (String) userOpt.get();
    Map<String, String> unaliased = Maps.newHashMap();
    Collection<Property> properties = feature.getProperties();
    for (Property property : properties) {
        String name = property.getName().getLocalPart();
        if (name.equals("id") || Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getDescriptor().getType().getBinding())) {
        Object value = property.getValue();
        if (value != null) {
            String tagName = name;
            if (mapping != null) {
                if (unaliased.containsKey(name)) {
                    tagName = unaliased.get(name);
                } else {
                    tagName = mapping.getTagNameFromAlias(path, tagName);
                    unaliased.put(name, tagName);
            if (!DefaultField.isDefaultField(tagName)) {
                if (tagsMap.containsKey(tagName)) {
                    if (!modified) {
                        String oldValue = tagsMap.get(tagName);
                        modified = !value.equals(oldValue);
                } else {
                    modified = true;
                tagsMap.put(tagName, value.toString());
    if (!modified && rawFeature.isPresent()) {
        // no changes after unmapping tags, so there's nothing else to do
    Collection<Tag> newTags = Lists.newArrayList();
    Set<Entry<String, String>> entries = tagsMap.entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
        newTags.add(new Tag(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
    featureBuilder.set("tags", OSMUtils.buildTagsString(newTags));
    featureBuilder.set("location", feature.getDefaultGeometry());
    featureBuilder.set("changeset", changeset);
    featureBuilder.set("timestamp", timestamp);
    featureBuilder.set("version", version);
    featureBuilder.set("user", user);
    featureBuilder.set("visible", true);
    if (rawFeature.isPresent()) {
        // the feature has changed, so we cannot reuse some attributes.
        // We reconstruct the feature and insert it
        featureBuilder.set("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis());
        featureBuilder.set("changeset", null);
        featureBuilder.set("version", null);
        featureBuilder.set("visible", true);
        mapFlusher.put("node", featureBuilder.buildFeature(id));
    } else {
        // The feature didn't exist, so we have to add it
        mapFlusher.put("node", featureBuilder.buildFeature(id));
Also used : Optional( LineString(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString) Point(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point) Geometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry) ReadOSMMappingLogEntry(org.locationtech.geogig.osm.internal.log.ReadOSMMappingLogEntry) DiffEntry( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) OSMMappingLogEntry(org.locationtech.geogig.osm.internal.log.OSMMappingLogEntry) RevFeature(org.locationtech.geogig.api.RevFeature) Tag(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag) Property(org.opengis.feature.Property) SimpleFeatureBuilder(org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder)

Example 40 with Tag

use of org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag in project GeoGig by boundlessgeo.

the class MappingRule method hasCorrectTags.

private boolean hasCorrectTags(Feature feature, Collection<Tag> tags) {
    if (filter.isEmpty() || (filter.size() == 1 && filter.containsKey("geom")) && (exclude == null || exclude.isEmpty())) {
        return true;
    boolean ret = false;
    ArrayList<String> tagNames = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Tag tag : tags) {
        if (exclude != null && exclude.keySet().contains(tag.getKey())) {
            List<String> values = exclude.get(tag.getKey());
            if (values != null) {
                if (values.isEmpty() || values.contains(tag.getValue())) {
                    return false;
        if (filter.keySet().contains(tag.getKey())) {
            List<String> values = filter.get(tag.getKey());
            if (values.isEmpty() || values.contains(tag.getValue())) {
                ret = true;
    if (ret) {
        for (String mandatory : getMandatoryTags()) {
            if (!tagNames.contains(mandatory)) {
                return false;
    return ret;
Also used : Tag(org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag)


Tag (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Tag)66 SEQUENCE (org.mozilla.jss.asn1.SEQUENCE)23 CommonEntityData (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.CommonEntityData)23 WayNode (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.WayNode)17 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)16 Node (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Node)16 OsmUser (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.OsmUser)16 Way (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Way)12 Date (java.util.Date)10 RelationMember (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.RelationMember)10 OsmosisRuntimeException (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException)9 Relation (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.domain.v0_6.Relation)9 Tag (org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag)7 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 EXPLICIT (org.mozilla.jss.asn1.EXPLICIT)6 Osmformat (crosby.binary.Osmformat)5 NodeContainer (org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.NodeContainer)5 Point (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point)4