use of org.mule.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory in project mvel by mvel.
the class CoreConfidenceTests method testThisReferenceMapVirtualObjects1.
// compiled - reflective
public void testThisReferenceMapVirtualObjects1() {
// Create our root Map object
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("foo", "bar");
VariableResolverFactory factory = new MapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap<String, Object>());
factory.createVariable("this", map);
// Run test
assertEquals(true, executeExpression(compileExpression(" == 'bar'"), map, factory));
use of org.mule.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory in project mvel by mvel.
the class CoreConfidenceTests method testThisReferenceMapVirtualObjects.
// interpreted
public void testThisReferenceMapVirtualObjects() {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("foo", "bar");
VariableResolverFactory factory = new MapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap<String, Object>());
factory.createVariable("this", map);
assertEquals(true, eval(" == 'bar'", map, factory));
use of org.mule.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory in project mvel by mvel.
the class CoreConfidenceTests method testMVEL187.
public void testMVEL187() {
ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
context.addInput("outer", Outer.class);
Object compiled = MVEL.compileExpression("outer.getInner().getValue()", context);
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
vars.put("outer", new Outer());
VariableResolverFactory varsResolver = new MapVariableResolverFactory(vars);
assertEquals(2, executeExpression(compiled, varsResolver));
use of org.mule.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory in project mvel by mvel.
the class DebuggerTests method testBreakpoints4.
public void testBreakpoints4() {
String expression = "System.out.println('foo');\n" + "a = new Foo244();\n" + "update (a) { name = 'bar' };\n" + "System.out.println('name:' +;\n" + "return;";
Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors = new HashMap<String, Interceptor>();
Map<String, Macro> macros = new HashMap<String, Macro>();
class TestResult {
boolean firedBefore;
boolean firedAfter;
final TestResult result = new TestResult();
interceptors.put("Update", new Interceptor() {
public int doBefore(ASTNode node, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
((WithNode) node).getNestedStatement().getValue(null, factory);
System.out.println("fired update interceptor -- before");
result.firedBefore = true;
return 0;
public int doAfter(Object val, ASTNode node, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
System.out.println("fired update interceptor -- after");
result.firedAfter = true;
return 0;
macros.put("update", new Macro() {
public String doMacro() {
return "@Update with";
expression = parseMacros(expression, macros);
ParserContext ctx = new ParserContext();
ctx.addImport("Foo244", Foo.class);
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler(expression, ctx);
CompiledExpression compiled = compiler.compile();
MVELRuntime.registerBreakpoint("", 3);
MVELRuntime.registerBreakpoint("", 4);
MVELRuntime.registerBreakpoint("", 5);
final Set<Integer> breaked = new HashSet<Integer>();
Debugger testDebugger = new Debugger() {
public int onBreak(Frame frame) {
System.out.println("Breakpoint [source:" + frame.getSourceName() + "; line:" + frame.getLineNumber() + "]");
return 0;
assertEquals("bar", MVEL.executeDebugger(compiled, null, new MapVariableResolverFactory(createTestMap())));
assertTrue("did not fire before", result.firedBefore);
assertTrue("did not fire after", result.firedAfter);
assertEquals("did not break at expected points", Make.Set.<Integer>$()._(3)._(4)._(5)._(), breaked);
use of org.mule.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory in project mvel by mvel.
the class MacroProcessorTest method testMacroSupport.
public void testMacroSupport() {
Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
vars.put("foo", new Foo());
Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors = new HashMap<String, Interceptor>();
Map<String, Macro> macros = new HashMap<String, Macro>();
interceptors.put("Modify", new Interceptor() {
public int doBefore(ASTNode node, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
((WithNode) node).getNestedStatement().getValue(null, factory);
factory.createVariable("mod", "FOOBAR!");
return 0;
public int doAfter(Object val, ASTNode node, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
return 0;
macros.put("modify", new Macro() {
public String doMacro() {
return "@Modify with";
ParserContext ctx = new ParserContext(null, interceptors, null);
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler(parseMacros("modify (foo) { aValue = 'poo = poo', bValue = 'poo, poo' }; mod", macros), ctx);
assertEquals("FOOBAR!", executeExpression(compiler.compile(), null, vars));