use of org.n52.shetland.ogc.sensorML.SensorML in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class SensorMLEncoderv101 method createClassification.
* Creates the classification section of the SensorML description.
* @param classifications
* SOS classifications
* @return XML Classification array
private Classification[] createClassification(List<SmlClassifier> classifications) {
Classification xbClassification = Classification.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
ClassifierList xbClassifierList = xbClassification.addNewClassifierList();
classifications.forEach(sosSMLClassifier -> {
Classifier xbClassifier = xbClassifierList.addNewClassifier();
if (sosSMLClassifier.getName() != null) {
Term xbTerm = xbClassifier.addNewTerm();
if (sosSMLClassifier.isSetDefinition()) {
if (sosSMLClassifier.isSetCodeSpace()) {
return new Classification[] { xbClassification };
use of org.n52.shetland.ogc.sensorML.SensorML in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class SensorMLEncoderv101 method createInputs.
* Creates the inputs section of the SensorML description.
* @param inputs
* SOS SWE representation.
* @return XML Inputs element
* @throws EncodingException
* if an error occurs
private Inputs createInputs(List<SmlIo> inputs) throws EncodingException {
Inputs xbInputs = Inputs.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
InputList xbInputList = xbInputs.addNewInputList();
int counter = 1;
for (SmlIo sosSMLIo : inputs) {
if (!sosSMLIo.isSetName()) {
sosSMLIo.setIoName("input_" + counter++);
addIoComponentPropertyType(xbInputList.addNewInput(), sosSMLIo);
return xbInputs;
use of org.n52.shetland.ogc.sensorML.SensorML in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class SensorMLEncoderv101 method createCharacteristics.
* Creates the characteristics section of the SensorML description.
* @param smlCharacteristics
* SOS characteristics list
* @return XML Characteristics array
* @throws EncodingException
* If an error occurs
private Characteristics[] createCharacteristics(final List<SmlCharacteristics> smlCharacteristics) throws EncodingException {
final List<Characteristics> characteristicsList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(smlCharacteristics.size());
for (final SmlCharacteristics sosSMLCharacteristics : smlCharacteristics) {
final Characteristics xbCharacteristics = Characteristics.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.isSetName()) {
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.isSetAbstractDataRecord()) {
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.getDataRecord() instanceof SweSimpleDataRecord) {
final SimpleDataRecordType xbSimpleDataRecord = (SimpleDataRecordType) xbCharacteristics.addNewAbstractDataRecord().substitute(SweConstants.QN_SIMPLEDATARECORD_SWE_101, SimpleDataRecordType.type);
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.isSetTypeDefinition()) {
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.getDataRecord().isSetFields()) {
for (final SweField field : sosSMLCharacteristics.getDataRecord().getFields()) {
final AnyScalarPropertyType xbField = xbSimpleDataRecord.addNewField();
addSweSimpleTypeToField(xbField, field.getElement());
} else if (sosSMLCharacteristics.getDataRecord() instanceof SweDataRecord) {
throw unsupportedCharacteristicsType(SweAggregateType.DataRecord);
} else {
throw unsupportedCharacteristicsType(sosSMLCharacteristics.getDataRecord().getClass().getName());
} else if (sosSMLCharacteristics.isSetHref()) {
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.isSetName()) {
if (sosSMLCharacteristics.isSetTitle()) {
return characteristicsList.toArray(new Characteristics[characteristicsList.size()]);
use of org.n52.shetland.ogc.sensorML.SensorML in project arctic-sea by 52North.
the class SensorMLEncoderv20 method createInputs.
// /**
// * Creates the location section of the SensorML description.
// *
// * @param dot
// * the described object
// * @param location
// * SOS location representation.
// *
// * @throws EncodingException
// * if an error occurs
// */
// private void createLocation(DescribedObjectType dot, SmlLocation location) throws EncodingException {
// dot.addNewLocation().addNewAbstractGeometry().set(encodeObjectToXmlGml32(location.getPoint()));
// }
* Creates the inputs section of the SensorML description.
* @param inputs
* SOS SWE representation.
* @return XML Inputs element
* @throws EncodingException
* if an error occurs
private Inputs createInputs(final List<SmlIo> inputs) throws EncodingException {
final Inputs xbInputs = Inputs.Factory.newInstance(getXmlOptions());
final InputListType xbInputList = xbInputs.addNewInputList();
int counter = 1;
for (final SmlIo sosSMLIo : inputs) {
if (!sosSMLIo.isSetName()) {
sosSMLIo.setIoName("input_" + counter++);
} else {
addInput(xbInputList.addNewInput(), sosSMLIo);
return xbInputs;