use of org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.CublasPointer in project nd4j by deeplearning4j.
the class JcublasLapack method sgetrf.
public void sgetrf(int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray IPIV, INDArray INFO) {
INDArray a = A;
if (Nd4j.dataType() != DataBuffer.Type.FLOAT)
log.warn("FLOAT getrf called in DOUBLE environment");
if (A.ordering() == 'c')
a = A.dup('f');
if (Nd4j.getExecutioner() instanceof GridExecutioner)
((GridExecutioner) Nd4j.getExecutioner()).flushQueue();
// Get context for current thread
CudaContext ctx = (CudaContext) allocator.getDeviceContext().getContext();
// setup the solver handles for cuSolver calls
cusolverDnHandle_t handle = ctx.getSolverHandle();
cusolverDnContext solverDn = new cusolverDnContext(handle);
// synchronized on the solver
synchronized (handle) {
int result = cusolverDnSetStream(new cusolverDnContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getOldStream()));
if (result != 0)
throw new BlasException("solverSetStream failed");
// transfer the INDArray into GPU memory
CublasPointer xAPointer = new CublasPointer(a, ctx);
// this output - indicates how much memory we'll need for the real operation
DataBuffer worksizeBuffer = Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(1);
int stat = cusolverDnSgetrf_bufferSize(solverDn, M, N, (FloatPointer) xAPointer.getDevicePointer(), M, // we intentionally use host pointer here
(IntPointer) worksizeBuffer.addressPointer());
throw new BlasException("cusolverDnSgetrf_bufferSize failed", stat);
int worksize = worksizeBuffer.getInt(0);
// Now allocate memory for the workspace, the permutation matrix and a return code
Pointer workspace = new Workspace(worksize * Nd4j.sizeOfDataType());
// Do the actual LU decomp
stat = cusolverDnSgetrf(solverDn, M, N, (FloatPointer) xAPointer.getDevicePointer(), M, new CudaPointer(workspace).asFloatPointer(), new CudaPointer(allocator.getPointer(IPIV, ctx)).asIntPointer(), new CudaPointer(allocator.getPointer(INFO, ctx)).asIntPointer());
throw new BlasException("cusolverDnSgetrf failed", stat);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, a);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, INFO);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, IPIV);
if (a != A)