use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.identity.ClusterId in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class HazelcastClusterTopology method getClusterId.
private static ClusterId getClusterId(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance) {
IAtomicReference<UUID> uuidReference = hazelcastInstance.getAtomicReference(CLUSTER_UUID);
UUID uuid = uuidReference.get();
return uuid != null ? new ClusterId(uuid) : null;
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.identity.ClusterId in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class HazelcastClusterTopology method getCoreTopology.
static CoreTopology getCoreTopology(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance, Config config, Log log) {
Map<MemberId, CoreServerInfo> coreMembers = emptyMap();
boolean canBeBootstrapped = false;
ClusterId clusterId = null;
if (hazelcastInstance != null) {
Set<Member> hzMembers = hazelcastInstance.getCluster().getMembers();
canBeBootstrapped = canBeBootstrapped(hazelcastInstance, config);
coreMembers = toCoreMemberMap(hzMembers, log, hazelcastInstance);
clusterId = getClusterId(hazelcastInstance);
} else {"Cannot currently bind to distributed discovery service.");
return new CoreTopology(clusterId, canBeBootstrapped, coreMembers);
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.identity.ClusterId in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class RaftMessageEncoder method encode.
protected synchronized void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RaftMessages.ClusterIdAwareMessage decoratedMessage, ByteBuf out) throws Exception {
RaftMessages.RaftMessage message = decoratedMessage.message();
ClusterId clusterId = decoratedMessage.clusterId();
MemberId.Marshal memberMarshal = new MemberId.Marshal();
NetworkFlushableByteBuf channel = new NetworkFlushableByteBuf(out);
ClusterId.Marshal.INSTANCE.marshal(clusterId, channel);
memberMarshal.marshal(message.from(), channel);
if (message instanceof RaftMessages.Vote.Request) {
RaftMessages.Vote.Request voteRequest = (RaftMessages.Vote.Request) message;
memberMarshal.marshal(voteRequest.candidate(), channel);
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.Vote.Response) {
RaftMessages.Vote.Response voteResponse = (RaftMessages.Vote.Response) message;
channel.put((byte) (voteResponse.voteGranted() ? 1 : 0));
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request) {
RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request appendRequest = (RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request) message;
for (RaftLogEntry raftLogEntry : appendRequest.entries()) {
marshal.marshal(raftLogEntry.content(), channel);
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response) {
RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response appendResponse = (RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response) message;
channel.put((byte) (appendResponse.success() ? 1 : 0));
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.NewEntry.Request) {
RaftMessages.NewEntry.Request newEntryRequest = (RaftMessages.NewEntry.Request) message;
marshal.marshal(newEntryRequest.content(), channel);
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.Heartbeat) {
RaftMessages.Heartbeat heartbeat = (RaftMessages.Heartbeat) message;
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.HeartbeatResponse) {
//Heartbeat Response does not have any data attached to it.
} else if (message instanceof RaftMessages.LogCompactionInfo) {
RaftMessages.LogCompactionInfo logCompactionInfo = (RaftMessages.LogCompactionInfo) message;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown message type: " + message);
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.identity.ClusterId in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class RaftOutbound method send.
public void send(MemberId to, RaftMessage message) {
Optional<ClusterId> clusterId = clusterIdentity.get();
if (!clusterId.isPresent()) {
log.warn("Attempting to send a message before bound to a cluster");
Optional<CoreServerInfo> coreServerInfo = coreTopologyService.coreServers().find(to);
if (coreServerInfo.isPresent()) {
outbound.send(coreServerInfo.get().getRaftServer(), new ClusterIdAwareMessage(clusterId.get(), message));
} else {
use of org.neo4j.causalclustering.identity.ClusterId in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class RaftMessageDecoder method decode.
protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer, List<Object> list) throws Exception {
ReadableChannel channel = new NetworkReadableClosableChannelNetty4(buffer);
ClusterId clusterId = ClusterId.Marshal.INSTANCE.unmarshal(channel);
int messageTypeWire = channel.getInt();
RaftMessages.Type[] values = RaftMessages.Type.values();
RaftMessages.Type messageType = values[messageTypeWire];
MemberId from = retrieveMember(channel);
RaftMessages.RaftMessage result;
if (messageType.equals(VOTE_REQUEST)) {
MemberId candidate = retrieveMember(channel);
long term = channel.getLong();
long lastLogIndex = channel.getLong();
long lastLogTerm = channel.getLong();
result = new RaftMessages.Vote.Request(from, term, candidate, lastLogIndex, lastLogTerm);
} else if (messageType.equals(VOTE_RESPONSE)) {
long term = channel.getLong();
boolean voteGranted = channel.get() == 1;
result = new RaftMessages.Vote.Response(from, term, voteGranted);
} else if (messageType.equals(APPEND_ENTRIES_REQUEST)) {
// how many
long term = channel.getLong();
long prevLogIndex = channel.getLong();
long prevLogTerm = channel.getLong();
long leaderCommit = channel.getLong();
long count = channel.getLong();
RaftLogEntry[] entries = new RaftLogEntry[(int) count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
long entryTerm = channel.getLong();
final ReplicatedContent content = marshal.unmarshal(channel);
entries[i] = new RaftLogEntry(entryTerm, content);
result = new RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Request(from, term, prevLogIndex, prevLogTerm, entries, leaderCommit);
} else if (messageType.equals(APPEND_ENTRIES_RESPONSE)) {
long term = channel.getLong();
boolean success = channel.get() == 1;
long matchIndex = channel.getLong();
long appendIndex = channel.getLong();
result = new RaftMessages.AppendEntries.Response(from, term, success, matchIndex, appendIndex);
} else if (messageType.equals(NEW_ENTRY_REQUEST)) {
ReplicatedContent content = marshal.unmarshal(channel);
result = new RaftMessages.NewEntry.Request(from, content);
} else if (messageType.equals(HEARTBEAT)) {
long leaderTerm = channel.getLong();
long commitIndexTerm = channel.getLong();
long commitIndex = channel.getLong();
result = new RaftMessages.Heartbeat(from, leaderTerm, commitIndex, commitIndexTerm);
} else if (messageType.equals(HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE)) {
result = new RaftMessages.HeartbeatResponse(from);
} else if (messageType.equals(LOG_COMPACTION_INFO)) {
long leaderTerm = channel.getLong();
long prevIndex = channel.getLong();
result = new RaftMessages.LogCompactionInfo(from, leaderTerm, prevIndex);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown message type");
list.add(new RaftMessages.ClusterIdAwareMessage(clusterId, result));