use of in project neo4j-documentation by neo4j.
the class PagedTraverserDocIT method shouldBeAbleToTraverseAllThePagesWithNonDefaultPageSize.
@Documented("Paged traverser page size.\n\n" + "The default page size is 50 items, but\n" + "depending on the application larger or smaller pages sizes might be\n" + "appropriate. This can be set by adding a +pageSize+ query parameter.")
public void shouldBeAbleToTraverseAllThePagesWithNonDefaultPageSize() {
theStartNode = createLinkedList(SHORT_LIST_LENGTH, server.getDatabase());
URI traverserLocation = createPagedTraverserWithPageSize(1).getLocation();
int enoughPagesToExpireTheTraverser = 12;
for (int i = 0; i < enoughPagesToExpireTheTraverser; i++) {
JaxRsResponse response = new RestRequest(traverserLocation).get();
assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
JaxRsResponse response = new RestRequest(traverserLocation).get();
assertEquals(404, response.getStatus());
use of in project neo4j-documentation by neo4j.
the class PagedTraverserDocIT method shouldBeAbleToTraverseAllThePagesWithDefaultPageSize.
@Documented("Paging through the results of a paged traverser.\n\n" + "Paged traversers hold state on the server, and allow clients to page through the results of a traversal.\n" + "To progress to the next page of traversal results, the client issues a HTTP `GET` request on the paged traversal URI which causes the traversal to fill the next page (or partially fill it if insufficient results are available).\n \n" + "Note that if a traverser expires through inactivity it will cause a 404 response on the next `GET` request.\n" + "Traversers' leases are renewed on every successful access for the same amount of time as originally specified.\n\n" + "When the paged traverser reaches the end of its results, the client can expect a 404 response as the traverser is disposed by the server.")
public void shouldBeAbleToTraverseAllThePagesWithDefaultPageSize() {
theStartNode = createLinkedList(LONG_LIST_LENGTH, server.getDatabase());
URI traverserLocation = createPagedTraverser().getLocation();
int enoughPagesToExpireTheTraverser = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < enoughPagesToExpireTheTraverser; i++) {
JaxRsResponse response = new RestRequest(traverserLocation).get();
assertEquals(404, response.getStatus());
use of in project neo4j-documentation by neo4j.
the class SecurityRulesDocIT method should401WithBasicChallengeIfAnyOneOfTheRulesFails.
public void should401WithBasicChallengeIfAnyOneOfTheRulesFails() throws Exception {
server = CommunityServerBuilder.server().withDefaultDatabaseTuning().withSecurityRules(PermanentlyFailingSecurityRule.class.getCanonicalName(), PermanentlyPassingSecurityRule.class.getCanonicalName()).usingDataDir(;
functionalTestHelper = new FunctionalTestHelper(server);
JaxRsResponse response = gen.get().expectedStatus(401).expectedHeader("WWW-Authenticate").post(functionalTestHelper.nodeUri()).response();
assertThat(response.getHeaders().getFirst("WWW-Authenticate"), containsString("Basic realm=\"" + PermanentlyFailingSecurityRule.REALM + "\""));
use of in project neo4j-documentation by neo4j.
the class SecurityRulesDocIT method aSimpleWildcardUriPathShould401OnAccessToProtectedSubPath.
@Title("Using wildcards to target security rules")
@Documented("In this example, a security rule is registered to deny access to all URIs to the server by listing the rule(s) class(es) in _neo4j.conf_.\n" + "In this case, the rule is registered using a wildcard URI path (where `*` characters can be used to signify any part of the path).\n" + "For example `/users*` means the rule will be bound to any resources under the `/users` root path.\n" + "Similarly `/users*type*` will bind the rule to resources matching URIs like `/users/fred/type/premium`.\n" + "\n" + "@@config\n" + "\n" + "with the rule source code of:\n" + "\n" + "@@failingRuleWithWildcardPath\n" + "\n" + "With this rule registered, any access to URIs under /protected/ will be denied by the server.\n" + "Using wildcards allows flexible targeting of security rules to arbitrary parts of the server's API, including any unmanaged extensions or managed plugins that have been registered.")
public void aSimpleWildcardUriPathShould401OnAccessToProtectedSubPath() throws Exception {
String mountPoint = "/protected/tree/starts/here" + DummyThirdPartyWebService.DUMMY_WEB_SERVICE_MOUNT_POINT;
server = CommunityServerBuilder.server().withDefaultDatabaseTuning().withThirdPartyJaxRsPackage("org.dummy.doc.web.service", mountPoint).withSecurityRules(PermanentlyFailingSecurityRuleWithWildcardPath.class.getCanonicalName()).usingDataDir(;
gen.get().addSnippet("config", "\n[source,properties]\n----\" + ".PermanentlyFailingSecurityRuleWithWildcardPath\n----\n");
gen.get().addTestSourceSnippets(PermanentlyFailingSecurityRuleWithWildcardPath.class, "failingRuleWithWildcardPath");
functionalTestHelper = new FunctionalTestHelper(server);
JaxRsResponse clientResponse = gen.get().expectedStatus(401).expectedType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).expectedHeader("WWW-Authenticate").get(trimTrailingSlash(functionalTestHelper.baseUri()) + mountPoint + "/more/stuff").response();
assertEquals(401, clientResponse.getStatus());
use of in project neo4j-documentation by neo4j.
the class StreamingBatchOperationDocIT method shouldForwardUnderlyingErrors.
public void shouldForwardUnderlyingErrors() throws Exception {
JaxRsResponse response = RestRequest.req().accept(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).header(StreamingFormat.STREAM_HEADER, "true").post(batchUri(), new PrettyJSON().array().object().key("method").value("POST").key("to").value("/node").key("body").object().key("age").array().value(true).value("hello").endArray().endObject().endObject().endArray().toString());
Map<String, Object> res = singleResult(response, 0);
assertTrue(((String) res.get("message")).startsWith("Invalid JSON array in POST body"));
assertEquals(400, res.get("status"));