use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.annotations.Documented in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class IndexNodeIT method addExistingNodeToUniqueIndexExisting.
@Documented("Add an existing node to unique index (already indexed).\n" + "\n" + "In this case, the node already exists in the index, and thus we get a `HTTP 409` status response,\n" + "as we have set the uniqueness to `create_or_fail`.")
public void addExistingNodeToUniqueIndexExisting() throws Exception {
final String indexName = indexes.newInstance();
final String key = "some-key";
final String value = "some value";
try (Transaction tx = graphdb().beginTx()) {
Node peter = graphdb().createNode();
peter.setProperty(key, value);
graphdb().index().forNodes(indexName).add(peter, key, value);
gen().expectedStatus(409).payload(JsonHelper.createJsonFrom(generateNodeIndexCreationPayload(key, value, functionalTestHelper.nodeUri(createNode())))).post(functionalTestHelper.indexNodeUri(indexName) + "?uniqueness=create_or_fail");
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.annotations.Documented in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class IndexRelationshipIT method get_or_create_unique_relationship_existing.
@Documented("Get or create unique relationship (existing).\n" + "\n" + "Here, in case\n" + "of an already existing relationship, the sent data is ignored and the\n" + "existing relationship returned.")
public void get_or_create_unique_relationship_existing() throws Exception {
final String index = indexes.newInstance(), key = "name", value = "Peter";
GraphDatabaseService graphdb = graphdb();
try (Transaction tx = graphdb.beginTx()) {
Node node1 = graphdb.createNode();
Node node2 = graphdb.createNode();
Relationship rel = node1.createRelationshipTo(node2, MyRelationshipTypes.KNOWS);
graphdb.index().forRelationships(index).add(rel, key, value);
gen.get().expectedStatus(200).payloadType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).payload("{\"key\": \"" + key + "\", \"value\": \"" + value + "\", \"start\": \"" + functionalTestHelper.nodeUri(helper.createNode()) + "\", \"end\": \"" + functionalTestHelper.nodeUri(helper.createNode()) + "\", \"type\":\"" + MyRelationshipTypes.KNOWS + "\"}").post(functionalTestHelper.relationshipIndexUri() + index + "?uniqueness=get_or_create");
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.annotations.Documented in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class CreateRelationshipTest method create_relationship.
@Documented("Upon successful creation of a relationship, the new relationship is returned.")
@Title("Create relationship")
@Graph("Joe knows Sara")
public void create_relationship() throws Exception {
String jsonString = "{\"to\" : \"" + getDataUri() + "node/" + getNode("Sara").getId() + "\", \"type\" : \"LOVES\"}";
Node i = getNode("Joe");
String entity = gen.get().expectedStatus(Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()).payload(jsonString).post(getNodeUri(i) + "/relationships").entity();
try (Transaction tx = graphdb().beginTx()) {
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.annotations.Documented in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class CreateRelationshipTest method create_a_relationship_with_properties.
@Graph("Joe knows Sara")
@Documented("Upon successful creation of a relationship, the new relationship is returned.")
@Title("Create a relationship with properties")
public void create_a_relationship_with_properties() throws Exception {
String jsonString = "{\"to\" : \"" + getDataUri() + "node/" + getNode("Sara").getId() + "\", \"type\" : \"LOVES\", \"data\" : {\"foo\" : \"bar\"}}";
Node i = getNode("Joe");
gen.get().expectedStatus(Status.CREATED.getStatusCode()).payload(jsonString).post(getNodeUri(i) + "/relationships");
try (Transaction tx = graphdb().beginTx()) {
use of org.neo4j.kernel.impl.annotations.Documented in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class CypherIT method send_queries_with_errors.
@Title("Send queries with errors")
@Documented("This example shows what happens if you misspell an identifier.")
@Graph(value = { "I know you" }, autoIndexNodes = true)
public void send_queries_with_errors() throws Exception {
String script = "START x = node:node_auto_index(name={startName}) MATCH path = (x)-[r]-(friend) WHERE frien" + ".name = {name} RETURN type(r)";
String response = cypherRestCall(script, Status.BAD_REQUEST, Pair.of("startName", "I"), Pair.of("name", "you"));
Map<String, Object> responseMap = jsonToMap(response);
assertThat(responseMap.keySet(), containsInAnyOrder("message", "exception", "fullname", "stackTrace", "cause", "errors"));
assertThat(response, containsString("message"));
assertThat((String) responseMap.get("message"), containsString("Variable `frien` not defined"));