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Example 6 with PropertyBlock

use of in project neo4j-mobile-android by neo4j-contrib.

the class BatchInserterImpl method getPropertyChain.

private Map<String, Object> getPropertyChain(long nextProp) {
    PropertyStore propStore = getPropertyStore();
    Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    while (nextProp != Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue()) {
        PropertyRecord propRecord = propStore.getRecord(nextProp);
        for (PropertyBlock propBlock : propRecord.getPropertyBlocks()) {
            String key = indexHolder.getStringKey(propBlock.getKeyIndexId());
            PropertyData propertyData = propBlock.newPropertyData(propRecord);
            Object value = propertyData.getValue() != null ? propertyData.getValue() : propBlock.getType().getValue(propBlock, getPropertyStore());
            properties.put(key, value);
        nextProp = propRecord.getNextProp();
    return properties;
Also used : PropertyRecord( PropertyData( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PropertyBlock( PropertyStore.encodeString( PropertyStore(

Example 7 with PropertyBlock

use of in project neo4j-mobile-android by neo4j-contrib.

the class PropertyWriter method writeProperties.

     * Transforms a mapping of key index ids to values into a property chain.
     * Mostly copied-pasted from BatchTransactionImpl.
     * @param properties The mapping, as a list of Pairs of keys and values
     * @return a long value valid for a property record id that is the id of the
     *         head of the chain, suitable for a nextProp() value on a
     *         primitive.
public long writeProperties(List<Pair<Integer, Object>> properties) {
    if (properties == null || properties.isEmpty()) {
        return Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue();
    // To hold the records, we will write them out in reverse order
    List<PropertyRecord> propRecords = new ArrayList<PropertyRecord>();
    // There is at least one property, so we will create at least one record.
    PropertyRecord currentRecord = new PropertyRecord(propertyStore.nextId());
    for (Pair<Integer, Object> propertyDatum : properties) {
        PropertyBlock block = new PropertyBlock();
        propertyStore.encodeValue(block, propertyDatum.first(), propertyDatum.other());
        if (currentRecord.size() + block.getSize() > PropertyType.getPayloadSize()) {
            // Here it means the current block is done for
            PropertyRecord prevRecord = currentRecord;
            // Create new record
            long propertyId = propertyStore.nextId();
            currentRecord = new PropertyRecord(propertyId);
            // Set up links
        // Now current is ready to start picking up blocks
         * Add the property records in reverse order, which means largest
         * id first. That is to make sure we expand the property store file
         * only once.
    for (int i = propRecords.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
         *  0 will always exist, if the map was empty we wouldn't be here
         *  and even one property will create at least one record.
    return propRecords.get(0).getId();
Also used : PropertyRecord( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PropertyBlock(

Example 8 with PropertyBlock

use of in project neo4j-mobile-android by neo4j-contrib.

the class WriteTransaction method primitiveChangeProperty.

private PropertyData primitiveChangeProperty(PrimitiveRecord primitive, PropertyData propertyData, Object value, boolean isNode) {
    assert assertPropertyChain(primitive);
    long propertyId = propertyData.getId();
    PropertyRecord propertyRecord = getPropertyRecord(propertyId, true, true);
    if (!propertyRecord.inUse()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to change property[" + propertyId + "] since it has been deleted.");
    if (isNode) {
    } else {
    PropertyBlock block = propertyRecord.getPropertyBlock(propertyData.getIndex());
    if (block == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Property with index[" + propertyData.getIndex() + "] is not present in property[" + propertyId + "]");
    if (block.isLight()) {
    for (DynamicRecord record : block.getValueRecords()) {
        assert record.inUse();
        record.setInUse(false, block.getType().intValue());
    getPropertyStore().encodeValue(block, propertyData.getIndex(), value);
    if (propertyRecord.size() > PropertyType.getPayloadSize()) {
             * The record should never, ever be above max size. Less obviously, it should
             * never remain empty. If removing a property because it won't fit when changing
             * it leaves the record empty it means that this block was the last one which
             * means that it doesn't fit in an empty record. Where i come from, we call this
             * weird.
             assert propertyRecord.size() <= PropertyType.getPayloadSize() : propertyRecord;
             assert propertyRecord.size() > 0 : propertyRecord;
        propertyRecord = addPropertyBlockToPrimitive(block, primitive, isNode);
    assert assertPropertyChain(primitive);
    return block.newPropertyData(propertyRecord, value);
Also used : DynamicRecord( PropertyRecord( PropertyBlock(

Example 9 with PropertyBlock

use of in project neo4j-mobile-android by neo4j-contrib.

the class WriteTransaction method relRemoveProperty.

public void relRemoveProperty(long relId, PropertyData propertyData) {
    long propertyId = propertyData.getId();
    RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipRecord(relId);
    if (relRecord == null) {
        relRecord = getRelationshipStore().getRecord(relId);
    if (!relRecord.inUse()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Property remove on relationship[" + relId + "] illegal since it has been deleted.");
    assert assertPropertyChain(relRecord);
    PropertyRecord propRecord = getPropertyRecord(propertyId, false, true);
    if (!propRecord.inUse()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to delete property[" + propertyId + "] since it is already deleted.");
    PropertyBlock block = propRecord.removePropertyBlock(propertyData.getIndex());
    if (block == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Property with index[" + propertyData.getIndex() + "] is not present in property[" + propertyId + "]");
    if (block.isLight()) {
    // TODO: update count on property index record
    for (DynamicRecord valueRecord : block.getValueRecords()) {
        assert valueRecord.inUse();
        valueRecord.setInUse(false, block.getType().intValue());
    if (propRecord.size() > 0) {
        assert assertPropertyChain(relRecord);
    } else {
        if (unlinkPropertyRecord(propRecord, relRecord)) {
Also used : DynamicRecord( PropertyRecord( PropertyBlock( RelationshipRecord(

Example 10 with PropertyBlock

use of in project neo4j-mobile-android by neo4j-contrib.

the class WriteTransaction method relAddProperty.

public PropertyData relAddProperty(long relId, PropertyIndex index, Object value) {
    RelationshipRecord relRecord = getRelationshipRecord(relId);
    if (relRecord == null) {
        relRecord = getRelationshipStore().getRecord(relId);
    if (!relRecord.inUse()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Property add on relationship[" + relId + "] illegal since it has been deleted.");
    assert assertPropertyChain(relRecord);
    PropertyBlock block = new PropertyBlock();
    getPropertyStore().encodeValue(block, index.getKeyId(), value);
    PropertyRecord host = addPropertyBlockToPrimitive(block, relRecord, /*isNode*/
    assert assertPropertyChain(relRecord);
    return block.newPropertyData(host, value);
Also used : PropertyRecord( PropertyBlock( RelationshipRecord(


PropertyBlock ( PropertyRecord ( DynamicRecord ( NodeRecord ( PropertyStore ( RelationshipRecord ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 PropertyData ( PropertyStore.encodeString ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 XAException (javax.transaction.xa.XAException)1 InvalidRecordException ( PropertyIndexRecord ( RelationshipTypeRecord ( ArrayMap (org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.ArrayMap)1