use of in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TableOutputFormatterTest method wrapStringContent.
public void wrapStringContent() {
Result result = mockResult(asList("c1"), "a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd", "eeeee");
ToStringLinePrinter printer = new ToStringLinePrinter();
new TableOutputFormatter(true, 2).formatAndCount(new ListBoltResult(result.list(), result.consume()), printer);
String table = printer.result();
assertThat(table, is(String.join(NEWLINE, "+------+", "| c1 |", "+------+", "| \"a\" |", "| \"bb\" |", "| \"ccc |", "\\ \" |", "| \"ddd |", "\\ d\" |", "| \"eee |", "\\ ee\" |", "+------+", NEWLINE)));
use of in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TableOutputFormatterTest method wrapNumberContentWithLongSize.
public void wrapNumberContentWithLongSize() {
Result result = mockResult(asList("c1"), 345, 12, 978623, 132456798, 9223372036854775807L);
ToStringLinePrinter printer = new ToStringLinePrinter();
new TableOutputFormatter(true, 2).formatAndCount(new ListBoltResult(result.list(), result.consume()), printer);
String table = printer.result();
assertThat(table, is(String.join(NEWLINE, "+---------------------+", "| c1 |", "+---------------------+", "| 345 |", "| 12 |", "| 978623 |", "| 132456798 |", "| 9223372036854775807 |", "+---------------------+", NEWLINE)));
use of in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TableOutputFormatterTest method prettyPrintRelationships.
public void prettyPrintRelationships() {
// given
List<String> keys = asList("rel");
Map<String, Value> propertiesAsMap = new HashMap<>();
propertiesAsMap.put("prop1", Values.value("prop1_value"));
propertiesAsMap.put("prop2", Values.value("prop2_value"));
RelationshipValue relationship = new RelationshipValue(new InternalRelationship(1, 1, 2, "RELATIONSHIP_TYPE", propertiesAsMap));
Record record = new InternalRecord(keys, new Value[] { relationship });
// when
String actual = verbosePrinter.format(new ListBoltResult(asList(record), mock(ResultSummary.class)));
// then
assertThat(actual, containsString("| [:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE {prop2: \"prop2_value\", prop1: \"prop1_value\"}] |"));
use of in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TableOutputFormatterTest method prettyPrintPoint.
public void prettyPrintPoint() {
// given
List<String> keys = asList("p1", "p2");
Value point2d = new PointValue(new InternalPoint2D(4326, 42.78, 56.7));
Value point3d = new PointValue(new InternalPoint3D(4326, 1.7, 26.79, 34.23));
Record record = new InternalRecord(keys, new Value[] { point2d, point3d });
// when
String actual = verbosePrinter.format(new ListBoltResult(asList(record), mock(ResultSummary.class)));
// then
assertThat(actual, containsString("| point({srid:4326, x:42.78, y:56.7}) |"));
assertThat(actual, containsString("| point({srid:4326, x:1.7, y:26.79, z:34.23}) |"));
use of in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TableOutputFormatterTest method prettyPrintDuration.
public void prettyPrintDuration() {
// given
List<String> keys = asList("d");
Value duration = new DurationValue(new InternalIsoDuration(1, 2, 3, 4));
Record record = new InternalRecord(keys, new Value[] { duration });
// when
String actual = verbosePrinter.format(new ListBoltResult(asList(record), mock(ResultSummary.class)));
// then
assertThat(actual, containsString("| P1M2DT3.000000004S |"));