use of org.neo4j.test.server.HTTP.Response in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TransactionIT method begin_and_execute_periodic_commit_that_returns_data_and_commit.
public void begin_and_execute_periodic_commit_that_returns_data_and_commit(String txUri) throws Exception {
this.txUri = txUri;
int nodes = 11;
int batchSize = 2;
// warm up the periodic commit
withCSVFile(nodes, url -> {
Response response = POST(transactionCommitUri(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT " + batchSize + " LOAD CSV FROM " + "\\\"" + url + "\\\" AS line CREATE (n {id1: 23}) RETURN n' } ] }"));
withCSVFile(nodes, url -> {
long nodesInDatabaseBeforeTransaction = countNodes();
long txIdBefore = resolveDependency(TransactionIdStore.class).getLastClosedTransactionId();
// begin and execute and commit
Response response = POST(transactionCommitUri(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'USING PERIODIC COMMIT " + batchSize + " LOAD CSV FROM " + "\\\"" + url + "\\\" AS line CREATE (n {id1: 23}) RETURN n' } ] }"));
long txIdAfter = resolveDependency(TransactionIdStore.class).getLastClosedTransactionId();
JsonNode columns = response.get("results").get(0).get("columns");
assertThat(countNodes()).isEqualTo(nodesInDatabaseBeforeTransaction + nodes);
long expectedTxCount = (nodes / batchSize) + 1;
assertThat(txIdAfter - txIdBefore).isEqualTo(expectedTxCount);
use of org.neo4j.test.server.HTTP.Response in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TransactionIT method begin_and_execute_and_commit_with_badly_escaped_statement.
public void begin_and_execute_and_commit_with_badly_escaped_statement(String txUri) {
this.txUri = txUri;
long nodesInDatabaseBeforeTransaction = countNodes();
String json = "{ \"statements\": [ { \"statement\": \"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM " + "\\\"xx file://C:/countries.csvxxx\\\\\" as csvLine MERGE (c:Country { Code: csvLine.Code })\" " + "} ] }";
// begin and execute and commit
Response begin = POST(transactionCommitUri(), quotedJson(json));
use of org.neo4j.test.server.HTTP.Response in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TransactionIT method restFormattedNodesShouldHaveSensibleUrisWhenUsingXForwardHeader.
public void restFormattedNodesShouldHaveSensibleUrisWhenUsingXForwardHeader(String txUri) throws Exception {
this.txUri = txUri;
// given
final String hostname = "";
// when
Response rs = http.withHeaders(XForwardUtil.X_FORWARD_HOST_HEADER_KEY, hostname).POST(transactionCommitUri(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'CREATE (n:Foo:Bar) RETURN n', " + "'resultDataContents':['rest'] } ] }"));
// then
JsonNode restNode = rs.get("results").get(0).get("data").get(0).get("rest").get(0);
assertPath(restNode.get("labels"), "/node/\\d+/labels", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("outgoing_relationships"), "/node/\\d+/relationships/out", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("traverse"), "/node/\\d+/traverse/\\{returnType\\}", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("all_typed_relationships"), "/node/\\d+/relationships/all/\\{-list\\|&\\|types\\}", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("self"), "/node/\\d+", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("property"), "/node/\\d+/properties/\\{key\\}", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("properties"), "/node/\\d+/properties", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("outgoing_typed_relationships"), "/node/\\d+/relationships/out/\\{-list\\|&\\|types\\}", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("incoming_relationships"), "/node/\\d+/relationships/in", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("create_relationship"), "/node/\\d+/relationships", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("paged_traverse"), "/node/\\d+/paged/traverse/\\{returnType\\}\\{\\?pageSize," + "leaseTime\\}", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("all_relationships"), "/node/\\d+/relationships/all", hostname);
assertPath(restNode.get("incoming_typed_relationships"), "/node/\\d+/relationships/in/\\{-list\\|&\\|types\\}", hostname);
use of org.neo4j.test.server.HTTP.Response in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TransactionIT method begin_create_two_nodes_delete_one.
public void begin_create_two_nodes_delete_one(String txUri) throws Exception {
this.txUri = txUri;
* This issue was reported from the community. It resulted in a refactoring of the interaction
* between TxManager and TransactionContexts.
long nodesInDatabaseBeforeTransaction = countNodes();
Response response1 = POST(transactionCommitUri(), rawPayload("{ \"statements\" : [{\"statement\" : \"CREATE (n0:DecibelEntity :AlbumGroup{DecibelID : " + "'34a2201b-f4a9-420f-87ae-00a9c691cc5c', Title : 'Dance With Me', " + "ArtistString : 'Ra Ra Riot', MainArtistAlias : 'Ra Ra Riot', " + "OriginalReleaseDate : '2013-01-08', IsCanon : 'False'}) return id(n0)\"}, " + "{\"statement\" : \"CREATE (n1:DecibelEntity :AlbumRelease{DecibelID : " + "'9ed529fa-7c19-11e2-be78-bcaec5bea3c3', Title : 'Dance With Me', " + "ArtistString : 'Ra Ra Riot', MainArtistAlias : 'Ra Ra Riot', LabelName : 'Barsuk " + "Records', " + "FormatNames : 'File', TrackCount : '3', MediaCount : '1', Duration : '460.000000', " + "ReleaseDate : '2013-01-08', ReleaseYear : '2013', ReleaseRegion : 'USA', " + "Cline : 'Barsuk Records', Pline : 'Barsuk Records', CYear : '2013', PYear : '2013', " + "ParentalAdvisory : 'False', IsLimitedEdition : 'False'}) return id(n1)\"}]}"));
assertEquals(200, response1.status());
JsonNode everything = jsonNode(response1.rawContent());
JsonNode result = everything.get("results").get(0);
long id = result.get("data").get(0).get("row").get(0).asLong();
Response response2 = POST(transactionCommitUri(), rawPayload("{ \"statements\" : [{\"statement\":\"match (n) where id(n) = " + id + " delete n\"}]}"));
assertEquals(200, response2.status());
assertThat(countNodes()).isEqualTo(nodesInDatabaseBeforeTransaction + 1);
use of org.neo4j.test.server.HTTP.Response in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class TransactionIT method begin_and_execute_invalid_query_and_commit.
public void begin_and_execute_invalid_query_and_commit(String txUri) {
this.txUri = txUri;
// begin and execute and commit
Response response = POST(transactionCommitUri(), quotedJson("{ 'statements': [ { 'statement': 'MATCH n RETURN m' } ] }"));