use of org.neo4j.values.AnyValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class DateTimeValue method truncate.
public static DateTimeValue truncate(TemporalUnit unit, TemporalValue input, MapValue fields, Supplier<ZoneId> defaultZone) {
Pair<LocalDate, LocalTime> pair = getTruncatedDateAndTime(unit, input, "date time");
LocalDate truncatedDate = pair.first();
LocalTime truncatedTime = pair.other();
ZoneId zoneId = input.supportsTimeZone() ? input.getZoneId(defaultZone) : defaultZone.get();
ZonedDateTime truncatedZDT = ZonedDateTime.of(truncatedDate, truncatedTime, zoneId);
if (fields.size() == 0) {
return datetime(truncatedZDT);
} else {
// Timezone needs some special handling, since the builder will shift keeping the instant instead of the local time
AnyValue timezone = fields.get("timezone");
if (timezone != NO_VALUE) {
truncatedZDT = truncatedZDT.withZoneSameLocal(timezoneOf(timezone));
return updateFieldMapWithConflictingSubseconds(fields, unit, truncatedZDT, (mapValue, zonedDateTime) -> {
if (mapValue.size() == 0) {
return datetime(zonedDateTime);
} else {
return build(mapValue.updatedWith("datetime", datetime(zonedDateTime)), defaultZone);
use of org.neo4j.values.AnyValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class DateTimeValue method builder.
static DateTimeBuilder<DateTimeValue> builder(Supplier<ZoneId> defaultZone) {
return new DateTimeBuilder<>(defaultZone) {
protected boolean supportsTimeZone() {
return true;
protected boolean supportsEpoch() {
return true;
private final ZonedDateTime defaultZonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(TemporalFields.year.defaultValue, TemporalFields.month.defaultValue,, TemporalFields.hour.defaultValue, TemporalFields.minute.defaultValue, TemporalFields.second.defaultValue, TemporalFields.nanosecond.defaultValue, timezone());
public DateTimeValue buildInternal() {
boolean selectingDate = fields.containsKey(;
boolean selectingTime = fields.containsKey(TemporalFields.time);
boolean selectingDateTime = fields.containsKey(TemporalFields.datetime);
boolean selectingEpoch = fields.containsKey(TemporalFields.epochSeconds) || fields.containsKey(TemporalFields.epochMillis);
boolean selectingTimeZone;
ZonedDateTime result;
if (selectingDateTime) {
AnyValue dtField = fields.get(TemporalFields.datetime);
if (!(dtField instanceof TemporalValue)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(String.format("Cannot construct date time from: %s", dtField));
TemporalValue dt = (TemporalValue) dtField;
LocalTime timePart = dt.getTimePart(defaultZone).toLocalTime();
ZoneId zoneId = dt.getZoneId(defaultZone);
result = ZonedDateTime.of(dt.getDatePart(), timePart, zoneId);
selectingTimeZone = dt.supportsTimeZone();
} else if (selectingEpoch) {
if (fields.containsKey(TemporalFields.epochSeconds)) {
AnyValue epochField = fields.get(TemporalFields.epochSeconds);
if (!(epochField instanceof IntegralValue)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(String.format("Cannot construct date time from: %s", epochField));
IntegralValue epochSeconds = (IntegralValue) epochField;
result = assertValidArgument(() -> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(epochSeconds.longValue() * 1000), timezone()));
} else {
AnyValue epochField = fields.get(TemporalFields.epochMillis);
if (!(epochField instanceof IntegralValue)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(String.format("Cannot construct date time from: %s", epochField));
IntegralValue epochMillis = (IntegralValue) epochField;
result = assertValidArgument(() -> ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(epochMillis.longValue()), timezone()));
selectingTimeZone = false;
} else if (selectingTime || selectingDate) {
LocalTime time;
ZoneId zoneId;
if (selectingTime) {
AnyValue timeField = fields.get(TemporalFields.time);
if (!(timeField instanceof TemporalValue)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(String.format("Cannot construct time from: %s", timeField));
TemporalValue t = (TemporalValue) timeField;
time = t.getTimePart(defaultZone).toLocalTime();
zoneId = t.getZoneId(defaultZone);
selectingTimeZone = t.supportsTimeZone();
} else {
time = LocalTimeValue.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TIME;
zoneId = timezone();
selectingTimeZone = false;
LocalDate date;
if (selectingDate) {
AnyValue dateField = fields.get(;
if (!(dateField instanceof TemporalValue)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(String.format("Cannot construct date from: %s", dateField));
TemporalValue t = (TemporalValue) dateField;
date = t.getDatePart();
} else {
result = ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zoneId);
} else {
result = defaultZonedDateTime;
selectingTimeZone = false;
if (fields.containsKey(TemporalFields.week) && !selectingDate && !selectingDateTime && !selectingEpoch) {
// Be sure to be in the start of the week based year (which can be later than 1st Jan)
result = result.with(IsoFields.WEEK_BASED_YEAR, safeCastIntegral(, fields.get(TemporalFields.year), TemporalFields.year.defaultValue)).with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, 1).with(ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK, 1);
result = assignAllFields(result);
if (timezone != null) {
if (((selectingTime || selectingDateTime) && selectingTimeZone) || selectingEpoch) {
try {
result = result.withZoneSameInstant(timezone());
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
throw new TemporalParseException(e.getMessage(), e.getParsedString(), e.getErrorIndex(), e);
} else {
result = result.withZoneSameLocal(timezone());
return datetime(result);
protected DateTimeValue selectDateTime(AnyValue datetime) {
if (datetime instanceof DateTimeValue) {
DateTimeValue value = (DateTimeValue) datetime;
ZoneId zone = optionalTimezone();
return zone == null ? value : new DateTimeValue(ZonedDateTime.of(value.temporal().toLocalDateTime(), zone));
if (datetime instanceof LocalDateTimeValue) {
return new DateTimeValue(ZonedDateTime.of(((LocalDateTimeValue) datetime).temporal(), timezone()));
throw new UnsupportedTemporalUnitException("Cannot select datetime from: " + datetime);
use of org.neo4j.values.AnyValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class BoltRequestMessageV3Test method shouldSerializeRelationship.
void shouldSerializeRelationship() throws Throwable {
RelationshipValue rel = relationshipValue(12L, nodeValue(1L, stringArray(), VirtualValues.EMPTY_MAP), nodeValue(2L, stringArray(), VirtualValues.EMPTY_MAP), stringValue("KNOWS"), map(new String[] { "name", "age" }, new AnyValue[] { stringValue("Bob"), intValue(14) }));
assertThat(serialized(rel)).isEqualTo("B1 71 91 B5 52 0C 01 02 85 4B 4E 4F 57 53 A2 84" + lineSeparator() + "6E 61 6D 65 83 42 6F 62 83 61 67 65 0E");
use of org.neo4j.values.AnyValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class GenericIndexKeyValidator method worstCaseLength.
private static int worstCaseLength(AnyValue value) {
if (value.isSequenceValue()) {
SequenceValue sequenceValue = (SequenceValue) value;
if (sequenceValue instanceof TextArray) {
TextArray textArray = (TextArray) sequenceValue;
int length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < textArray.length(); i++) {
length += stringWorstCaseLength(textArray.stringValue(i).length());
return length;
return sequenceValue.length() * BIGGEST_STATIC_SIZE;
} else {
if (((Value) value).valueGroup().category() == ValueCategory.TEXT) {
// For text, which is very dynamic in its nature do a worst-case off of number of characters in it
return stringWorstCaseLength(((TextValue) value).length());
// For all else then use the biggest possible value for a non-dynamic, non-array value a state can occupy
use of org.neo4j.values.AnyValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class RoutingResultFormat method build.
public static AnyValue[] build(RoutingResult result) {
ListValue routers = asValues(result.routeEndpoints());
ListValue readers = asValues(result.readEndpoints());
ListValue writers = asValues(result.writeEndpoints());
ListValueBuilder servers = ListValueBuilder.newListBuilder();
if (writers.size() > 0) {
MapValueBuilder builder = new MapValueBuilder();
builder.add(ROLE_KEY, WRTE_NAME);
builder.add(ADDRESSES_KEY, writers);
if (readers.size() > 0) {
MapValueBuilder builder = new MapValueBuilder();
builder.add(ROLE_KEY, READ_NAME);
builder.add(ADDRESSES_KEY, readers);
if (routers.size() > 0) {
MapValueBuilder builder = new MapValueBuilder();
builder.add(ROLE_KEY, ROUTE_NAME);
builder.add(ADDRESSES_KEY, routers);
LongValue timeToLiveSeconds = longValue(MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(result.ttlMillis()));
return new AnyValue[] { timeToLiveSeconds, };