use of org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class Neo4jPackV1Test method shouldPackUtf8.
void shouldPackUtf8() throws IOException {
// Given
String value = "\uD83D\uDE31";
byte[] bytes = value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
TextValue textValue = utf8Value(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
PackedOutputArray output = new PackedOutputArray();
Neo4jPack.Packer packer = neo4jPack.newPacker(output);
// When
AnyValue unpacked = unpacked(output.bytes());
// Then
use of org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class PrimitiveOnlyValueWriterTest method shouldConvertStringValueToString.
void shouldConvertStringValueToString() {
PrimitiveOnlyValueWriter writer = new PrimitiveOnlyValueWriter();
TextValue value = stringValue("Hello");
assertEquals("Hello", writer.valueAsObject(value));
use of org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class BuiltInDbmsProceduresIT method listCapabilities.
void listCapabilities() throws KernelException {
QualifiedName procedureName = procedureName("dbms", "listCapabilities");
int procedureId = procs().procedureGet(procedureName).id();
RawIterator<AnyValue[], ProcedureException> callResult = procs().procedureCallDbms(procedureId, new AnyValue[] {}, ProcedureCallContext.EMPTY);
List<AnyValue[]> capabilities = asList(callResult);
List<String> capabilityNames = -> ((TextValue) c[0]).stringValue()).collect(Collectors.toList());
use of org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class BuiltInDbmsProceduresIT method listCapabilitiesShouldNotReturnBlocked.
void listCapabilitiesShouldNotReturnBlocked() throws KernelException {
// set blocked capabilities
Config config = dependencyResolver.resolveDependency(Config.class);
config.set(CapabilitiesSettings.dbms_capabilities_blocked, List.of("my.**"));
QualifiedName procedureName = procedureName("dbms", "listCapabilities");
int procedureId = procs().procedureGet(procedureName).id();
RawIterator<AnyValue[], ProcedureException> callResult = procs().procedureCallDbms(procedureId, new AnyValue[] {}, ProcedureCallContext.EMPTY);
List<AnyValue[]> capabilities = asList(callResult);
List<String> capabilityNames = -> ((TextValue) c[0]).stringValue()).collect(Collectors.toList());
use of org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue in project neo4j by neo4j.
the class CompositeIndexAccessorCompatibility method mustThrowOnIllegalCompositeQueriesAndMustNotThrowOnLegalQueries.
/* Composite query validity */
* This test verify behavior for all different index patterns on a two column composite index.
* A composite query need to have decreasing precision among the queries.
* This means a range or exists query can only be followed by and exists query.
* Prefix query is also included under "range".
* Contains or suffix queries are not allowed in a composite query at all.
* Those are all the different combinations:
* x = exact
* < = range (also include stringPrefix)
* - = exists
* ! = stringContains or stringSuffix
* ? = any predicate
* Index patterns
* x x ok
* x < ok
* x - ok
* < x not ok
* < < not ok
* < - ok
* - x not ok
* - < not ok
* - - ok
* ! ? not ok
public void mustThrowOnIllegalCompositeQueriesAndMustNotThrowOnLegalQueries() throws Exception {
Assume.assumeTrue("Assume support for granular composite queries", testSuite.supportsGranularCompositeQueries());
// given
Value someValue = Values.of(true);
TextValue someString = stringValue("");
PropertyIndexQuery firstExact = exact(100, someValue);
PropertyIndexQuery firstRange = range(100, someValue, true, someValue, true);
PropertyIndexQuery firstPrefix = stringPrefix(100, someString);
PropertyIndexQuery firstExist = exists(100);
PropertyIndexQuery firstSuffix = stringSuffix(100, someString);
PropertyIndexQuery firstContains = stringContains(100, someString);
PropertyIndexQuery secondExact = exact(200, someValue);
PropertyIndexQuery secondRange = range(200, someValue, true, someValue, true);
PropertyIndexQuery secondExist = exists(200);
PropertyIndexQuery secondPrefix = stringPrefix(100, someString);
PropertyIndexQuery secondSuffix = stringSuffix(100, someString);
PropertyIndexQuery secondContains = stringContains(100, someString);
List<Pair<PropertyIndexQuery[], Boolean>> queries = Arrays.asList(of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExact, secondExact }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExact, secondRange }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExact, secondExist }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExact, secondPrefix }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExact, secondSuffix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExact, secondContains }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstRange, secondExact }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstRange, secondRange }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstRange, secondExist }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstRange, secondPrefix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstRange, secondSuffix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstRange, secondContains }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstPrefix, secondExact }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstPrefix, secondRange }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstPrefix, secondExist }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstPrefix, secondPrefix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstPrefix, secondSuffix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstPrefix, secondContains }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExist, secondExact }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExist, secondRange }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExist, secondExist }, true), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExist, secondPrefix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExist, secondSuffix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstExist, secondContains }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstSuffix, secondExact }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstSuffix, secondRange }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstSuffix, secondExist }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstSuffix, secondPrefix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstSuffix, secondSuffix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstSuffix, secondContains }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstContains, secondExact }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstContains, secondRange }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstContains, secondExist }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstContains, secondPrefix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstContains, secondSuffix }, false), of(new PropertyIndexQuery[] { firstContains, secondContains }, false));
SimpleEntityValueClient client = new SimpleEntityValueClient();
try (ValueIndexReader reader = accessor.newValueReader()) {
for (Pair<PropertyIndexQuery[], Boolean> pair : queries) {
PropertyIndexQuery[] theQuery = pair.first();
Boolean legal = pair.other();
if (legal) {
// when
reader.query(NULL_CONTEXT, client, unconstrained(), theQuery);
// then should not throw
} else {
try {
// when
reader.query(NULL_CONTEXT, client, unconstrained(), theQuery);
fail("Expected index reader to throw for illegal composite query. Query was, " + Arrays.toString(theQuery));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// then
assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Tried to query index with illegal composite query.");