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Example 6 with JSONParser

use of org.noggit.JSONParser in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestBulkSchemaAPI method testSimilarityParser.

public void testSimilarityParser() throws Exception {
    RestTestHarness harness = restTestHarness;
    final float k1 = 2.25f;
    final float b = 0.33f;
    String fieldTypeName = "MySimilarityField";
    String fieldName = "similarityTestField";
    String payload = "{\n" + "  'add-field-type' : {" + "    'name' : '" + fieldTypeName + "',\n" + "    'class':'solr.TextField',\n" + "    'analyzer' : {'tokenizer':{'class':'solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory'}},\n" + "    'similarity' : {'class':'', 'k1':" + k1 + ", 'b':" + b + " }\n" + "  },\n" + "  'add-field' : {\n" + "    'name':'" + fieldName + "',\n" + "    'type': 'MySimilarityField',\n" + "    'stored':true,\n" + "    'indexed':true\n" + "  }\n" + "}\n";
    String response ="/schema?wt=json&indent=on", json(payload));
    Map map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    assertNull(response, map.get("errors"));
    Map fields = getObj(harness, fieldName, "fields");
    assertNotNull("field " + fieldName + " not created", fields);
    assertFieldSimilarity(fieldName, BM25Similarity.class, sim -> assertEquals("Unexpected k1", k1, sim.getK1(), .001), sim -> assertEquals("Unexpected b", b, sim.getB(), .001));
    final String independenceMeasure = "Saturated";
    final boolean discountOverlaps = false;
    payload = "{\n" + "  'replace-field-type' : {" + "    'name' : '" + fieldTypeName + "',\n" + "    'class':'solr.TextField',\n" + "    'analyzer' : {'tokenizer':{'class':'solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory'}},\n" + "    'similarity' : {\n" + "      'class':'',\n" + "      'independenceMeasure':'" + independenceMeasure + "',\n" + "      'discountOverlaps':" + discountOverlaps + "\n" + "     }\n" + "  }\n" + "}\n";
    response ="/schema?wt=json&indent=on", json(payload));
    map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    assertNull(response, map.get("errors"));
    fields = getObj(harness, fieldName, "fields");
    assertNotNull("field " + fieldName + " not created", fields);
    assertFieldSimilarity(fieldName, DFISimilarity.class, sim -> assertEquals("Unexpected independenceMeasure", independenceMeasure, sim.getIndependence().toString()), sim -> assertEquals("Unexpected discountedOverlaps", discountOverlaps, sim.getDiscountOverlaps()));
Also used : RestTestHarness(org.apache.solr.util.RestTestHarness) StringReader( JSONParser(org.noggit.JSONParser) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 7 with JSONParser

use of org.noggit.JSONParser in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestBulkSchemaAPI method testMultipleAddFieldWithErrors.

public void testMultipleAddFieldWithErrors() throws Exception {
    String payload = "{\n" + "    'add-field' : {\n" + "                 'name':'a1',\n" + "                 'type': 'string1',\n" + "                 'stored':true,\n" + "                 'indexed':false\n" + "                 },\n" + "    'add-field' : {\n" + "                 'type': 'string',\n" + "                 'stored':true,\n" + "                 'indexed':true\n" + "                 }\n" + "    }";
    String response ="/schema?wt=json", json(payload));
    Map map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    List l = (List) map.get("errors");
    assertNotNull("No errors", l);
    List errorList = (List) ((Map) l.get(0)).get("errorMessages");
    assertEquals(1, errorList.size());
    assertTrue(((String) errorList.get(0)).contains("Field 'a1': Field type 'string1' not found.\n"));
    errorList = (List) ((Map) l.get(1)).get("errorMessages");
    assertEquals(1, errorList.size());
    assertTrue(((String) errorList.get(0)).contains("is a required field"));
Also used : StringReader( JSONParser(org.noggit.JSONParser) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 8 with JSONParser

use of org.noggit.JSONParser in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestBulkSchemaAPI method testAddIllegalFields.

public void testAddIllegalFields() throws Exception {
    RestTestHarness harness = restTestHarness;
    // 1. Make sure you can't create a new field with an asterisk in its name
    String newFieldName = "asterisk*";
    String payload = "{\n" + "    'add-field' : {\n" + "         'name':'" + newFieldName + "',\n" + "         'type':'string',\n" + "         'stored':true,\n" + "         'indexed':true\n" + "     }\n" + "}";
    String response ="/schema?wt=json", json(payload));
    Map map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    assertNotNull(response, map.get("errors"));
    map = getObj(harness, newFieldName, "fields");
    assertNull(newFieldName + " illegal dynamic field should not have been added to schema", map);
    // 2. Make sure you get an error when you try to create a field that already exists
    // Make sure 'wdf_nocase' field exists
    newFieldName = "wdf_nocase";
    Map m = getObj(harness, newFieldName, "fields");
    assertNotNull("'" + newFieldName + "' field does not exist in the schema", m);
    payload = "{\n" + "    'add-field' : {\n" + "         'name':'" + newFieldName + "',\n" + "         'type':'string',\n" + "         'stored':true,\n" + "         'indexed':true\n" + "     }\n" + "}";
    response ="/schema?wt=json", json(payload));
    map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    assertNotNull(response, map.get("errors"));
Also used : RestTestHarness(org.apache.solr.util.RestTestHarness) StringReader( JSONParser(org.noggit.JSONParser) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 9 with JSONParser

use of org.noggit.JSONParser in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestBulkSchemaAPI method testAddFieldWithExistingCatchallDynamicField.

public void testAddFieldWithExistingCatchallDynamicField() throws Exception {
    RestTestHarness harness = restTestHarness;
    String newFieldName = "NewField1";
    Map map = getObj(harness, newFieldName, "fields");
    assertNull("Field '" + newFieldName + "' already exists in the schema", map);
    map = getObj(harness, "*", "dynamicFields");
    assertNull("'*' dynamic field already exists in the schema", map);
    map = getObj(harness, "string", "fieldTypes");
    assertNotNull("'boolean' field type does not exist in the schema", map);
    map = getObj(harness, "boolean", "fieldTypes");
    assertNotNull("'boolean' field type does not exist in the schema", map);
    String payload = "{\n" + "    'add-dynamic-field' : {\n" + "         'name':'*',\n" + "         'type':'string',\n" + "         'stored':true,\n" + "         'indexed':true\n" + "    }\n" + "}";
    String response ="/schema?wt=json", json(payload));
    map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    assertNull(response, map.get("errors"));
    map = getObj(harness, "*", "dynamicFields");
    assertNotNull("Dynamic field '*' is not in the schema", map);
    payload = "{\n" + "    'add-field' : {\n" + "                 'name':'" + newFieldName + "',\n" + "                 'type':'boolean',\n" + "                 'stored':true,\n" + "                 'indexed':true\n" + "                 }\n" + "    }";
    response ="/schema?wt=json", json(payload));
    map = (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    assertNull(response, map.get("errors"));
    map = getObj(harness, newFieldName, "fields");
    assertNotNull("Field '" + newFieldName + "' is not in the schema", map);
Also used : RestTestHarness(org.apache.solr.util.RestTestHarness) StringReader( JSONParser(org.noggit.JSONParser) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 10 with JSONParser

use of org.noggit.JSONParser in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestConfigReload method getAsMap.

private Map getAsMap(String uri) throws Exception {
    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(uri);
    HttpEntity entity = null;
    try {
        entity = cloudClient.getLbClient().getHttpClient().execute(get).getEntity();
        String response = EntityUtils.toString(entity, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        return (Map) ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(new StringReader(response)));
    } finally {
Also used : HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) HttpGet(org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet) StringReader( JSONParser(org.noggit.JSONParser) Map(java.util.Map)


JSONParser (org.noggit.JSONParser)37 Map (java.util.Map)30 StringReader ( RestTestHarness (org.apache.solr.util.RestTestHarness)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 List (java.util.List)10 IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)6 HttpEntity (org.apache.http.HttpEntity)6 Test (org.junit.Test)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 SolrException (org.apache.solr.common.SolrException)4 HttpGet (org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet)3 HttpPost (org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost)3 ByteArrayEntity (org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity)3 NamedList (org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList)3 ImmutableMap ( InputStream ( InputStreamReader (