use of org.obeonetwork.dsl.database.Table in project InformationSystem by ObeoNetwork.
the class PostGresDataBaseBuilder method buildColumnConstraint.
protected void buildColumnConstraint(DatabaseMetaData metaData, TableContainer owner, Column column) {
Table table = column.getOwner();
String key = table.getName().toUpperCase();
// we add all constraints for a table at the same time
if (cacheConstraints == null) {
cacheConstraints = new HashMap<String, Collection<PostgreSQLConstraint>>();
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
try {
PreparedStatement psmt = metaData.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT tc.constraint_name, pgc.consrc , tc.table_name " + "FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc " + "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint pgc " + "ON pgc.conname = tc.constraint_name " + "WHERE tc.table_schema = ? and tc.constraint_type = 'CHECK' and tc.constraint_name not like '%_not_null'");
psmt.setString(1, schemaName);
rs = psmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
String name = rs.getString(1);
String expression = rs.getString(2);
String tableName = rs.getString(3);
String key2 = tableName.toUpperCase();
Collection<PostgreSQLConstraint> constraints = cacheConstraints.get(key2);
if (constraints == null) {
constraints = new ArrayList<PostgreSQLConstraint>();
constraints.add(new PostgreSQLConstraint(tableName, name, expression));
cacheConstraints.put(key2, constraints);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
if (cacheConstraints.containsKey(key)) {
for (PostgreSQLConstraint pgConstraint : cacheConstraints.get(key)) {
Constraint constraint = CreationUtils.createConstraint(table,;
// We remove from the cache or the constraints would be added for every column in the table
use of org.obeonetwork.dsl.database.Table in project InformationSystem by ObeoNetwork.
the class PostGresDataBaseBuilder method buildSequences.
private void buildSequences(TableContainer owner) {
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
try {
PreparedStatement psmt = metaData.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT s.SEQUENCE_NAME, s.INCREMENT, s.MINIMUM_VALUE, s.MAXIMUM_VALUE, s.START_VALUE, s.CYCLE_OPTION , pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid) " + "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES s " + "LEFT JOIN PG_CATALOG.pg_class c " + "ON c.relname = s.SEQUENCE_NAME " + "AND c.relkind = 'S' " + "WHERE s.SEQUENCE_SCHEMA = '" + schemaName + "'");
rs = psmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
String name = rs.getString(1);
BigInteger increment = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 2);
BigInteger minValue = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 3);
BigInteger maxValue = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 4);
BigInteger start = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 5);
String cycleAsString = rs.getString(6);
boolean cycle = "YES".equals(cycleAsString);
String comment = rs.getString(7);
// Retrieve CACHE value
BigInteger cacheValue = null;
PreparedStatement psmtCache = metaData.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT CACHE_VALUE FROM " + schemaName + "." + name);
ResultSet rsCache = psmtCache.executeQuery();
if ( {
cacheValue = getBigIntValueForColumn(rsCache, 1);
Sequence sequence = CreationUtils.createSequence(owner, name, increment, minValue, maxValue, start, cycle, cacheValue);
// Look for a table that could correspond to the sequence
if (name.endsWith("_seq")) {
String tableName = name.substring(0, name.length() - "_seq".length());
AbstractTable abstractTable = queries.getTable(tableName);
if (abstractTable != null && abstractTable instanceof Table) {
Table table = (Table) abstractTable;
if (table.getPrimaryKey() != null && table.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().size() == 1) {
Column column = table.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().get(0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
use of org.obeonetwork.dsl.database.Table in project InformationSystem by ObeoNetwork.
the class SQLServerDataBaseBuilder method buildSequences.
private void buildSequences(DatabaseMetaData metaData, TableContainer owner) {
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
try {
String query = "SELECT CAST( AS NVARCHAR(128)), " + " CAST(seq.increment AS NVARCHAR(128)), " + " CAST(seq.minimum_value AS NVARCHAR(128)), " + " CAST(seq.maximum_value AS NVARCHAR(128)), " + " CAST(seq.start_value AS NVARCHAR(128)), " + " CAST(seq.is_cycling AS NVARCHAR(128)), " + " CAST(seq.cache_size AS NVARCHAR(128)) " + "FROM sys.sequences AS seq " + "INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS sch " + "ON seq.schema_id = sch.schema_id " + "WHERE = ?";
pstmt = metaData.getConnection().prepareStatement(query);
pstmt.setString(1, schemaName);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
String name = rs.getString(1);
BigInteger increment = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 2);
BigInteger minValue = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 3);
BigInteger maxValue = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 4);
BigInteger start = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 5);
boolean cycle = rs.getBoolean(6);
BigInteger cacheSize = getBigIntValueForColumn(rs, 7);
Sequence sequence = CreationUtils.createSequence(owner, name, increment, minValue, maxValue, start, cycle, cacheSize);
// Look for a table that could correspond to the sequence
if (name.endsWith("_SEQ")) {
String tableName = name.substring(0, name.length() - "_SEQ".length());
AbstractTable abstractTable = queries.getTable(tableName);
if (abstractTable != null && abstractTable instanceof Table) {
Table table = (Table) abstractTable;
if (table.getPrimaryKey() != null && table.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().size() == 1) {
Column column = table.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().get(0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
use of org.obeonetwork.dsl.database.Table in project InformationSystem by ObeoNetwork.
the class ColumnServicesTest method isNullableNullTest.
public void isNullableNullTest() {
Table table = getGSSerieTable();
Column col = getColumn(table, "No table");
assertEquals("No", new ColumnServices().isNullable(col));
use of org.obeonetwork.dsl.database.Table in project InformationSystem by ObeoNetwork.
the class ColumnServicesTest method isAutoIncrementCheckNotTest.
// @Test
// public void isAutoIncrementCheckTest() {
// Table table = getGSSerieTable();
// Column col = getColumn(table, "RF_GENRE_ID");
// assertEquals("X", new ColumnServices().checkForeignKey(col));
// }
public void isAutoIncrementCheckNotTest() {
Table table = getGSSerieTable();
Column col = getColumn(table, "GS_SERIE_NOM");
assertEquals("", new ColumnServices().checkInForeignKey(col));