use of org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseWebService method addAuthors.
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response addAuthors(UserVO[] authors, @Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
if (!isAuthorEditor(course, httpRequest) && !isInstitutionalResourceManager(httpRequest)) {
return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
BaseSecurity securityManager = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
List<Identity> authorList = loadIdentities(authors);
Identity identity = getIdentity(httpRequest);
SecurityGroup authorGroup = securityManager.findSecurityGroupByName(Constants.GROUP_AUTHORS);
for (Identity author : authorList) {
boolean hasBeenAuthor = securityManager.isIdentityInSecurityGroup(author, authorGroup);
if (!hasBeenAuthor) {
// not an author already, add this identity to the security group "authors"
securityManager.addIdentityToSecurityGroup(author, authorGroup);
log.audit("User::" + identity.getName() + " added system role::" + Constants.GROUP_AUTHORS + " to user::" + author.getName() + " via addAuthor method in course REST API", null);
// add the author as owner of the course
RepositoryEntry repositoryEntry = course.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager().getCourseEntry();
IdentitiesAddEvent identitiesAddedEvent = new IdentitiesAddEvent(authorList);
RepositoryManager.getInstance().addOwners(identity, identitiesAddedEvent, repositoryEntry, new MailPackage(false));
return Response.ok().build();
use of org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseWebService method removeCoach.
* Remove a coach from the course
* @response.representation.200.doc The user was successfully removed as coach of the course
* @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
* @response.representation.404.doc The course or the user not found
* @param identityKey The user identifier
* @param httpRequest The HTTP request
* @return It returns 200 if the user is removed as coach of the course
public Response removeCoach(@PathParam("identityKey") Long identityKey, @Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
if (!isAuthorEditor(course, httpRequest) && !isInstitutionalResourceManager(httpRequest)) {
return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
BaseSecurity securityManager = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
Identity coach = securityManager.loadIdentityByKey(identityKey, false);
if (coach == null) {
return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
Identity identity = getIdentity(httpRequest);
// remove the user as coach of the course
RepositoryManager rm = RepositoryManager.getInstance();
RepositoryEntry repositoryEntry = course.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager().getCourseEntry();
List<Identity> coaches = Collections.singletonList(coach);
rm.removeTutors(identity, coaches, repositoryEntry, new MailPackage(false));
return Response.ok().build();
use of org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CourseWebService method removeParticipant.
* Remove a participant from the course
* @response.representation.200.doc The user was successfully removed as participant of the course
* @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
* @response.representation.404.doc The course or the user not found
* @param identityKey The user identifier
* @param httpRequest The HTTP request
* @return It returns 200 if the user is removed as participant of the course
public Response removeParticipant(@PathParam("identityKey") Long identityKey, @Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
if (!isAuthorEditor(course, httpRequest) && !isInstitutionalResourceManager(httpRequest)) {
return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
BaseSecurity securityManager = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
Identity participant = securityManager.loadIdentityByKey(identityKey, false);
if (participant == null) {
return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
Identity identity = getIdentity(httpRequest);
// remove the user as participant of the course
RepositoryManager rm = RepositoryManager.getInstance();
RepositoryEntry repositoryEntry = course.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager().getCourseEntry();
List<Identity> participants = Collections.singletonList(participant);
rm.removeParticipants(identity, participants, repositoryEntry, new MailPackage(false), false);
return Response.ok().build();
use of org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class RestSecurityHelper method isAuthorEditor.
public static boolean isAuthorEditor(OLATResourceable resourceable, HttpServletRequest request) {
try {
Roles roles = getRoles(request);
if (roles.isOLATAdmin())
return true;
if (roles.isAuthor()) {
UserRequest ureq = getUserRequest(request);
Identity identity = ureq.getIdentity();
BaseSecurity secMgr = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
return secMgr.isIdentityPermittedOnResourceable(identity, Constants.PERMISSION_ADMIN, resourceable);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
use of org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class UsersSubscriptionManagerImpl method getNewIdentityCreated.
* The search in the ManagerFactory is date based and not timestamp based.
* The guest are also removed from the list.
public List<Identity> getNewIdentityCreated(Date from) {
if (from == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
BaseSecurity manager = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
PermissionOnResourceable[] permissions = { new PermissionOnResourceable(Constants.PERMISSION_HASROLE, Constants.ORESOURCE_GUESTONLY) };
List<Identity> guests = manager.getIdentitiesByPowerSearch(null, null, true, null, permissions, null, from, null, null, null, Identity.STATUS_VISIBLE_LIMIT);
List<Identity> identities = manager.getIdentitiesByPowerSearch(null, null, true, null, null, null, from, null, null, null, Identity.STATUS_VISIBLE_LIMIT);
if (!identities.isEmpty() && !guests.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator<Identity> identityIt = identities.iterator(); identityIt.hasNext(); ) {
Identity identity =;
if (identity.getCreationDate().before(from)) {
return identities;