use of org.olat.core.gui.render.ValidationResult in project openolat by klemens.
the class GuiStackNiceImpl method pushCallout.
public void pushCallout(Component content, String targetId, CalloutSettings settings) {
// wrap the component into a modal foreground dialog with alpha-blended-background
final Panel guiMsgPlace = new Panel("guimsgplace_for_callout");
VelocityContainer inset = new VelocityContainer("inset", VELOCITY_ROOT + "/callout.html", null, null) {
public void validate(UserRequest ureq, ValidationResult vr) {
super.validate(ureq, vr);
// just before rendering, we need to tell the windowbackoffice that we are a favorite for accepting gui-messages.
// the windowbackoffice doesn't know about guimessages, it is only a container that keeps them for one render cycle
List<ZIndexWrapper> zindexed = wbo.getGuiMessages();
zindexed.add(new ZIndexWrapper(guiMsgPlace, 10));
inset.put("cont", content);
inset.put("guimsgplace", guiMsgPlace);
inset.contextPut("guimsgtarget", targetId);
int zindex = 900 + (modalLayers * 100) + 5;
inset.contextPut("zindexoverlay", zindex + 1);
inset.contextPut("zindexshim", zindex);
inset.contextPut("zindexarea", zindex + 5);
inset.contextPut("zindexextwindows", zindex + 50);
if (settings != null) {
inset.contextPut("arrow", settings.isArrow());
inset.contextPut("orientation", settings.getOrientation().name());
} else {
inset.contextPut("arrow", Boolean.TRUE);