use of org.olat.core.logging.AssertException in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class BaseSecurityManager method findIdentityByNameCaseInsensitive.
public Identity findIdentityByNameCaseInsensitive(String identityName) {
if (identityName == null)
throw new AssertException("findIdentitybyName: name was null");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("select ident from ").append(IdentityImpl.class.getName()).append(" as ident where lower(");
List<Identity> identities = DBFactory.getInstance().getCurrentEntityManager().createQuery(sb.toString(), Identity.class).setParameter("username", identityName.toLowerCase()).getResultList();
return identities == null || identities.isEmpty() ? null : identities.get(0);
use of org.olat.core.logging.AssertException in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class BaseSecurityManager method findSecurityGroupByName.
* @see org.olat.basesecurity.Manager#findSecurityGroupByName(java.lang.String)
public SecurityGroup findSecurityGroupByName(String securityGroupName) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("select sgi from ").append(NamedGroupImpl.class.getName()).append(" as ngroup ").append(" inner join ngroup.securityGroup sgi").append(" where ngroup.groupName=:groupName");
List<SecurityGroup> group = dbInstance.getCurrentEntityManager().createQuery(sb.toString(), SecurityGroup.class).setParameter("groupName", securityGroupName).setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", Boolean.TRUE).getResultList();
int size = group.size();
if (size == 0)
return null;
if (size != 1)
throw new AssertException("non unique name in namedgroup: " + securityGroupName);
SecurityGroup sg = group.get(0);
return sg;
use of org.olat.core.logging.AssertException in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class CollaborationTools method deleteTools.
* delete all CollaborationTools stuff from the database, which is related to
* the calling OLATResourceable.
public void deleteTools(BusinessGroup businessGroupTodelete) {
NarrowedPropertyManager npm = NarrowedPropertyManager.getInstance(ores);
* delete the forum, if existing
ForumManager fom = ForumManager.getInstance();
Property forumKeyProperty = npm.findProperty(null, null, PROP_CAT_BG_COLLABTOOLS, KEY_FORUM);
if (forumKeyProperty != null) {
// if there was a forum, delete it
Long forumKey = forumKeyProperty.getLongValue();
if (forumKey == null)
throw new AssertException("property had no longValue, prop:" + forumKeyProperty);
* delete the folder, if existing
OlatRootFolderImpl vfsContainer = new OlatRootFolderImpl(getFolderRelPath(), null);
File fFolderRoot = vfsContainer.getBasefile();
if (fFolderRoot.exists()) {
FileUtils.deleteDirsAndFiles(fFolderRoot, true, true);
* delete the wiki if existing
VFSContainer rootContainer = WikiManager.getInstance().getWikiRootContainer(ores);
if (rootContainer != null)
* Delete calendar if exists
if (businessGroupTodelete != null) {
* delete chatRoom
// no cleanup needed, automatically done when last user exits the room
* delete all Properties defining enabled/disabled CollabTool XY and the
* news content
npm.deleteProperties(null, null, PROP_CAT_BG_COLLABTOOLS, null);
* Delete OpenMeetings room
OpenMeetingsModule omModule = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(OpenMeetingsModule.class);
if (omModule.isEnabled()) {
OpenMeetingsManager omManager = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(OpenMeetingsManager.class);
try {
omManager.deleteAll(ores, null, null);
} catch (OpenMeetingsException e) {
log.error("A room could not be deleted for group: " + ores, e);
* and last but not least the cache is reseted
this.dirty = true;
use of org.olat.core.logging.AssertException in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class HTMLEditorController method initEditorForm.
private void initEditorForm(VFSContainer bContainer, String relFilePath, CustomLinkTreeModel linkTreeModel, String mPath, boolean editorCheck, boolean versions, boolean withButtons) {
this.baseContainer = bContainer;
this.fileRelPath = relFilePath;
this.mediaPath = mPath;
this.versionsEnabled = versions;
this.buttonsEnabled = withButtons;
this.customLinkTreeModel = linkTreeModel;
this.editorCheckEnabled = editorCheck;
// make sure the filename doesn't start with a slash
this.fileName = ((relFilePath.charAt(0) == '/') ? relFilePath.substring(1) : relFilePath);
this.fileLeaf = (VFSLeaf) bContainer.resolve(fileName);
if (fileLeaf == null)
throw new AssertException("file::" + getFileDebuggingPath(bContainer, relFilePath) + " does not exist!");
long size = fileLeaf.getSize();
if (size > FolderConfig.getMaxEditSizeLimit()) {
// limit to reasonable size, see OO-57
fileToLargeError = translate("plaintext.error.tolarge", new String[] { (size / 1000) + "", (FolderConfig.getMaxEditSizeLimit() / 1000) + "" });
this.body = "";
this.editable = false;
// check if someone else is already editing the file
if (fileLeaf instanceof LocalFileImpl) {
// Cast to LocalFile necessary because the VFSItem is missing some
// ID mechanism that identifies an item within the system
OLATResourceable lockResourceable = createLockResourceable(fileLeaf);
// OLAT-5066: the use of "fileName" gives users the (false) impression that the file they wish to access
// is already locked by someone else. Since the lock token must be smaller than 50 characters we us an
// MD5 hash of the absolute file path which will always be 32 characters long and virtually unique.
String lockToken = createLockToken(bContainer, relFilePath);
lock = CoordinatorManager.getInstance().getCoordinator().getLocker().acquireLock(lockResourceable, getIdentity(), lockToken);
VelocityContainer vc = (VelocityContainer) flc.getComponent();
if (!lock.isSuccess()) {
vc.contextPut("locked", Boolean.TRUE);
String fullname = UserManager.getInstance().getUserDisplayName(lock.getOwner());
vc.contextPut("lockOwner", fullname);
editable = false;
} else {
vc.contextPut("locked", Boolean.FALSE);
// Parse the content of the page
this.body = parsePage(fileLeaf);
use of org.olat.core.logging.AssertException in project openolat by klemens.
the class NotificationsManagerImpl method getPublisher.
* @param subsContext
* @return the publisher belonging to the given context or null
public Publisher getPublisher(SubscriptionContext subsContext) {
StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder();
q.append("select pub from notipublisher pub ").append(" where pub.resName=:resName and pub.resId = :resId");
if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(subsContext.getSubidentifier())) {
q.append(" and pub.subidentifier=:subidentifier");
} else {
q.append(" and (pub.subidentifier='' or pub.subidentifier is null)");
TypedQuery<Publisher> query = dbInstance.getCurrentEntityManager().createQuery(q.toString(), Publisher.class).setParameter("resName", subsContext.getResName()).setParameter("resId", subsContext.getResId());
if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(subsContext.getSubidentifier())) {
query.setParameter("subidentifier", subsContext.getSubidentifier());
List<Publisher> res = query.getResultList();
if (res.isEmpty())
return null;
if (res.size() != 1)
throw new AssertException("only one subscriber per person and publisher!!");
return res.get(0);