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Example 46 with Visitor

use of org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor in project openolat by klemens.

the class PublishProcess method calculatePublishSet.

 * @param nodesIdsToPublish
 * @param resultingCourseRun
 * @param editorModelDeletedNodes
 * @param editorModelInsertedNodes
 * @param editorModelModifiedNodes
private void calculatePublishSet(List<String> nodesIdsToPublish) {
		 * START NEW STYLE PUBLISH ................................................. -
		 * visit each node (breadth first) - if node is selected to be published ->
		 * publish and take into account if the node exists already in the
		 * runstructure (keep ident or not). And also if node should get deleted add
		 * it to a list of nodes to be deleted. This is needed for a later clean-up
		 * and archive. ............................. - if node is not selected to
		 * be published, but exists already in the runstructure it must be added to
		 * the tmp-runstructure as it is in the existing runstructure.
		 * ..................................................
    // start point for node publish visitor
    CourseEditorTreeNode editorRoot = (CourseEditorTreeNode) editorTreeModel.getRootNode();
    // the active runstructure and the new created runstructure
    Structure existingCourseRun = course.getRunStructure();
    // breadth first!
    boolean visitChildrenFirst = false;
		 * the tree is visited and the book keeping lists are filled. the visitor
		 * itself does not delete or modify neither runstructure nor editor tree
		 * model. The whole complexity of published is encapsulated in the visitor.
    Visitor nodePublishV = new NodePublishVisitor(editorRoot, nodesIdsToPublish, existingCourseRun);
    TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(nodePublishV, editorRoot, visitChildrenFirst);
Also used : TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) Visitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor) CourseEditorTreeNode(org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeNode) Structure(org.olat.course.Structure)

Example 47 with Visitor

use of org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor in project openolat by klemens.

the class EditorMainController method doCreateAlternateBuildingBlock.

 * The following operation are done:
 * <ul>
 * 	<li>create a new instance of the replacement type
 * 	<li>add the new element below the original element
 * 	<li>copy the element title, description and the generic configuration options
 * 	<li>copy the access, visibility and scoring rules (easy and expert)
 * 	<li>optionally copy some other configuration if this is possible at all
 * 	<li>move all child elements from the original to the replacement element
 * 	<li>mark the original element as deleted
 * </ul>
 * @param chosenNode
 * @param selectAlternative
private void doCreateAlternateBuildingBlock(UserRequest ureq, ICourse course, CourseNode chosenNode, String selectAlternative) {
    if (!StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(selectAlternative))
    // create the alternative node
    CourseNodeConfiguration newConfig = CourseNodeFactory.getInstance().getCourseNodeConfiguration(selectAlternative);
    CourseNode newNode = newConfig.getInstance();
    // copy configurations
    chosenNode.copyConfigurationTo(newNode, course);
    // insert the node
    CourseEditorTreeNode cetn = (CourseEditorTreeNode) cetm.getNodeById(chosenNode.getIdent());
    CourseEditorTreeNode parentNode = (CourseEditorTreeNode) cetn.getParent();
    int position = cetn.getPosition() + 1;
    CourseEditorTreeNode newCetn = course.getEditorTreeModel().insertCourseNodeAt(newNode, parentNode.getCourseNode(), position);
    doInsert(ureq, newNode);
    // copy the children
    while (cetn.getChildCount() > 0) {
        CourseEditorTreeNode childNode = (CourseEditorTreeNode) cetn.getChildAt(0);
    // set all dirty
    TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(new Visitor() {

        public void visit(INode node) {
            ((CourseEditorTreeNode) node).setDirty(true);
    }, newCetn, true);
    // mark as deleted
    doDelete(course, chosenNode.getIdent());
    // save
Also used : TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) INode(org.olat.core.util.nodes.INode) TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) Visitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor) CourseEditorTreeNode(org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeNode) CourseNodeConfiguration(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNodeConfiguration) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode)

Example 48 with Visitor

use of org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor in project openolat by klemens.

the class MoveCopySubtreeController method doInsert.

private void doInsert(UserRequest ureq, TreePosition tp) {
    ICourse course = CourseFactory.getCourseEditSession(ores.getResourceableId());
    int insertPos = tp.getChildpos();
    CourseNode selectedNode = getCourseNode(tp.getParentTreeNode());
    CourseEditorTreeNode insertParent = course.getEditorTreeModel().getCourseEditorNodeById(selectedNode.getIdent());
    // check if insert position is within the to-be-copied tree
    if (course.getEditorTreeModel().checkIfIsChild(insertParent, moveCopyFrom)) {
        fireEvent(ureq, Event.CANCELLED_EVENT);
    } else if (copy) {
        // do a copy
        // copy subtree and save model
        recursiveCopy(moveCopyFrom, insertParent, insertPos, true, CourseFactory.getCourseEditSession(ores.getResourceableId()));
        ThreadLocalUserActivityLogger.log(CourseLoggingAction.COURSE_EDITOR_NODE_COPIED, getClass());
        fireEvent(ureq, Event.DONE_EVENT);
    } else {
        // move only
        if (insertParent.getIdent().equals(moveCopyFrom.getParent().getIdent())) {
            // same parent, adjust insertPos
            if (insertPos > moveCopyFrom.getPosition())
        insertParent.insert(moveCopyFrom, insertPos);
        // mark subtree as dirty
        TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(new Visitor() {

            public void visit(INode node) {
                CourseEditorTreeNode cetn = (CourseEditorTreeNode) node;
        }, moveCopyFrom, true);
        ThreadLocalUserActivityLogger.log(CourseLoggingAction.COURSE_EDITOR_NODE_MOVED, getClass());
        fireEvent(ureq, Event.DONE_EVENT);
Also used : TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) INode(org.olat.core.util.nodes.INode) TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) Visitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor) CourseEditorTreeNode(org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeNode) ICourse(org.olat.course.ICourse) CourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode)

Example 49 with Visitor

use of org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor in project openolat by klemens.

the class ModifyCourseEvent method deleteCourse.

 * Delete a course including its course folder and all references to resources
 * this course holds.
 * @param res
public static void deleteCourse(RepositoryEntry entry, OLATResource res) {
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"deleteCourse: starting to delete course. res=" + res);
    PersistingCourseImpl course = null;
    try {
        course = (PersistingCourseImpl) loadCourse(res);
    } catch (CorruptedCourseException e) {
        log.error("Try to delete a corrupted course, I make want I can.");
    // call cleanupOnDelete for nodes
    if (course != null) {
        Visitor visitor = new NodeDeletionVisitor(course);
        TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(visitor, course.getRunStructure().getRootNode(), true);
    // delete assessment notifications
    OLATResourceable assessmentOres = OresHelper.createOLATResourceableInstance(CourseModule.ORES_COURSE_ASSESSMENT, res.getResourceableId());
    // delete all course notifications
    // delete calendar subscription
    clearCalenderSubscriptions(res, course);
    // the course folder which is deleted right after)
    if (course != null) {
    // delete course group- and rightmanagement
    CourseGroupManager courseGroupManager = PersistingCourseGroupManager.getInstance(res);
    // delete all remaining course properties
    CoursePropertyManager propertyManager = PersistingCoursePropertyManager.getInstance(res);
    // delete course calendar
    // delete IM messages
    // delete tasks
    // cleanup cache
    // TODO: ld: broadcast event: DeleteCourseEvent
    // Everything is deleted, so we could get rid of course logging
    // with the change in user audit logging - which now all goes into a DB
    // we no longer do this though!
    // delete course directory
    VFSContainer fCourseBasePath = getCourseBaseContainer(res.getResourceableId());
    VFSStatus status = fCourseBasePath.deleteSilently();
    boolean deletionSuccessful = (status == VFSConstants.YES || status == VFSConstants.SUCCESS);"deleteCourse: finished deletion. res=" + res + ", deletion successful: " + deletionSuccessful + ", duration: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms.");
Also used : TaskExecutorManager( CourseGroupManager(org.olat.course.groupsandrights.CourseGroupManager) PersistingCourseGroupManager(org.olat.course.groupsandrights.PersistingCourseGroupManager) TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) Visitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor) OLATResourceable( VFSContainer(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer) InstantMessagingService(org.olat.instantMessaging.InstantMessagingService) ImportToCalendarManager(org.olat.commons.calendar.manager.ImportToCalendarManager) TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) ImportToCalendarManager(org.olat.commons.calendar.manager.ImportToCalendarManager) CalendarManager(org.olat.commons.calendar.CalendarManager) VFSStatus(org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSStatus) GTAManager(org.olat.course.nodes.gta.GTAManager) PersistingCoursePropertyManager( CoursePropertyManager(

Example 50 with Visitor

use of org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor in project openolat by klemens.

the class ModifyCourseEvent method archiveCourse.

 * visit all nodes in the specified course and make them archiving any data
 * into the identity's export directory.
 * @param res
 * @param charset
 * @param locale
 * @param identity
public static void archiveCourse(Identity archiveOnBehalfOf, ICourse course, String charset, Locale locale, File exportDirectory, boolean isOLATAdmin, boolean... oresRights) {
    // archive course results overview
    List<Identity> users = ScoreAccountingHelper.loadUsers(course.getCourseEnvironment());
    List<AssessableCourseNode> nodes = ScoreAccountingHelper.loadAssessableNodes(course.getCourseEnvironment());
    String fileName = ExportUtil.createFileNameWithTimeStamp(course.getCourseTitle(), "zip");
    try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(exportDirectory, fileName));
        ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(out)) {
        ScoreAccountingHelper.createCourseResultsOverview(users, nodes, course, locale, zout);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("", e);
    // archive all nodes content
    Visitor archiveV = new NodeArchiveVisitor(locale, course, exportDirectory, charset);
    TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(archiveV, course.getRunStructure().getRootNode(), true);
    // archive all course log files
    // OLATadmin gets all logfiles independent of the visibility configuration
    boolean isOresOwner = (oresRights.length > 0) ? oresRights[0] : false;
    boolean isOresInstitutionalManager = (oresRights.length > 1) ? oresRights[1] : false;
    boolean aLogV = isOresOwner || isOresInstitutionalManager || isOLATAdmin;
    boolean uLogV = isOLATAdmin;
    boolean sLogV = isOresOwner || isOresInstitutionalManager || isOLATAdmin;
    // make an intermediate commit here to make sure long running course log export doesn't
    // cause db connection timeout to be triggered
    // @TODO transactions/backgroundjob:
    // rework when backgroundjob infrastructure exists
    AsyncExportManager.getInstance().asyncArchiveCourseLogFiles(archiveOnBehalfOf, new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
        // that's fine, I dont need to do anything here
    }, course.getResourceableId(), exportDirectory.getPath(), null, null, aLogV, uLogV, sLogV, charset, null, null);
    CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(ChatLogHelper.class).archive(course, exportDirectory);
Also used : ChatLogHelper(org.olat.instantMessaging.manager.ChatLogHelper) TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) Visitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor) ZipOutputStream( FileOutputStream( OutputStream( IOException( TreeVisitor(org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor) AssessableCourseNode(org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode) ZipOutputStream( FileOutputStream( Identity( File(


Visitor (org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor)56 INode (org.olat.core.util.nodes.INode)44 TreeVisitor (org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor)42 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 ICourse (org.olat.course.ICourse)20 CourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode)20 Identity ( BCCourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode)14 CourseTreeVisitor ( VisibleTreeFilter ( CourseEditorTreeNode (org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeNode)14 IdentityEnvironment ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 FOCourseNode (org.olat.course.nodes.FOCourseNode)10 File ( List (java.util.List)8 GET ( Produces ( NotificationsManager ( Subscriber (